Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

Barry Hussein's former A.G. was clearly guilty of negligent homicide when he authorized the insane "Operation Fast/Furious" where one of the 3,000 illegal weapons shipped by the ATF to Mexican drug cartels was used to murder a U.S. Border Patrol Officer. Even alleged gun control advocates called in sick rather than confront the mess. Now they want to indict Trump's A.G. for perjury? Give me a break.

Sessions lied repeatedly to the US congress under oath.

Then why hasn't he been indicted?

Patience. It’ll happen. Everyone’s just very busy with other things at the moment.
ROFL! You are a true drone. You believe whatever your part masters tell you.
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I'm a Trump supporter and I do wish he'd replace Sessions simply for being the most do-nothing AG I can remember. There are so many liberal slime-drippings that need to be busted: Antifa, Sanctuary Cities, publicly funded colleges of liberalfilth violence and he hasn't lifted a finger on any of these things. Sessions is simply a place-holder, like a zero in complex math equations.
He appears to be afraid to do anything that might get the leftwing douchebags stirred up. I suspect he's being blackmailed. That's the only explanation. If he doesn't start prosecuting some of these criminals, he will have to go.
Strange how Sessions is the only person keeping Hillary from an indictment.

You idiot liberals should keep that in mind.

You idiot conservatives need to remember that what is keeping Hillary from being indicted is that she hasn’t committed any crimes that anyone can find. 17 investigations, most of them lead by Republicans with instructions to “Get Clinton”, have come to this conclusion. They can’t find any evidence, any witnesses or any crime to indict her.
Wrong. For the last eight years Obama has kept her from being indicted. Now there are a host of swamp critters standing in the way, but that will change, before 2018, I predict.
We've been hearing the evidence all week in the news.

You're just too busy keeping your head up your ass to notice.

It's the same "evidence" that's been posted all over the internet for the last 6 years, and resulted in no charges being filed. No indictments, and no convictions.

In your own words, it's an 6 year old nothingburger.
Not really. We've had the same dickheads preventing any real investigation for the last 6 years.
Once the treasonous bastards are cleaned out of the DOJ then they can get some indictments.
James Comey already laid out the evidence in congress under oath.
Nobody was willing to press for a grand jury to get indictments.
$145 million in Russian cash can bribe alot of assholes.
He appears to be afraid to do anything that might get the leftwing douchebags stirred up. I suspect he's being blackmailed. That's the only explanation. If he doesn't start prosecuting some of these criminals, he will have to go.

Afraid to stir things up? That's all Trump does, from the transgender ban, to his musim ban.
He appears to be afraid to do anything that might get the leftwing douchebags stirred up. I suspect he's being blackmailed. That's the only explanation. If he doesn't start prosecuting some of these criminals, he will have to go.

Afraid to stir things up? That's all Trump does, from the transgender ban, to his musim ban.
We're talking about Sessions, not Trump. I know Trump wants to prosecute Hillary and her whole motely crew of Dim criminals.
Once the treasonous bastards are cleaned out of the DOJ then they can get some indictments.
James Comey already laid out the evidence in congress under oath.
Nobody was willing to press for a grand jury to get indictments.

I'd have to do the calculations, but at 6 years old, the statute of limitations is beyond using CPR to save it.
Once the treasonous bastards are cleaned out of the DOJ then they can get some indictments.
James Comey already laid out the evidence in congress under oath.
Nobody was willing to press for a grand jury to get indictments.

I'd have to do the calculations, but at 6 years old, the statute of limitations is beyond using CPR to save it.
Treason has no statute of limitations.
Strange how Sessions is the only person keeping Hillary from an indictment.

You idiot liberals should keep that in mind.

You idiot conservatives need to remember that what is keeping Hillary from being indicted is that she hasn’t committed any crimes that anyone can find. 17 investigations, most of them lead by Republicans with instructions to “Get Clinton”, have come to this conclusion. They can’t find any evidence, any witnesses or any crime to indict her.
Wrong. For the last eight years Obama has kept her from being indicted. Now there are a host of swamp critters standing in the way, but that will change, before 2018, I predict.

Bullshit. For 25 years Republicans have investigated Clinton and found NOTHING. They had a special prosecutor whose sole job was to get the Clintons.

17 investigations. $100 million dollars.

You can believe whatever you want to believe but that don’t make it real.
Once the treasonous bastards are cleaned out of the DOJ then they can get some indictments.
James Comey already laid out the evidence in congress under oath.
Nobody was willing to press for a grand jury to get indictments.

I'd have to do the calculations, but at 6 years old, the statute of limitations is beyond using CPR to save it.
Once the treasonous bastards are cleaned out of the DOJ then they can get some indictments.
James Comey already laid out the evidence in congress under oath.
Nobody was willing to press for a grand jury to get indictments.

I'd have to do the calculations, but at 6 years old, the statute of limitations is beyond using CPR to save it.
i doubt that's the satute of limitations on violating the espionage laws. Furthermore, she was SOS until 2013, and that's only 4 years ago.
I'd have to do the calculations, but at 6 years old, the statute of limitations is beyond using CPR to save it.
Treason has no statute of limitations.

True, but Hillary never took up arms against the government, or had her armed insurrection seen by two witnesses.

Wanna try again?
I thought simply talking to a Russian was treason. That's what you've been saying about Trump, isn't it?
Strange how Sessions is the only person keeping Hillary from an indictment.

You idiot liberals should keep that in mind.

You idiot conservatives need to remember that what is keeping Hillary from being indicted is that she hasn’t committed any crimes that anyone can find. 17 investigations, most of them lead by Republicans with instructions to “Get Clinton”, have come to this conclusion. They can’t find any evidence, any witnesses or any crime to indict her.
Wrong. For the last eight years Obama has kept her from being indicted. Now there are a host of swamp critters standing in the way, but that will change, before 2018, I predict.

Bullshit. For 25 years Republicans have investigated Clinton and found NOTHING. They had a special prosecutor whose sole job was to get the Clintons.

17 investigations. $100 million dollars.

You can believe whatever you want to believe but that don’t make it real.
They found plenty.
Bill plea bargained his ass out of a perjury charge and lost his license to practice law.

You dickheads have been saying that Hillary would clobber Trump.
Now you're saying they've never found evidence of any crimes.
They've found a ton of evidence but Hillary simple just bribes her way out of it.
i doubt that's the satute of limitations on violating the espionage laws. Furthermore, she was SOS until 2013, and that's only 4 years ago.

4 years 10 months since she left office. And the statute started ticking when the last improper email was received which was up to a year earlier.
I thought simply talking to a Russian was treason. That's what you've been saying about Trump, isn't it?

Nope, it's collusion aka conspiracy to violate federal law, by attempting to acquire illegally obtained intellectual property, or computer information illegally acquired via a foreign entity.

i doubt that's the satute of limitations on violating the espionage laws. Furthermore, she was SOS until 2013, and that's only 4 years ago.

4 years 10 months since she left office. And the statute started ticking when the last improper email was received which was up to a year earlier.
She violated the statute every day she had those emails on her server. That means until her server was wiped clean with Bleachbit, and doing that was also a crime.
I thought simply talking to a Russian was treason. That's what you've been saying about Trump, isn't it?

Nope, it's collusion aka conspiracy to violate federal law, by attempting to acquire illegally obtained intellectual property, or computer information illegally acquired via a foreign entity.


There's no such crime as "collusion," numskull, and Trump has violated no federal laws. Trump aquired no illegally obtain intellectual property or computer information.

You're just making up stuff.

Even if all of the abover were true, it still wouldn't constitute treason.
She violated the statute every day she had those emails on her server. .

Actually it would be a violation for every day she KNEW she had them on her server. She didn't know they were there, thus that doesn't extend the clock from the time they were received.

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