Ballot Fraud, American-Style ... and Its Bitter Harvests


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Ballot Fraud, American-Style ... and Its Bitter Harvests

America's electoral obsession isn't Russian meddling anymore. It's ballot-harvesting, a long-disputed practice implicated in fraud that's come to the fore with the nationwide embrace of absentee voting in recent years -- and especially in last month's midterms... With ballot-harvesting, paper votes are collected by intermediaries who deliver them to polling officials, presumably increasing voter turnout but also creating opportunities for mischief.... The latter is suspected in North Carolina, where uncharacteristic Democratic charges of vote fraud prompted an investigation into whether Republican-paid political operatives illegally collected and possibly stole absentee ballots in a still-undecided congressional race.... In fact, one TV station interviewed a harvester who claimed she was paid by Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr., a local political operative, between $75 and $100 a week to pick up completed absentee ballots. Dowless has worked for numerous North Carolina politicians of both political parties.... But evidence is emerging that Dowless wasn’t the only one harvesting in the Tar Heel State.... WBTV, a Charlotte station, reviewed 796 official ballot envelopes of votes cast in Bladen County. The review identified 110 that were signed by two women who are listed as having been paid by a PAC connected to the North Carolina Democratic Party.
In November, Montana voters passed a state referendum banning the collection of ballots by third parties. And Arizona’s 2016 ban against the practice, which had previously been linked to voter fraud in the state, was recently upheld by a federal appeals court, despite claims that it would disproportionately impact Latino voters who relied on third parties to help navigate the voting process.... Expect arguments and legal challenges to continue. The first presidential primary ballots will be cast in 14 months.

In California, it's a joke. there are five non-citizens (here legally) who were urged by DMV employees to register to vote when they got their drivers licenses. Two of them were assured by DMV employees that it was okay to vote as long as they had a license, under a new law. I'm sure there were many who did. In addition, the county office in Santa Ana claimed that one person brought in 576 absentee ballots to the office on election day. And, it's all entirely legal! Folks, don't let your state be become like California.
So, if you're not eligible to vote, either by disqualifying convictions, non-citizenship, or an illegal alien the way around being challenged at the polls is to obtain an absentee ballot, either directly, by mail, or by one of these election bandits, and then fill it in. It can always be counted on to be found in the trunk of a car during a recount to overturn the vote. Democrats have been doing this for decades, just ask Al Franken. The only reason it's in the news now is that one Republican was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. So let's throw some chaff in the air and try to divert attention from Florida, Georgia, and the thousands of other proven cases of Democratic ballot-box stuffing. 'Hanging Chads" anyone?
There has to be something that the FEC can do regarding this sort of activity in Federal elections.
The perennial argument against voter ID is that there is, "no evidence". This story shows how easily it can be to cheat and to cheat in an undetectable way.
Yeah, facts in Carolina with republican fraud.

And he draws a false equivalency with unfounded accusations in CA because it's the Democrats that are bad don'tcha know.

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