Athletically Speaking, What is a Woman?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Caster Semenya is a superior female athlete - unbeatable, in fact - who is the beneficiary of a biological anomaly that results in her having as much testosterone in her system as a - if you will pardon the expression - man.

As background, typical females, including world-class athletes, have blood testosterone levels between 0.5 and 1.5 nanomoles per liter. The range for men is 10 to 35. But some "women" have a biological anomaly in that THEY HAVE TESTES, and hence, their T levels are comparable to men's. In addition, they have an X and a Y chromosome in each and every cell, just like a man. Mr/Mrs Semenya is one of such people. And as for plumbing, people with this trait ("46, XY"), they have external genitalia that is "not distinctly male or female."

It is fairly well known now that the International Association of Athletics Federations has ruled that Semenya, as current hormoned, may not compete as a female. In effect they are saying that she is a he. They will accept T levels up to 5 for females.

Interestingly, it appears that s/he can bring her T level to an acceptable level merely by taking birth control pills.

All of the few women who have been identified with this trait are black Africans, so of course the IAAF is accused of being racist, for taking this stand.

Many world class athletes are the beneficiaries of rare and outstanding physical traits that are incredibly advantageous in one sport or another. But BALLS? Nah. They aren't women by any rational standard.

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