Bachmann comparing self to Thatcher


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!


Republican Michele Bachmann visited Minneapolis on Thursday to draw a close comparison between herself and the leadership of Ronald Reagan and Great Britain’s Margaret Thatcher.

“It took two very strong leaders on the stage, one a woman and one a man, to reverse the course of their respective counties,” the Minnesota congresswoman and presidential candidate told the American Legion’s national convention. “We find ourselves today in search of another Margaret Thatcher to restore our great country to the thriving nation I believe we can be again.”

Read more: Bachmann draws Thatcher comparison - Politics Wires -


Republican Michele Bachmann visited Minneapolis on Thursday to draw a close comparison between herself and the leadership of Ronald Reagan and Great Britain’s Margaret Thatcher.

“It took two very strong leaders on the stage, one a woman and one a man, to reverse the course of their respective counties,” the Minnesota congresswoman and presidential candidate told the American Legion’s national convention. “We find ourselves today in search of another Margaret Thatcher to restore our great country to the thriving nation I believe we can be again.”

Read more: Bachmann draws Thatcher comparison - Politics Wires -
Poor baby.
Another thread where liberals show THEIR TRUE COMPASSION for people..

I hope none of your parents or grandparents be so unfortunate to suffer from Alzheimer's..

BDBoop there are no nice words I can think of to say about you. so I will stay quiet.
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