Attention All Catholics - The Failure of the Cross?

His life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross?! You are actually going to accept that statement because it came from your Pope, Meriweather? It is a full on lie! Do not defend him! Expose him for being a false teacher, a liar but do not defend his lies and false teachings!!!

Meriweather, you need to read the book of Colossians. You need to realize that the victory of the cross - humanly speaking was the greatest victory that Jesus Christ ever displayed before this world and the powers of darkness. There is not a devil in existence that does not cringe to remember that day because it was the day of Satan's utter defeat! Your Pope is going to take you to hell with him.

Are you really willing to go to hell for an old man from Argentina who is trying to deceive you into believing he is a spokeman for God?
Jere, you do more damage to narrative of Jesus and Salvation than twenty devils. You have very little understanding of the atonement, crucifixtion, and resurrection.
quote: "I am come in my Father's name"

You lose all arguments then:
1) you denied your own argument you used against the Pope
2) this proves 1 because once again if Jews have that Father as one in the same then saying you can only go through Jesus is to blow up your own argument that you admited was wrong or else finally admit you worship another god. (this is called checkmate=everywhere you weasle out of the space you blocked yourself in, kills your king.)
3) since they don't name that Father he can only be Baal or Michael.
Proof that you still bought the Baal scam dressed as a lamb as we know wrre you stand on the later. ;-)
quote: "I am come in my Father's name"

You lose all arguments then:
1) you denied your own argument you used against the Pope
2) this proves 1 because once again if Jews have that Father as one in the same then saying you can only go through Jesus is to blow up your own argument that you admited was wrong or else finally admit you worship another god. (this is called checkmate=everywhere you weasle out of the space you blocked yourself in, kills your king.)
3) since they don't name that Father he can only be Baal or Michael.
Proof that you still bought the Baal scam dressed as a lamb as we know wrre you stand on the later. ;-)

No, I didn't. The Pope is a false prophet who claims that the cross was a failure. The cross was the greatest victory Jesus Christ ever displayed to the world and Satan and the principalities, powers, darkness, HaShev.

Just because you have yet to realize Jesus Christ as your Messiah does not mean that he isn't. If a child is without knowledge that he has an elder brother and later meets his elder brother and denies that it is possible does it change the fact that is his eldest brother? Not even one iota. He may doubt the truth but the truth is still the truth. I rest my case.
Humanly speaking, the Victory at the Cross was the greatest display of Power Jesus Christ ever revealed to the world, the devil and every principality and power that opposed him. It was the day of Satan's Defeat!

it is written:

Colossians 2:14-15King James Version (KJV)

14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

King James Version (KJV)

For your Pope to claim the Cross was a failure "humanly speaking" he is either a full on liar or the biggest fool this world has ever seen! Take your pick, Meriweather. Either way you had better flee from that false prophet as fast as your little feet can carry you!!!

How victorious do you imagine Christ's disciples felt the day he was crucified? I imagine it was the worst day of their lives. Have you ever wondered what Paul was doing that day? Do you imagine yourself dancing at the foot of the cross that day? In any event, the Letter to the Colossians was written about twenty-five years after the Crucifixion.

What Paul was doing that day? Are you serious? Paul was not yet born! Theologians estimate Paul's birth at 5 A.D. You need to buy a KJV Bible and read it, Meriweather. Seriously. The Cross was a great victory. Your Pope is a liar and a deceiver. Are you seriously going to go hell for him rather than walk away? You have no idea how serious this situation is of you following this false prophet. No idea! I am very concerned for your soul! Very!

"Attention All Catholics - The Failure of the Cross?"

No, the failure of those with an unwarranted, delusional hatred of Catholics.

I do not hate Catholics.
Jere will not talk to me because she knows I make her look very silly.

Keep refuting her points sensibly and calmly.
Humanly speaking, the Victory at the Cross was the greatest display of Power Jesus Christ ever revealed to the world, the devil and every principality and power that opposed him. It was the day of Satan's Defeat!

it is written:

Colossians 2:14-15King James Version (KJV)

14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

King James Version (KJV)

For your Pope to claim the Cross was a failure "humanly speaking" he is either a full on liar or the biggest fool this world has ever seen! Take your pick, Meriweather. Either way you had better flee from that false prophet as fast as your little feet can carry you!!!

How victorious do you imagine Christ's disciples felt the day he was crucified? I imagine it was the worst day of their lives. Have you ever wondered what Paul was doing that day? Do you imagine yourself dancing at the foot of the cross that day? In any event, the Letter to the Colossians was written about twenty-five years after the Crucifixion.
And three days later he arose from the grave having destroyed principalities and powers and making an open show of them, triumphing over them victorious taking the keys of hell and death with him!

What were they doing? REJOICING AND PROCLAIMING ----------->

HE HAS RISEN!!!!!!!!!
What Paul was doing that day? Are you serious? Paul was not yet born! Theologians estimate Paul's birth at 5 A.D. You need to buy a KJV Bible and read it, Meriweather. Seriously. The Cross was a great victory. Your Pope is a liar and a deceiver. Are you seriously going to go hell for him rather than walk away? You have no idea how serious this situation is of you following this false prophet. No idea! I am very concerned for your soul! Very!

When do you believe the crucifixion took place? The Book of Acts places Paul at the martyrdom of Saint Stephen (Acts 7:58). How far apart do you think Stephen's death was from the Crucifixion?
And three days later he arose from the grave having destroyed principalities and powers and making an open show of them, triumphing over them victorious taking the keys of hell and death with him!

What were they doing? REJOICING AND PROCLAIMING ----------->

HE HAS RISEN!!!!!!!!!

That, too, was after the Crucifixion. The Pope was referencing the day of the Crucifixion. Were the disciples rejoicing the day of the Crucifixion?
The Pope was stating that the Cross was a failure and that Jesus Christ failed at the cross. Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is a liar and a deceiver and if you keep following him and listening to him and defending him? You're going to find yourself in hell one day.

That is my final warning to you. I'll keep you in my prayers. This discussion is finished. Goodnight, Meriweather.
What Paul was doing that day? Are you serious? Paul was not yet born! Theologians estimate Paul's birth at 5 A.D. You need to buy a KJV Bible and read it, Meriweather. Seriously. The Cross was a great victory. Your Pope is a liar and a deceiver. Are you seriously going to go hell for him rather than walk away? You have no idea how serious this situation is of you following this false prophet. No idea! I am very concerned for your soul! Very!

When do you believe the crucifixion took place? The Book of Acts places Paul at the martyrdom of Saint Stephen (Acts 7:58). How far apart do you think Stephen's death was from the Crucifixion?
Jere is very weak on NT chronology.
The Pope was stating that the Cross was a failure and that Jesus Christ failed at the cross. Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is a liar and a deceiver and if you keep following him and listening to him and defending him? You're going to find yourself in hell one day.

That is my final warning to you. I'll keep you in my prayers. This discussion is finished. Goodnight, Meriweather.
Jere, grow up spiritually, please. Your weakness in the faith reveals itself in your condemnation of others who love God. You are not God's voice piece.

Just grow up.
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The Pope was stating that the Cross was a failure and that Jesus Christ failed at the cross. Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is a liar and a deceiver and if you keep following him and listening to him and defending him? You're going to find yourself in hell one day.

That is my final warning to you. I'll keep you in my prayers. This discussion is finished. Goodnight, Meriweather.

No, that wasn't what Pope Francis was saying.

Sometimes it behooves us all to keep Isaiah's words in mind:

Listen carefully, but you shall not understand.
Look intently, but you shall not learn.

I am truly sorry that the Pope's words caused you so much distress. For many of us it was an uplifting reminder that when all seems lost, God's work is just beginning.

Goodnight, Jeremiah.
God could never be a man or else Jer would ask God to accept Lucifer as his messiah. *LOL*

If you believe God could never be a man, that is all you need to say, because nothing else is possible in your line of thinking. Stick with, "I don't believe God became man," with no further embellishment, and there will be fewer errors and misunderstandings. Jeremiah believes the Messiah is someone much greater, someone more righteous and holy, than someone who embodies evil.
... This Pope is denying the power of the cross. ... This Pope denies Jesus Christ and the power of the cross. ... What God does Francis serve? Not the God of the Bible. He is serving Lucifer. He is a servant of Satan. ...

I do not think you wake up now. But I find this answer not so agressive like your own "answers" on questions never anyone asked you. Why for heavens sake do you waste your lifetime with your hate against us Catholics, although you don't have any personal reason to hate any Catholic at all - also not our beloved Pope Francesco? And why are so many people doing so in the english speaking world? Should I call this the "Henry VIII"-syndrome?

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Requiring the OT to claim Jesus your christ means you are bound by what it says without revision or reinvention, therefore:
Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)

Hence Jesus is the idol Christianity used to replace the Hebrew God in the same way Baal who he masks was used by the ones who fell away and of other cultures.
Hence called the
Morning Star(son of Baal) in
Rev 22:16
Jer says father and son are one, most sects of Christianity except Adventist, JWs, and few other Michaeline sects think Father and son are one.
So in secreting this mystery duality
father replaced & masked by his son(morning star)= Baal's son-rev 22:16
number of his name we see:
Baal Jesus=666 in ASCll used to secret numbers from names.
Jer says father and son are one, most sects of Christianity except Adventist, JWs, and few other Michaeline sects think Father and son are one.
So in secreting this mystery duality
father replaced & masked by his son(morning star)= Baal's son-rev 22:16
number of his name we see:
Baal Jesus=666 in ASCll used to secret numbers from names.

666=2*333=2*3*111=2*3^2*37. The USA has 37 + 13 = 50 states. And in the year 1350 died Ibn Qaiyim al-Dschuauzīy. This was an evil deed of the sheitan and the USA is the great sheitan so the USA is responsible. If you need another explanation you should perhaps try understand not only textes of the bible but also the messages of prophets like Mr. Underwood Dudley. He wrote the famous book "Numerology" (or What Pythagoras wrought) in 1997 Anno Domini.

I heard this text of the revelation is by the way sometimes existing in handwritten copies - sometimes not existing. Sometimes it's not 666 but 665 or 616. And I think if a Christian forgets to read the revelation this one will not miss something essential of the christian religion - although a little text of the revelation leaded me myselve a longer time in my own life. But sometimes I have the feeling the revelation causes more problems than it helps to solve problems. Whatever. "God is love" is maybe the shortest version of the complete bible and "to be in god means to be in love" is the most important christian way at all - not only for Christians but for everyone else on this planet too.


PS: Whoever validated this message with "funny" - without any seriosity in the own thoughts - is a shame for the whole mankind and indirectly a reason why so many people in the world live in fear that the mankind will not survive any longer, if it continues to stay in the wrong ways of senseless aggressive selfdestructions.

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