BAD decision by Supreme Court... leads to execution of innocent man (Bush OK w/ that?)


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021

I have been studying SCOTUS cases... It is unbelievable how often scotus has violated the US Constitution and natural law and just common freaking sense

This case here is one of the mosst godawful of all... very sad story..

I have been studying SCOTUS cases... It is unbelievable how often scotus has violated the US Constitution and natural law and just common freaking sense

This case here is one of the mosst godawful of all... very sad story..

THIS is what happens when nine mortal human beings are essentially appointed deity of nearly 400 million people. The Supreme Court is expert at one thing: breaking "a few" eggs to make omelets. Unfortunately for us WE ARE those eggs, and we're certainly not golden ones.
THIS is what happens when nine mortal human beings are essentially appointed deity of nearly 400 million people. The Supreme Court is expert at one thing: breaking "a few" eggs to make omelets. Unfortunately for us WE ARE those eggs, and we're certainly not golden ones.
for sure... (we are 320 million, though)

the whole damn system is corrupt and all anyone cares about is $$ and power...

I have been studying SCOTUS cases... It is unbelievable how often scotus has violated the US Constitution and natural law and just common freaking sense

This case here is one of the mosst godawful of all... very sad story..
what's wrong with the decision? what part of the Constitution did they violate here? and what natural law?
What's the problem? The man was found guilty of double murder in a court of law sentenced and properly executed. Old alleged hear-say evidence did not warrant a retrial or stay of execution. Justice was served. People who wish to avoid execution should avoid murdering people. End of story.

I have been studying SCOTUS cases... It is unbelievable how often scotus has violated the US Constitution and natural law and just common freaking sense

This case here is one of the mosst godawful of all... very sad story..
Based upon the "physical" evidence against him, not hearsay, Herrera was guilty and while the Declaration of Independence cited that all men are entitled to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the Declaration of Independence is merely a document of self-determination, separating it from England. Our nation's laws are determined by the Constitution (the supreme law the land), which doesn't specifically forbid the death penalty and some people definitely don't deserve to live after committing horrible crimes that take the lives of others.
What's the problem? The man was found guilty of double murder in a court of law sentenced and properly executed. Old alleged hear-say evidence did not warrant a retrial or stay of execution. Justice was served. People who wish to avoid execution should avoid murdering people. End of story.
I hope no one ever has to come before you as a judge...

Based upon the "physical" evidence against him, not hearsay, Herrera was guilty and while the Declaration of Independence cited that all men are entitled to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the Declaration of Independence is merely a document of self-determination, separating it from England. Our nation's laws are determined by the Constitution (the supreme law the land), which doesn't specifically forbid the death penalty and some people definitely don't deserve to live after committing horrible crimes that take the lives of others.
it was found out that there were witnesses, people who knew who the real killer was..
THIS is what happens when nine mortal human beings are essentially appointed deity of nearly 400 million people. The Supreme Court is expert at one thing: breaking "a few" eggs to make omelets. Unfortunately for us WE ARE those eggs, and we're certainly not golden ones.
Bullshit. The Supreme Court's one and only function is to determine if laws conform to the US Constitution. The man was duly found guilty and justice was served.
it was found out that there were witnesses, people who knew who the real killer was..
Untrue according to the link the "witnesses" were told that someone else committed the crimes. They did not actually witness anything.

I have been studying SCOTUS cases... It is unbelievable how often scotus has violated the US Constitution and natural law and just common freaking sense

This case here is one of the mosst godawful of all... very sad story..
There's a simple solution.
Abolish the death penalty.
Chambers of death are oh so "yesterday".
All convicteds must be kept alive in case they or others are innocent.
What's the problem? The man was found guilty of double murder in a court of law sentenced and properly executed. Old alleged hear-say evidence did not warrant a retrial or stay of execution. Justice was served. People who wish to avoid execution should avoid murdering people. End of story.
It's not that simple.
. Eyewitness misindentification.
. Govt misconduct.
. Bloody-minded cops and prosecutors (not all).
. Cops have lied in courts.
Innocence Project is instructive.
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Untrue according to the link the "witnesses" were told that someone else committed the crimes. They did not actually witness anything.
what is relevant is that there was NEW information

wasn't looked at

scotus said Innocence is not a reason to re-look at the casse..

If it had been the Justices' innocence involved, it would have been decided differently

Love your neighbor as yourself
right to live
you can lose any right in the united states. He had a trial, appeals etc so he had due process

The Constitution only says the govt can’t take your life, liberty or property without due process

Now, personally i am opposed to the death penalty…but some are for it, and have allowed their states and even the federal govt to have it

But the point is the scotus did not care and said that Innocence is not a reason to re-visit a death sentence...

hmmm... wonder what might be?

hmmmm.... thinking hard here

But the point is the scotus did not care and said that Innocence is not a reason to re-visit a death sentence...


hmmmm.... thinking hard here

Try reading your link again.

Before he died, Carrisalez also identified Herrera as the person who shot him from a single photograph shown to him in the hospital. The license plate of the vehicle from which the gunman emerged was traced back to Herrera's live-in girlfriend, a car that local law officers knew Herrera drove on occasion. Carrisalez's civilian friend, Enrique Hernandez, testified that only one person was in the car when Carrisalez was shot.

Other evidence showed that Herrera's Social Security card had been found alongside Rucker's patrol car on the night he was killed. Splatters of blood on the car identified by Carrisalez's friend as the vehicle involved in the shootings were found to be type A blood, the same as Rucker's. Blood on Herrera's pants and wallet was likewise discovered to be type A. Last, a handwritten letter was found on Herrera when he was arrested which "strongly implied" that he had killed Rucker.

Herrera become the prime suspect in Hidalgo County - Precinct 3 Deputy Constable Ricky Lewis's murder on February 17, 1979, after law enforcement found Constable Lewis's stolen duty weapon during a search of Herrera's home. However, he was never charged with Constable Lewis's murder because he was only convicted of Officers Rucker and Carrisalez's murders.


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