Attention Fox News Viewers!


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016

Trump is tweeting this and it's TRUE! Thankfully The Donald is exposing the fact that Fox New is not only the Republican Lie Machine but it is owned in part by a Muslim prince.


The Saudi Prince, The Mosque And Fox News : NPR

Who the fuck cares? Take your anti-Muslim bigotry to a Donald Trump rally, it'll be appreciated there....

Fox News: the Most Powerful Name in News Because....

Any Questions? :banana:
wake up for crying out loud. you are being beat down by this BS.

Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly » T

Considering Hillary has and continues to take money from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism, who oppress women and engage in the mutilation of their genitalia, and who murder homosexuals, AND since Hillary is 'their gal'....then considering the OP's 'breaking news' why don't Liberals like Fox News more?!

Considering Hillary has and continues to take money from Islamic nations that finance and support terrorism, who oppress women and engage in the mutilation of their genitalia, and who murder homosexuals, AND since Hillary is 'their gal'....then considering the OP's 'breaking news' why don't Liberals like Fox News more?!


You are lying.

The Clinton Foundation received donations from the the Saudi royal family. None of the money went to Hillary.

Reince Priebus said Clinton took "money from kings of Saudi Arabia and Morocco and Oman and Yemen."

The monarchies of Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Oman have contributed to the Clinton Foundation, but Yemen, which does not have a king, has not.

And although Priebus’ claim was made during a discussion of the foundation as well as contributions to political candidates, his phrasing could have left the impression that Clinton herself, rather than the foundation, received the money.

For a statement that is partially accurate, our rating is Half True.

Trump is tweeting this and it's TRUE! Thankfully The Donald is exposing the fact that Fox New is not only the Republican Lie Machine but it is owned in part by a Muslim prince.

Please stop. The hilarity of a rube bleeving this bullshit and then making fun of other people for being gullible is just too much irony for me to bear. I've had my fill already today.
"Trump tweeted it. I want to bleev it. Therefore, it is true!"


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