Barack Obama on gay marriage:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
His stance was supposedly the same as Kim Davis. Or was he lying through his teeth as he has during his presidency:

His stance was supposedly the same as Kim Davis. Or was he lying through his teeth as he has during his presidency:

He said he supports civil unions which is a state law, but the federal gov. would still not consider the same federal rights to SSM, so it has come to civil marriages in which now the federal gov. gives the same rights to SSM as Straight marriage.

United States v. Windsor really got the process going. Plus a lot of states allowed civil unions already. Sooner or later they would want the same rights legally.

I'm from Mi and we voted no, but it got overturned. Since gay couples are already living together and some in civil unions, I guess I agree with the legal part that they get the same federal rights.

So I don't think he really changed his mind on Man Woman in the eyes of God or Christianity, but legally he was for it.

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