Attacking police, a by product of the present political party in the white house


can you post a similar chart for Baltimore and Chicago?
yes it is. that's why I put a picture up of Sharpton, Holder, Obama, and De Blasio in another thread. And now you can add in that mayor and prosecutor of Baltimore in there

got a few panties all in a bunch. lol
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.
And yet, the number of attacks on the police have plummeted in the last seven years. And, of course, you can produce not a single statement by this president or his administration that could rationally be called an encouragement of attacks on the police. Not to hard to find such encouragement from Republicans, though. The praise heaped on Cliven Bundy for refusing to obey the law and for those armed idiots who rushed there, threatening to actually kill law enforcement officers trying to enforce the law. Or the idiots in Texas claiming that military exercises designed to provide our troops with the training to allow them to fight terrorists and survive the fight were actually the Feds trying to take over Texas and who encouraged armed resistance. How about the senate candidate in Nevada who suggested a resort to second amendment remedies if the election did not go their way?
The democrat agenda relies on unrest and anger and outrage and sometimes violence rather than seeking peaceful, lawful resolution of political conflict. Since the liberal media has become a propaganda arm of the democrat agenda the Police become the targets of all sorts of contrived outrage. About 27 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty in 2013 and the president would rather focus on a felon who was out of his mind and died in police custody than the heroes who risk their lives every day to protect society.
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.
And yet, the number of attacks on the police have plummeted in the last seven years. And, of course, you can produce not a single statement by this president or his administration that could rationally be called an encouragement of attacks on the police. Not to hard to find such encouragement from Republicans, though. The praise heaped on Cliven Bundy for refusing to obey the law and for those armed idiots who rushed there, threatening to actually kill law enforcement officers trying to enforce the law. Or the idiots in Texas claiming that military exercises designed to provide our troops with the training to allow them to fight terrorists and survive the fight were actually the Feds trying to take over Texas and who encouraged armed resistance. How about the senate candidate in Nevada who suggested a resort to second amendment remedies if the election did not go their way?

and all you produced on Police killings has plummeted in the last seven years. IS YOU. sit down. your post are so nasty and hateful. You had to throw another America citizen into it to prove it, Bundy
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.
I'm sorry, you misunderstood the question.

Which ones were Republicans?
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.
OMG lol

Told ya Iceweasel lol
Well, this latest attacker was an angry hateful white Republican dude like you. Probably pissed off because of Minimum Wage going up or something.
Loosen that tinfoil wrapped around your head. It has obviously cut off the oxygen to your brain.

Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Derp derp derp

Pretty shitty attack too. Not very successful. He dead. You angry white Republican dudes are pretty dumb. But y'all go ahead and keep buying more guns to compensate for your tiny dicks. Won't help though. You'll still have tiny dicks and having hundreds of guns won't save you. Big Brother has drones and shit for God's sake. It is what it is.
I don't own any guns and you need to keep your obsession with dicks to yourself faggot.

Seriously, y'all angry white Republican dudes want a Revolution, but you want Jim Bob in bumfuck Alabama to lead it. Sorry, but a tard who dresses in camo from head to toe and fucks his sister, can't be a leader of a Revolution. You guys need to get smarter. Till then, you'll just be angry dickless brainless white buffoons.
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.
And yet, the number of attacks on the police have plummeted in the last seven years. And, of course, you can produce not a single statement by this president or his administration that could rationally be called an encouragement of attacks on the police. Not to hard to find such encouragement from Republicans, though. The praise heaped on Cliven Bundy for refusing to obey the law and for those armed idiots who rushed there, threatening to actually kill law enforcement officers trying to enforce the law. Or the idiots in Texas claiming that military exercises designed to provide our troops with the training to allow them to fight terrorists and survive the fight were actually the Feds trying to take over Texas and who encouraged armed resistance. How about the senate candidate in Nevada who suggested a resort to second amendment remedies if the election did not go their way?

and all you produced on Police killings has plummeted in the last seven years. IS YOU. sit down. your post are so nasty and hateful. You had to throw another America citizen into it to prove it, Bundy
Try posting after you sober up. That post is nonsensical. Bundy is An American citizen who breaks the law and encourages other Americans to arm themselves and come to his aid, threatening to violently resist those police sent to enforce the law. No person in this administration has said anything to encourage harm to police officers. That is a lie and you are hateful, lying person.
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.
OMG lol

Told ya Iceweasel lol

Hey, at least Muslim Terrorists have some degree of intelligence. Your boy here is just another typical angry dumb white Republican schmuck. Probably all broken up about Minimum Wage being raised, or some other stupid greedy shit.
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.

holy smokes. speaking about angry^^^^^
don't think you have room to judge others
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.

holy smokes. speaking about angry^^^^^
don't think you have room to judge others

Just pointing out that most Republican dudes are angry dumb white small-dicked/small-brained buffoons. This attack was very lame. Fact is, the angry white Republican was just too dumb to pull it off.
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.

holy smokes. speaking about angry^^^^^
don't think you have room to judge others
You do understand the utter hypocrisy of your comment given your claim that every time a policeman is killed, it is because the president encouraged it? No, you probably don't understand. That would require an intellect God saw fit to deny you.
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Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.

Onus is on the OP to prove that the Dems are encouraging gun ownership by the mentally ill.

For once, I agree with you completely. If anything, this is the kind of story that Democrats have been holding up for years now, trying to rally support to prevent. As much as I find Democrats' alarmist attitudes toward gun ownership to be entirely folly, Gunny is really stepping in it here with this bullshit. The fundamental concept behind we conservatives supporting the acceptability of gun ownership is that the onus of responsibility lays upon the individual. Here, Gunny is saying that everyone other than the shooter is to blame. Fucking ridiculous and yet another example of how too many people today are nothing more than Conservatives In Name Only.
That is a standard tactic for protecting Obama's stunning incompetence "Oh you Obama haters always hated him". I am like many who did not vote for Obama in 2008. I was concerned by his lack of experience and bizarre associations with anti-Americans but I did not "hate" him and I don't "hate" him now. But he has demonstrated that he has no idea how to lead, constantly interjects himself into Racial incidents, and is now acting more like a Dictator than a President. It is not about personal hatred no matter how many times Liberals repeat it. It's just a damn shame the first Black American President turned out to be Liberal academic Racist loser with no clue how to lead.

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