Banning the vaccinated

Hahaha ... nice source. You actually read that piece of shit website? Good grief...

You know it's a serious article, when the grammar is that of an 8 year old, and it contains links to itself.

But anyhoo...

"That means only 58% of Israel's total citizenry is fully vaccinated. Experts say that's not nearly high enough."

People under 12 are not eligible for the vaccine. Anyone counting the ineligible is a fraud.

That means of the eligible population 78% are vaccinated.
That article that you never actually read does not support your lie. Sorry.

You're just a troll sitting in your mother's basement.

A preliminary study has shown that in the case of a breakthrough infection, the Delta variant is able to grow in the noses of vaccinated people to the same degree as if they were not vaccinated at all. The virus that grows is just as infectious as that in unvaccinated people, meaning vaccinated people can transmit the virus and infect others.

People under 12 are not eligible for the vaccine. Anyone counting the ineligible is a fraud.
No, because they still are not vaccinated. That's why you will often see several numbers given: entire population, percentage among eligible that are fully vaccinated, and the percentage that have received at least one shot. Sorry nobody called and asked you if that was okay. And why wouldn't they call a facebook educated fool who thinks he has outsmarted the scientists by googling for an agreeable headline to an article he never actually read?
How the tables have turned.

After Portugal Now Sweden Bans Travellers From The Most Vaccinated Nation Israel​

September 4, 2021
After Portugal, now Sweden has become the second European nation to ban travellers from the most vaccinated nation Israel. Sweden also banned the entry of citizens from the United States, Kosovo, Lebanon, Montenegro, and North Macedonia.

Sweden was one of the first countries to try to tell us 911 was a fraud. Clearly, they have figured out the murderous fraud vax too...
Tell the class again how the vaccinated are breathing harmful proteins on to the unvaccinated.

Vaxed morons are 95% of Israel's hospitalizations, at least according to Israel's media, not ours....

You wanna SHOT??
Vaxed morons are 95% of Israel's hospitalizations, at least according to Israel's media, not ours....

You wanna SHOT??
Nah...I've had it thanks.
I'll be going for boosters when they're recommended as well.
No, because they still are not vaccinated. That's why you will often see several numbers given: entire population, percentage among eligible that are fully vaccinated, and the percentage that have received at least one shot. Sorry nobody called and asked you if that was okay. And why wouldn't they call a facebook educated fool who thinks he has outsmarted the scientists by googling for an agreeable headline to an article he never actually read?

People under 12 are not eligible, they are not counted. Of those eligible 78% are vaccinated. Only those eligible are counted.
No, because they still are not vaccinated. That's why you will often see several numbers given: entire population, percentage among eligible that are fully vaccinated, and the percentage that have received at least one shot. Sorry nobody called and asked you if that was okay. And why wouldn't they call a facebook educated fool who thinks he has outsmarted the scientists by googling for an agreeable headline to an article he never actually read?

You're just a troll and a dolt. Uneducable as well. Ignore is the cure. Bye.
The vaccinated spread the virus just as much as the unvaccinated.

Israel is now looking at a 4th shot.
speaking of Israel people dont realise just how bad the citizens there have it,they have it bad even worse than Austrailia believe it or not,they are literally pulling children off away from their parents to take them to get vaccinated,the majority of Israel is vaccinated because the ones that resist are thrown into concentration camps. Israel now knows what the citizens in germany went through.
People under 12 are not eligible, they are not counted
They are, because they can catch and spread covid. That's why you always see that number reported in credible journalism and in scientific research articles. Again... Sorry the people who actually have education and experience in these fields did not ask you if that was okay.
People under 12 are not eligible, they are not counted. Of those eligible 78% are vaccinated. Only those eligible are counted.
These people will go to ANY lengths to keep the lies and pressure going. I can see why they'd be sweating it. Once it becomes undeniable that fully vaxxed people ARE spreading the virus still, those handy little sets of "Papers" they are demanding that people carry, suddenly make no sense at all.
Once it becomes undeniable that fully vaxxed people ARE spreading the virus still
A dumb statement. We already know that. We also know the vaccines help regardless. We know the vaccine helps prevent transmission and slows down community transmission.
No. What you are both missing here is that this addresses breakthrough infections. These are much more rare than unvaccinated people getting infected, both in rate and in absolute number. So vaccines still provide protection.
No. What you are both missing here is that this addresses breakthrough infections. These are much more rare than unvaccinated people getting infected, both in rate and in absolute number. So vaccines still provide protection.
Against a mild flu.


I guess I'm part of that group that doesn't gobble up the panic porn.

It's a shame that we're back to the 30s in Germany, and that the Brownshirt Democrats are doing everything in their power to burn the country down for power and wealth.

This won't end well, but I pray for everyone's sake that it ends quickly and with minimal bloodshed.


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