Atheists want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist because they think it will hurt Christianity

learn what non-belief and dis-belief mean.
So just keep attacking the messenger? That's it? Pretty obvious now that if you'd had any serious rebuttal you'd have offered one by now.. Here, son. You must remember Slick Willy? Good. Read a little.. Learn a lot..
Carter lists a number of grievances supposedly showing that religion in our country is experiencing "trivialization." His very first example? That a "disgruntled reader" dared to write a national magazine complaining when it devoted a cover story to "an investigation of prayer." (Pass the smelling salts--an atheist got a letter to the editor printed!)

This is very revealing, for it is typical of Carter's apparent paranoia over any rational criticism of religion, even by one individual complaining about the uncritical promotion of prayer by a major newsweekly. Apparently this letter of complaint should have been censored by the newsweekly, out of deference to sensitive religious feelings. The obvious never occurs to Carter, that this cover story, and many others like it, are actually evidence of insensitive cultural bias against freethought and in favor of religion. Carter reacts like most religionists: he is threatened by the very existence of individuals who use reason in analyzing religion.
Don't look now, but that sounds just like you, honey.
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You do not understand the difference between “non-believing” and “dis-believing”. You think they are synonymous
LOL. Admit it, you'll never quite git round to 'splainin it all to me,.. not just the supposed difference, but the significance as well,.. now will you son? Like most, you're just here to personally attack and run away. That's okay. Relax, you're light years from being the first to admit they'd never actually thought it all through before..
There are no theories that aliens did not happen.

First, we define aliens as intelligent aliens. We're not discussing just outer space abiogenesis. We have Drake's Equation, Fermi's Paradox, The Great Filter, and other arguments against it. The fine tuning facts prevent abiogenesis, so it becomes a big reason for no aliens.

Furthermore, the Bible does not state God created aliens nor Jesus died to save aliens. The hard evidence is none has been found despite SETI, optical SETI, Alien Telescope Array, space explorations and fly bys with probes and powerful telescopes. There are other methods of contact which have been explored, but still nothing.

The atheist scientists such a Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking still think they exist, but no evidence for them. Hawking has died not knowing aliens exist like Carl Sagan. deGrasse Tyson will die without knowing, too, and he says sometimes it keeps him up at night thinking about how science can help find them. Other top scientists who believed in the possibility of aliens and have died without knowing are Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Richard Feynman.

The fact that we are here proves abiogenesis happens

It also proves God is the creator. More evidence for God than abiogenesis or aliens because we found a book that explains step-by-step how it happened. Atheists still have vast universe and top scientists who believe in it, but they have all died without ever knowing aliens or abiogenesis. Creation scientists and I believe the vast universe demonstrates the beauty, complexity, and glory of God instead.
Please identify where Fermi's Paradox, Drake's Equation, The Great Filter, and your nonsensical “fine tuning facts” presents any evidence for or against alien life.

Please support your nonsense claim about some “fine tuning” you claim exist. Please supply peer reviewed evidence that a) supports your version of the gods, and then, b) supporting evidence that your gods have a supernatural hand in the workings of the universe.

You been supplied with it many times, but just can't get it through the thickness.

Obviously, it's your side's claim and so need to produce the aliens and evidence of abiogenesis. That would show the atheist scientists were right and victory is yours.

Until then, the victory goes to the fine tuning side. I will give you this as ID has passed peer review just to tweak your nose some more --

Charles “Chuck” Wendell Colson is a Christian leader, cultural commentator, and author of lots of book books, several of which have been recognized with ECPA Christian Book Awards. Colson was a former Special Counsel for President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973 and the first member of the Nixon administration to be incarcerated for Watergate-related charges (he was named as one of the Watergate Seven). He was never charged with or convicted of anything related to that, but did plead guilty to obstruction of justice in another case and served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence in Alabama's Maxwell Prison. He is also a Templeton foundation recipient and winner of a number of awards, among them honorary doctorates from you-know-what-kind-of institutions, and the Others Award from the Salvation Army (you might want to look up the list of previous winners here. He's also a member of the Family (more here).

He also maintains several media channels which discuss contemporary issues from an evangelical Christian worldview, his own views usually being conservative interpretation of evangelical Christianity. He zealously opposes same-sex marriage, argues that Darwinism is used to attack Christianity, and that the Enron accounting scandals were a consequence of secularism. He is, in short, a hard-core creationist repeating Discovery Institute lies - claiming Darwinism helped cause forced sterilizations by eugenicists – and a steadfast anti-abortionist, claiming that abortion is the real cause of illegal immigration by creating a labor shortage due to "40 million sacrificed since 1973". He is also a steadfast proponent of the Bible Literacy Project's curriculum “The Bible and Its Influence” for public high school literature courses – a poorly disguised wedge trick.

There is much to choose from in Colson’s career. There is, for instance, his argument that the real causes of terrorism are pornography and abortion, and if only the US restricted the freedom of its citizens some more, terrorism would go away (I mean, the Taliban hates us for our freedom, don’t they? Take it away, and they wouldn’t hate us anymore).

Diagnosis: Deranged wingnut and blind zealot with no aptitude for truth or reason. Still pretty powerful and influential.

It's strange where your rantings lead me sometimes. I looked up what happened to Colson after your rant.

It's mostly a good biography for the man except for the last two paragraphs and "wedge trick." Is it a wedge trick when he became Christian before going to trial and eventual prison?

'When the Watergate scandal broke, Chuck found himself at the center of the storm as one of the "Watergate Seven." Under the pressure, Chuck retired into private life, but the threat of prosecution on Watergate-related charges still haunted him and his family.

At this critical moment, a close friend gave Chuck a copy of Mere Christianity, a book by popular British author C.S. Lewis that explores and defends the core beliefs of the Christian faith. The book sparked a series of conversations and encounters that led, finally, to Chuck's conversion.

"I spent an hour calling out to God," Chuck remembered in 2008, describing the night he spent sitting in his car, sobbing and praying. "I did not even know the right words. I simply knew that I wanted Him."'

After getting out, he founded the Prison Fellowship -- Watergate: The Glorious Defeat of Chuck Colson - Prison Fellowship.

Your argument is a biased blog site. So much for your scientific reading cred. Did you think it was an encyclopedia :laughing0301:?

We got American Liberal Loons and President and VP now.
I understand you’re embarrassed that the leader of the cult you linked to is a convicted criminal. Such immoral behavior seems to be a common theme of so many fundie ministries.

Your hurt feelings about a “biased” site are your own to deal with. What part about the conviction and jailing of Colson is biased?
There are no theories that aliens did not happen.

First, we define aliens as intelligent aliens. We're not discussing just outer space abiogenesis. We have Drake's Equation, Fermi's Paradox, The Great Filter, and other arguments against it. The fine tuning facts prevent abiogenesis, so it becomes a big reason for no aliens.

Furthermore, the Bible does not state God created aliens nor Jesus died to save aliens. The hard evidence is none has been found despite SETI, optical SETI, Alien Telescope Array, space explorations and fly bys with probes and powerful telescopes. There are other methods of contact which have been explored, but still nothing.

The atheist scientists such a Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking still think they exist, but no evidence for them. Hawking has died not knowing aliens exist like Carl Sagan. deGrasse Tyson will die without knowing, too, and he says sometimes it keeps him up at night thinking about how science can help find them. Other top scientists who believed in the possibility of aliens and have died without knowing are Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Richard Feynman.

The fact that we are here proves abiogenesis happens

It also proves God is the creator. More evidence for God than abiogenesis or aliens because we found a book that explains step-by-step how it happened. Atheists still have vast universe and top scientists who believe in it, but they have all died without ever knowing aliens or abiogenesis. Creation scientists and I believe the vast universe demonstrates the beauty, complexity, and glory of God instead.
Please identify where Fermi's Paradox, Drake's Equation, The Great Filter, and your nonsensical “fine tuning facts” presents any evidence for or against alien life.

Please support your nonsense claim about some “fine tuning” you claim exist. Please supply peer reviewed evidence that a) supports your version of the gods, and then, b) supporting evidence that your gods have a supernatural hand in the workings of the universe.

You been supplied with it many times, but just can't get it through the thickness.

Obviously, it's your side's claim and so need to produce the aliens and evidence of abiogenesis. That would show the atheist scientists were right and victory is yours.

Until then, the victory goes to the fine tuning side. I will give you this as ID has passed peer review just to tweak your nose some more --

Charles “Chuck” Wendell Colson is a Christian leader, cultural commentator, and author of lots of book books, several of which have been recognized with ECPA Christian Book Awards. Colson was a former Special Counsel for President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973 and the first member of the Nixon administration to be incarcerated for Watergate-related charges (he was named as one of the Watergate Seven). He was never charged with or convicted of anything related to that, but did plead guilty to obstruction of justice in another case and served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence in Alabama's Maxwell Prison. He is also a Templeton foundation recipient and winner of a number of awards, among them honorary doctorates from you-know-what-kind-of institutions, and the Others Award from the Salvation Army (you might want to look up the list of previous winners here. He's also a member of the Family (more here).

He also maintains several media channels which discuss contemporary issues from an evangelical Christian worldview, his own views usually being conservative interpretation of evangelical Christianity. He zealously opposes same-sex marriage, argues that Darwinism is used to attack Christianity, and that the Enron accounting scandals were a consequence of secularism. He is, in short, a hard-core creationist repeating Discovery Institute lies - claiming Darwinism helped cause forced sterilizations by eugenicists – and a steadfast anti-abortionist, claiming that abortion is the real cause of illegal immigration by creating a labor shortage due to "40 million sacrificed since 1973". He is also a steadfast proponent of the Bible Literacy Project's curriculum “The Bible and Its Influence” for public high school literature courses – a poorly disguised wedge trick.

There is much to choose from in Colson’s career. There is, for instance, his argument that the real causes of terrorism are pornography and abortion, and if only the US restricted the freedom of its citizens some more, terrorism would go away (I mean, the Taliban hates us for our freedom, don’t they? Take it away, and they wouldn’t hate us anymore).

Diagnosis: Deranged wingnut and blind zealot with no aptitude for truth or reason. Still pretty powerful and influential.

It's strange where your rantings lead me sometimes. I looked up what happened to Colson after your rant.

It's mostly a good biography for the man except for the last two paragraphs and "wedge trick." Is it a wedge trick when he became Christian before going to trial and eventual prison?

'When the Watergate scandal broke, Chuck found himself at the center of the storm as one of the "Watergate Seven." Under the pressure, Chuck retired into private life, but the threat of prosecution on Watergate-related charges still haunted him and his family.

At this critical moment, a close friend gave Chuck a copy of Mere Christianity, a book by popular British author C.S. Lewis that explores and defends the core beliefs of the Christian faith. The book sparked a series of conversations and encounters that led, finally, to Chuck's conversion.

"I spent an hour calling out to God," Chuck remembered in 2008, describing the night he spent sitting in his car, sobbing and praying. "I did not even know the right words. I simply knew that I wanted Him."'

After getting out, he founded the Prison Fellowship -- Watergate: The Glorious Defeat of Chuck Colson - Prison Fellowship.

Your argument is a biased blog site. So much for your scientific reading cred. Did you think it was an encyclopedia :laughing0301:?

We got American Liberal Loons and President and VP now.
I understand you’re embarrassed that the leader of the cult you linked to is a convicted criminal. Such immoral behavior seems to be a common theme of so many fundie ministries.

Your hurt feelings about a “biased” site are your own to deal with. What part about the conviction and jailing of Colson is biased?

You're right, Colson is a convicted criminal but he isn't the leader of my cult. Instead, I find that he changed in many ways after reading one book before being tried and convicted to be uplifting. Maybe I should read more ID material.

Instead, it should be you who is embarrassed because you use a biased blog site as an encyclopedia. That isn't a credible science document to show a proper argument.

Here's what I've found in my early forays into ID because of your false accusations. Now, we know that intelligent design has been peer reviewed and accepted as being scientific.

First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."

"Recently, however, there have been several intelligent design peer-reviewed articles and studies published. A good number of these have been published in lesser-known or less prestigious circles, and quite a few have been published by overtly pro-design groups. Still, intelligent design peer-reviewed work is beginning to appear in more respected and established publications. A recent example, published in the "Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington," caused a controversy that demonstrated considerable hypocrisy.

The article is titled "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories." The conclusion of the article, in brief, is that design explains things that natural selection cannot. Proceedings is a peer-reviewed publication. According to the then-editor, the three reviewers were all faculty members of respected universities and research institutions. The editor also stated that, while the reviewers did not agree with the conclusions, they found nothing scientifically invalid in the reasoning.

This example of an intelligent design peer-reviewed article was not embraced by the naturalistic crowd, but condemned. Proceedings was attacked for publishing an article of "substandard science." Pro-evolutionists once claimed that a lack of intelligent design peer-reviewed work was due to a lack of credibility. Once such articles are published, however, they seem to question the entire peer-review process. Essentially, those who are entrenched into naturalistic thinking will only support peer review if it agrees with them. Many in the scientific community have made a plea for rational thinking, saying that no theory should be beyond questioning and any logical arguments must be considered. These pleas have mostly fallen on deaf ears."

Now, the tables have turned on you and it is you who is practicing lunacy as part of your science.
James apparently believes that just name dropping scientific terms constitutes an argument for whatever he imagines he's arguing.
"because of the discovery of chirality" - wtf?

"The building blocks of life are proteins. Amino acids are just the particles that form proteins, but it can't just happen randomly."
Particles? - wtf? Enough of this!
MedlinePlus - Trusted Health Information for You:
Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life.

I beat you to it as I've already said many times the building blocks of life are proteins.

As for particles, they constitute atoms, noble gases, compounds, and more. Enough of you. Get thee to a science book.

You missed the main point in that proteins can't happen randomly from loose amino acids because of chirality. You are just another nut goober who believes in the fake science of abiogenesis.
You missed the main point in that proteins can't happen randomly
What's clear is that you must first deliberately "miss the point" by pretending "randomly" means whatever you wish. Sorry, it simply doesn't. Randomness, or better yet, probability, is obviously involved whether or not chirality limits its potential outcomes. Give it up. You have nothing.
James apparently believes that just name dropping scientific terms constitutes an argument for whatever he imagines he's arguing.
"because of the discovery of chirality" - wtf?

"The building blocks of life are proteins. Amino acids are just the particles that form proteins, but it can't just happen randomly."
Particles? - wtf? Enough of this!
MedlinePlus - Trusted Health Information for You:
Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life.

I beat you to it as I've already said many times the building blocks of life are proteins.
Read my lips, sparky. "Amino acids and proteins are {both} the building blocks of life." Like, Duh!
James apparently believes that just name dropping scientific terms constitutes an argument for whatever he imagines he's arguing.
"because of the discovery of chirality" - wtf?

"The building blocks of life are proteins. Amino acids are just the particles that form proteins, but it can't just happen randomly."
Particles? - wtf? Enough of this!
MedlinePlus - Trusted Health Information for You:
Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life.

I beat you to it as I've already said many times the building blocks of life are proteins.

As for particles, they constitute atoms, noble gases, compounds, and more. Enough of you. Get thee to a science book.

You missed the main point in that proteins can't happen randomly from loose amino acids because of chirality. You are just another nut goober who believes in the fake science of abiogenesis.
Why not after millions or billions of years of trial and error?

Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body.[1] They are one of the building blocks of body tissue and can also serve as a fuel source. As a fuel, proteins provide as much energy density as carbohydrates: 4 kcal (17 kJ) per gram; in contrast, lipids provide 9 kcal (37 kJ) per gram. The most important aspect and defining characteristic of protein from a nutritional standpoint is its amino acid composition.[2]--

A viral protein is both a component and a product of a virus. Viral proteins are grouped according to their functions, and groups of viral proteins include structural proteins, nonstructural proteins, regulatory proteins, and accessory proteins.[1] Viruses are non-living and they do not have the means to reproduce on their own. They depend on their host cell's metabolism for energy, enzymes, and precursors, in order to reproduce. Thus, viruses do not code for many of their own viral proteins, and instead use the host cell's machinery to produce the viral proteins they require for replication.[2]--

A virus is a small collection of genetic code, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein coat. A virus cannot replicate alone. Viruses must infect cells and use components of the host cell to make copies of themselves. Often, they kill the host cell in the process, and cause damage to the host organism. Viruses have been found everywhere on Earth. Researchers estimate that viruses outnumber bacteria by 10 to 1. Because viruses don’t have the same components as bacteria, they cannot be killed by antibiotics; only antiviral medications or vaccines can eliminate or reduce the severity of viral diseases, including AIDS, COVID-19, measles and smallpox.--

What if a virus has the possibility potential frontier to become a potentially intelligent life form?
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There are no theories that aliens did not happen.

First, we define aliens as intelligent aliens. We're not discussing just outer space abiogenesis. We have Drake's Equation, Fermi's Paradox, The Great Filter, and other arguments against it. The fine tuning facts prevent abiogenesis, so it becomes a big reason for no aliens.

Furthermore, the Bible does not state God created aliens nor Jesus died to save aliens. The hard evidence is none has been found despite SETI, optical SETI, Alien Telescope Array, space explorations and fly bys with probes and powerful telescopes. There are other methods of contact which have been explored, but still nothing.

The atheist scientists such a Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking still think they exist, but no evidence for them. Hawking has died not knowing aliens exist like Carl Sagan. deGrasse Tyson will die without knowing, too, and he says sometimes it keeps him up at night thinking about how science can help find them. Other top scientists who believed in the possibility of aliens and have died without knowing are Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Richard Feynman.

The fact that we are here proves abiogenesis happens

It also proves God is the creator. More evidence for God than abiogenesis or aliens because we found a book that explains step-by-step how it happened. Atheists still have vast universe and top scientists who believe in it, but they have all died without ever knowing aliens or abiogenesis. Creation scientists and I believe the vast universe demonstrates the beauty, complexity, and glory of God instead.
Please identify where Fermi's Paradox, Drake's Equation, The Great Filter, and your nonsensical “fine tuning facts” presents any evidence for or against alien life.

Please support your nonsense claim about some “fine tuning” you claim exist. Please supply peer reviewed evidence that a) supports your version of the gods, and then, b) supporting evidence that your gods have a supernatural hand in the workings of the universe.

You been supplied with it many times, but just can't get it through the thickness.

Obviously, it's your side's claim and so need to produce the aliens and evidence of abiogenesis. That would show the atheist scientists were right and victory is yours.

Until then, the victory goes to the fine tuning side. I will give you this as ID has passed peer review just to tweak your nose some more --

Charles “Chuck” Wendell Colson is a Christian leader, cultural commentator, and author of lots of book books, several of which have been recognized with ECPA Christian Book Awards. Colson was a former Special Counsel for President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973 and the first member of the Nixon administration to be incarcerated for Watergate-related charges (he was named as one of the Watergate Seven). He was never charged with or convicted of anything related to that, but did plead guilty to obstruction of justice in another case and served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence in Alabama's Maxwell Prison. He is also a Templeton foundation recipient and winner of a number of awards, among them honorary doctorates from you-know-what-kind-of institutions, and the Others Award from the Salvation Army (you might want to look up the list of previous winners here. He's also a member of the Family (more here).

He also maintains several media channels which discuss contemporary issues from an evangelical Christian worldview, his own views usually being conservative interpretation of evangelical Christianity. He zealously opposes same-sex marriage, argues that Darwinism is used to attack Christianity, and that the Enron accounting scandals were a consequence of secularism. He is, in short, a hard-core creationist repeating Discovery Institute lies - claiming Darwinism helped cause forced sterilizations by eugenicists – and a steadfast anti-abortionist, claiming that abortion is the real cause of illegal immigration by creating a labor shortage due to "40 million sacrificed since 1973". He is also a steadfast proponent of the Bible Literacy Project's curriculum “The Bible and Its Influence” for public high school literature courses – a poorly disguised wedge trick.

There is much to choose from in Colson’s career. There is, for instance, his argument that the real causes of terrorism are pornography and abortion, and if only the US restricted the freedom of its citizens some more, terrorism would go away (I mean, the Taliban hates us for our freedom, don’t they? Take it away, and they wouldn’t hate us anymore).

Diagnosis: Deranged wingnut and blind zealot with no aptitude for truth or reason. Still pretty powerful and influential.

It's strange where your rantings lead me sometimes. I looked up what happened to Colson after your rant.

It's mostly a good biography for the man except for the last two paragraphs and "wedge trick." Is it a wedge trick when he became Christian before going to trial and eventual prison?

'When the Watergate scandal broke, Chuck found himself at the center of the storm as one of the "Watergate Seven." Under the pressure, Chuck retired into private life, but the threat of prosecution on Watergate-related charges still haunted him and his family.

At this critical moment, a close friend gave Chuck a copy of Mere Christianity, a book by popular British author C.S. Lewis that explores and defends the core beliefs of the Christian faith. The book sparked a series of conversations and encounters that led, finally, to Chuck's conversion.

"I spent an hour calling out to God," Chuck remembered in 2008, describing the night he spent sitting in his car, sobbing and praying. "I did not even know the right words. I simply knew that I wanted Him."'

After getting out, he founded the Prison Fellowship -- Watergate: The Glorious Defeat of Chuck Colson - Prison Fellowship.

Your argument is a biased blog site. So much for your scientific reading cred. Did you think it was an encyclopedia :laughing0301:?

We got American Liberal Loons and President and VP now.
I understand you’re embarrassed that the leader of the cult you linked to is a convicted criminal. Such immoral behavior seems to be a common theme of so many fundie ministries.

Your hurt feelings about a “biased” site are your own to deal with. What part about the conviction and jailing of Colson is biased?

You're right, Colson is a convicted criminal but he isn't the leader of my cult. Instead, I find that he changed in many ways after reading one book before being tried and convicted to be uplifting. Maybe I should read more ID material.

Instead, it should be you who is embarrassed because you use a biased blog site as an encyclopedia. That isn't a credible science document to show a proper argument.

Here's what I've found in my early forays into ID because of your false accusations. Now, we know that intelligent design has been peer reviewed and accepted as being scientific.

First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."

"Recently, however, there have been several intelligent design peer-reviewed articles and studies published. A good number of these have been published in lesser-known or less prestigious circles, and quite a few have been published by overtly pro-design groups. Still, intelligent design peer-reviewed work is beginning to appear in more respected and established publications. A recent example, published in the "Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington," caused a controversy that demonstrated considerable hypocrisy.

The article is titled "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories." The conclusion of the article, in brief, is that design explains things that natural selection cannot. Proceedings is a peer-reviewed publication. According to the then-editor, the three reviewers were all faculty members of respected universities and research institutions. The editor also stated that, while the reviewers did not agree with the conclusions, they found nothing scientifically invalid in the reasoning.

This example of an intelligent design peer-reviewed article was not embraced by the naturalistic crowd, but condemned. Proceedings was attacked for publishing an article of "substandard science." Pro-evolutionists once claimed that a lack of intelligent design peer-reviewed work was due to a lack of credibility. Once such articles are published, however, they seem to question the entire peer-review process. Essentially, those who are entrenched into naturalistic thinking will only support peer review if it agrees with them. Many in the scientific community have made a plea for rational thinking, saying that no theory should be beyond questioning and any logical arguments must be considered. These pleas have mostly fallen on deaf ears."

Now, the tables have turned on you and it is you who is practicing lunacy as part of your science.

The site I linked to for the Colson criminal incarceration details causes you embarrassment. I can understand that. I had no intention of suggesting a convicted criminal heading a religious cult would present a rational science argument.

The paper you identified by Meyer is a rather laughable joke. It was critiqued here: Ryan Nichols, Scientific content, testability, and the vacuity of Intelligent Design theory The American Catholic philosophical quarterly, 2003 ,vol. 77 ,no 4 ,pp. 591 - 611

Meyer’s paper predictably follows the same pattern that has characterized “intelligent design” since its inception: deny the sufficiency of evolutionary processes to account for life’s history and diversity, then assert that an “intelligent designer” provides a better explanation. Although ID is discussed in the concluding section of the paper, there is no positive account of “intelligent design” presented, just as in all previous work on “intelligent design”. Just as a detective doesn’t have a case against someone without motive, means, and opportunity, ID doesn’t stand a scientific chance without some kind of model of what happened, how, and why. Only a reasonably detailed model could provide explanatory hypotheses that can be empirically tested. “An unknown intelligent designer did something, somewhere, somehow, for no apparent reason” is not a model.”

What Meyer and all the hyper-religious charlatans fail to understand is that ID’iot creationism is not falsifiable and it creates many unresolved levels of contradiction. ID’iot creationism doesn’t resolve anything at all, i.e. it has no content. By ‘content’ I‘m speaking to a body of determinate principles. By ‘principles’ I‘m speaking to a proposition and an identifiable, logical series of events, circumstances and supportive data that are central to the theory.

There are only appeals to magic and supernaturalism central to ID’iot creationism. Two obvious questions to ask the supernaturalists are;
a) what does ID‘iot creationism offer? And,
b) what can ID‘iot creationism explain that evolution can’t?
a) not much and,
b) nothing

What the ID’iot creationers fail to understand is that biological evolution was and still is the only viable theory, consistent with the scientific method, that can explain how we get biological complexity from simplicity and biological diversity from uniformity.

The silly slogan “naturalistic thinking” comes right out of the Disco’tute. It’s typical for all of the ID’iot creationer charlatans to use such slogans. That is because the explanations offered by the fundie creation ministries are not explanations at all. They are appeals of last resorts to fear and superstition that hang on supernatural gods.
Read my lips, sparky. "Amino acids and proteins are {both} the building blocks of life." Like, Duh!

You're deliberately trying to derail the topic of abiogenesis. We aren't discussing nutrition. For abiogenesis, one needs to have proteins. No one is arguing there aren't amino acid compounds out there, but there are no processes to randomly or have probability convert amino acids into proteins like our body does just from amino acids. Their chirality prevents it.

BTW, you're wrong. Proteins are the building blocks to life. Amino acids just provide the energy from food to fuel the body to convert it to proteins. Like duh yourself!
There are no theories that aliens did not happen.

First, we define aliens as intelligent aliens. We're not discussing just outer space abiogenesis. We have Drake's Equation, Fermi's Paradox, The Great Filter, and other arguments against it. The fine tuning facts prevent abiogenesis, so it becomes a big reason for no aliens.

Furthermore, the Bible does not state God created aliens nor Jesus died to save aliens. The hard evidence is none has been found despite SETI, optical SETI, Alien Telescope Array, space explorations and fly bys with probes and powerful telescopes. There are other methods of contact which have been explored, but still nothing.

The atheist scientists such a Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking still think they exist, but no evidence for them. Hawking has died not knowing aliens exist like Carl Sagan. deGrasse Tyson will die without knowing, too, and he says sometimes it keeps him up at night thinking about how science can help find them. Other top scientists who believed in the possibility of aliens and have died without knowing are Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Richard Feynman.

The fact that we are here proves abiogenesis happens

It also proves God is the creator. More evidence for God than abiogenesis or aliens because we found a book that explains step-by-step how it happened. Atheists still have vast universe and top scientists who believe in it, but they have all died without ever knowing aliens or abiogenesis. Creation scientists and I believe the vast universe demonstrates the beauty, complexity, and glory of God instead.
Please identify where Fermi's Paradox, Drake's Equation, The Great Filter, and your nonsensical “fine tuning facts” presents any evidence for or against alien life.

Please support your nonsense claim about some “fine tuning” you claim exist. Please supply peer reviewed evidence that a) supports your version of the gods, and then, b) supporting evidence that your gods have a supernatural hand in the workings of the universe.

You been supplied with it many times, but just can't get it through the thickness.

Obviously, it's your side's claim and so need to produce the aliens and evidence of abiogenesis. That would show the atheist scientists were right and victory is yours.

Until then, the victory goes to the fine tuning side. I will give you this as ID has passed peer review just to tweak your nose some more --

Charles “Chuck” Wendell Colson is a Christian leader, cultural commentator, and author of lots of book books, several of which have been recognized with ECPA Christian Book Awards. Colson was a former Special Counsel for President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973 and the first member of the Nixon administration to be incarcerated for Watergate-related charges (he was named as one of the Watergate Seven). He was never charged with or convicted of anything related to that, but did plead guilty to obstruction of justice in another case and served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence in Alabama's Maxwell Prison. He is also a Templeton foundation recipient and winner of a number of awards, among them honorary doctorates from you-know-what-kind-of institutions, and the Others Award from the Salvation Army (you might want to look up the list of previous winners here. He's also a member of the Family (more here).

He also maintains several media channels which discuss contemporary issues from an evangelical Christian worldview, his own views usually being conservative interpretation of evangelical Christianity. He zealously opposes same-sex marriage, argues that Darwinism is used to attack Christianity, and that the Enron accounting scandals were a consequence of secularism. He is, in short, a hard-core creationist repeating Discovery Institute lies - claiming Darwinism helped cause forced sterilizations by eugenicists – and a steadfast anti-abortionist, claiming that abortion is the real cause of illegal immigration by creating a labor shortage due to "40 million sacrificed since 1973". He is also a steadfast proponent of the Bible Literacy Project's curriculum “The Bible and Its Influence” for public high school literature courses – a poorly disguised wedge trick.

There is much to choose from in Colson’s career. There is, for instance, his argument that the real causes of terrorism are pornography and abortion, and if only the US restricted the freedom of its citizens some more, terrorism would go away (I mean, the Taliban hates us for our freedom, don’t they? Take it away, and they wouldn’t hate us anymore).

Diagnosis: Deranged wingnut and blind zealot with no aptitude for truth or reason. Still pretty powerful and influential.

It's strange where your rantings lead me sometimes. I looked up what happened to Colson after your rant.

It's mostly a good biography for the man except for the last two paragraphs and "wedge trick." Is it a wedge trick when he became Christian before going to trial and eventual prison?

'When the Watergate scandal broke, Chuck found himself at the center of the storm as one of the "Watergate Seven." Under the pressure, Chuck retired into private life, but the threat of prosecution on Watergate-related charges still haunted him and his family.

At this critical moment, a close friend gave Chuck a copy of Mere Christianity, a book by popular British author C.S. Lewis that explores and defends the core beliefs of the Christian faith. The book sparked a series of conversations and encounters that led, finally, to Chuck's conversion.

"I spent an hour calling out to God," Chuck remembered in 2008, describing the night he spent sitting in his car, sobbing and praying. "I did not even know the right words. I simply knew that I wanted Him."'

After getting out, he founded the Prison Fellowship -- Watergate: The Glorious Defeat of Chuck Colson - Prison Fellowship.

Your argument is a biased blog site. So much for your scientific reading cred. Did you think it was an encyclopedia :laughing0301:?

We got American Liberal Loons and President and VP now.
I understand you’re embarrassed that the leader of the cult you linked to is a convicted criminal. Such immoral behavior seems to be a common theme of so many fundie ministries.

Your hurt feelings about a “biased” site are your own to deal with. What part about the conviction and jailing of Colson is biased?

You're right, Colson is a convicted criminal but he isn't the leader of my cult. Instead, I find that he changed in many ways after reading one book before being tried and convicted to be uplifting. Maybe I should read more ID material.

Instead, it should be you who is embarrassed because you use a biased blog site as an encyclopedia. That isn't a credible science document to show a proper argument.

Here's what I've found in my early forays into ID because of your false accusations. Now, we know that intelligent design has been peer reviewed and accepted as being scientific.

First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."

"Recently, however, there have been several intelligent design peer-reviewed articles and studies published. A good number of these have been published in lesser-known or less prestigious circles, and quite a few have been published by overtly pro-design groups. Still, intelligent design peer-reviewed work is beginning to appear in more respected and established publications. A recent example, published in the "Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington," caused a controversy that demonstrated considerable hypocrisy.

The article is titled "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories." The conclusion of the article, in brief, is that design explains things that natural selection cannot. Proceedings is a peer-reviewed publication. According to the then-editor, the three reviewers were all faculty members of respected universities and research institutions. The editor also stated that, while the reviewers did not agree with the conclusions, they found nothing scientifically invalid in the reasoning.

This example of an intelligent design peer-reviewed article was not embraced by the naturalistic crowd, but condemned. Proceedings was attacked for publishing an article of "substandard science." Pro-evolutionists once claimed that a lack of intelligent design peer-reviewed work was due to a lack of credibility. Once such articles are published, however, they seem to question the entire peer-review process. Essentially, those who are entrenched into naturalistic thinking will only support peer review if it agrees with them. Many in the scientific community have made a plea for rational thinking, saying that no theory should be beyond questioning and any logical arguments must be considered. These pleas have mostly fallen on deaf ears."

Now, the tables have turned on you and it is you who is practicing lunacy as part of your science.

The site I linked to for the Colson criminal incarceration details causes you embarrassment. I can understand that. I had no intention of suggesting a convicted criminal heading a religious cult would present a rational science argument.

The paper you identified by Meyer is a rather laughable joke. It was critiqued here: Ryan Nichols, Scientific content, testability, and the vacuity of Intelligent Design theory The American Catholic philosophical quarterly, 2003 ,vol. 77 ,no 4 ,pp. 591 - 611

Meyer’s paper predictably follows the same pattern that has characterized “intelligent design” since its inception: deny the sufficiency of evolutionary processes to account for life’s history and diversity, then assert that an “intelligent designer” provides a better explanation. Although ID is discussed in the concluding section of the paper, there is no positive account of “intelligent design” presented, just as in all previous work on “intelligent design”. Just as a detective doesn’t have a case against someone without motive, means, and opportunity, ID doesn’t stand a scientific chance without some kind of model of what happened, how, and why. Only a reasonably detailed model could provide explanatory hypotheses that can be empirically tested. “An unknown intelligent designer did something, somewhere, somehow, for no apparent reason” is not a model.”

What Meyer and all the hyper-religious charlatans fail to understand is that ID’iot creationism is not falsifiable and it creates many unresolved levels of contradiction. ID’iot creationism doesn’t resolve anything at all, i.e. it has no content. By ‘content’ I‘m speaking to a body of determinate principles. By ‘principles’ I‘m speaking to a proposition and an identifiable, logical series of events, circumstances and supportive data that are central to the theory.

There are only appeals to magic and supernaturalism central to ID’iot creationism. Two obvious questions to ask the supernaturalists are;
a) what does ID‘iot creationism offer? And,
b) what can ID‘iot creationism explain that evolution can’t?
a) not much and,
b) nothing

What the ID’iot creationers fail to understand is that biological evolution was and still is the only viable theory, consistent with the scientific method, that can explain how we get biological complexity from simplicity and biological diversity from uniformity.

The silly slogan “naturalistic thinking” comes right out of the Disco’tute. It’s typical for all of the ID’iot creationer charlatans to use such slogans. That is because the explanations offered by the fundie creation ministries are not explanations at all. They are appeals of last resorts to fear and superstition that hang on supernatural gods.

I don't know what they use to falsify their theories, so you got me there. But you sound like you are generalizing as you do not provide an example of something they said or an example from them that wasn't falsifiable.

I also don't know if they have an argument against aliens. Do you know? I'm sure they have on against abiogenesis as fine tuning, too.

I'm sure we'll talk more about ID in another thread. The Bible theorists usually do not subscribe to ID because it doesn't mention God nor the Bible as the intelligent designer. However, it seems that we are in the same camp against evolutionists and atheists and their science beliefs. I don't think I can argue for irreducible complexity and specified complexity, but have used their anthropic principle in the past. The irreducible complexity has been used in the past to explain the development of the eye. It can't just happen in a stepwise process. All the parts of the eye would have had to develop at the same time for it to work. Maybe it was ID that first proposed this line of thinking to explain the formation of the eye. Specified complexity is given by a roomful of chimps and typewriters and paper. The typewriters are set up with paper and ribbon in them so all the monkeys have to do is press the keys. Day after day, the researchers change the paper (or even the typewriter if damaged) and note the output. Maybe after a year, the monkeys have a sentence or two that makes sense. However, specified complexity states that they won't have written a book, even a children's book. It takes more of an advanced brain to do that.

BTW you sure like to denigrate IDers. What did they do to you?
There are no theories that aliens did not happen.

First, we define aliens as intelligent aliens. We're not discussing just outer space abiogenesis. We have Drake's Equation, Fermi's Paradox, The Great Filter, and other arguments against it. The fine tuning facts prevent abiogenesis, so it becomes a big reason for no aliens.

Furthermore, the Bible does not state God created aliens nor Jesus died to save aliens. The hard evidence is none has been found despite SETI, optical SETI, Alien Telescope Array, space explorations and fly bys with probes and powerful telescopes. There are other methods of contact which have been explored, but still nothing.

The atheist scientists such a Neil deGrasse Tyson and Stephen Hawking still think they exist, but no evidence for them. Hawking has died not knowing aliens exist like Carl Sagan. deGrasse Tyson will die without knowing, too, and he says sometimes it keeps him up at night thinking about how science can help find them. Other top scientists who believed in the possibility of aliens and have died without knowing are Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Richard Feynman.

The fact that we are here proves abiogenesis happens

It also proves God is the creator. More evidence for God than abiogenesis or aliens because we found a book that explains step-by-step how it happened. Atheists still have vast universe and top scientists who believe in it, but they have all died without ever knowing aliens or abiogenesis. Creation scientists and I believe the vast universe demonstrates the beauty, complexity, and glory of God instead.
Please identify where Fermi's Paradox, Drake's Equation, The Great Filter, and your nonsensical “fine tuning facts” presents any evidence for or against alien life.

Please support your nonsense claim about some “fine tuning” you claim exist. Please supply peer reviewed evidence that a) supports your version of the gods, and then, b) supporting evidence that your gods have a supernatural hand in the workings of the universe.

You been supplied with it many times, but just can't get it through the thickness.

Obviously, it's your side's claim and so need to produce the aliens and evidence of abiogenesis. That would show the atheist scientists were right and victory is yours.

Until then, the victory goes to the fine tuning side. I will give you this as ID has passed peer review just to tweak your nose some more --

Charles “Chuck” Wendell Colson is a Christian leader, cultural commentator, and author of lots of book books, several of which have been recognized with ECPA Christian Book Awards. Colson was a former Special Counsel for President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973 and the first member of the Nixon administration to be incarcerated for Watergate-related charges (he was named as one of the Watergate Seven). He was never charged with or convicted of anything related to that, but did plead guilty to obstruction of justice in another case and served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence in Alabama's Maxwell Prison. He is also a Templeton foundation recipient and winner of a number of awards, among them honorary doctorates from you-know-what-kind-of institutions, and the Others Award from the Salvation Army (you might want to look up the list of previous winners here. He's also a member of the Family (more here).

He also maintains several media channels which discuss contemporary issues from an evangelical Christian worldview, his own views usually being conservative interpretation of evangelical Christianity. He zealously opposes same-sex marriage, argues that Darwinism is used to attack Christianity, and that the Enron accounting scandals were a consequence of secularism. He is, in short, a hard-core creationist repeating Discovery Institute lies - claiming Darwinism helped cause forced sterilizations by eugenicists – and a steadfast anti-abortionist, claiming that abortion is the real cause of illegal immigration by creating a labor shortage due to "40 million sacrificed since 1973". He is also a steadfast proponent of the Bible Literacy Project's curriculum “The Bible and Its Influence” for public high school literature courses – a poorly disguised wedge trick.

There is much to choose from in Colson’s career. There is, for instance, his argument that the real causes of terrorism are pornography and abortion, and if only the US restricted the freedom of its citizens some more, terrorism would go away (I mean, the Taliban hates us for our freedom, don’t they? Take it away, and they wouldn’t hate us anymore).

Diagnosis: Deranged wingnut and blind zealot with no aptitude for truth or reason. Still pretty powerful and influential.

It's strange where your rantings lead me sometimes. I looked up what happened to Colson after your rant.

It's mostly a good biography for the man except for the last two paragraphs and "wedge trick." Is it a wedge trick when he became Christian before going to trial and eventual prison?

'When the Watergate scandal broke, Chuck found himself at the center of the storm as one of the "Watergate Seven." Under the pressure, Chuck retired into private life, but the threat of prosecution on Watergate-related charges still haunted him and his family.

At this critical moment, a close friend gave Chuck a copy of Mere Christianity, a book by popular British author C.S. Lewis that explores and defends the core beliefs of the Christian faith. The book sparked a series of conversations and encounters that led, finally, to Chuck's conversion.

"I spent an hour calling out to God," Chuck remembered in 2008, describing the night he spent sitting in his car, sobbing and praying. "I did not even know the right words. I simply knew that I wanted Him."'

After getting out, he founded the Prison Fellowship -- Watergate: The Glorious Defeat of Chuck Colson - Prison Fellowship.

Your argument is a biased blog site. So much for your scientific reading cred. Did you think it was an encyclopedia :laughing0301:?

We got American Liberal Loons and President and VP now.
I understand you’re embarrassed that the leader of the cult you linked to is a convicted criminal. Such immoral behavior seems to be a common theme of so many fundie ministries.

Your hurt feelings about a “biased” site are your own to deal with. What part about the conviction and jailing of Colson is biased?

You're right, Colson is a convicted criminal but he isn't the leader of my cult. Instead, I find that he changed in many ways after reading one book before being tried and convicted to be uplifting. Maybe I should read more ID material.

Instead, it should be you who is embarrassed because you use a biased blog site as an encyclopedia. That isn't a credible science document to show a proper argument.

Here's what I've found in my early forays into ID because of your false accusations. Now, we know that intelligent design has been peer reviewed and accepted as being scientific.

First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."

"Recently, however, there have been several intelligent design peer-reviewed articles and studies published. A good number of these have been published in lesser-known or less prestigious circles, and quite a few have been published by overtly pro-design groups. Still, intelligent design peer-reviewed work is beginning to appear in more respected and established publications. A recent example, published in the "Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington," caused a controversy that demonstrated considerable hypocrisy.

The article is titled "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories." The conclusion of the article, in brief, is that design explains things that natural selection cannot. Proceedings is a peer-reviewed publication. According to the then-editor, the three reviewers were all faculty members of respected universities and research institutions. The editor also stated that, while the reviewers did not agree with the conclusions, they found nothing scientifically invalid in the reasoning.

This example of an intelligent design peer-reviewed article was not embraced by the naturalistic crowd, but condemned. Proceedings was attacked for publishing an article of "substandard science." Pro-evolutionists once claimed that a lack of intelligent design peer-reviewed work was due to a lack of credibility. Once such articles are published, however, they seem to question the entire peer-review process. Essentially, those who are entrenched into naturalistic thinking will only support peer review if it agrees with them. Many in the scientific community have made a plea for rational thinking, saying that no theory should be beyond questioning and any logical arguments must be considered. These pleas have mostly fallen on deaf ears."

Now, the tables have turned on you and it is you who is practicing lunacy as part of your science.

The site I linked to for the Colson criminal incarceration details causes you embarrassment. I can understand that. I had no intention of suggesting a convicted criminal heading a religious cult would present a rational science argument.

The paper you identified by Meyer is a rather laughable joke. It was critiqued here: Ryan Nichols, Scientific content, testability, and the vacuity of Intelligent Design theory The American Catholic philosophical quarterly, 2003 ,vol. 77 ,no 4 ,pp. 591 - 611

Meyer’s paper predictably follows the same pattern that has characterized “intelligent design” since its inception: deny the sufficiency of evolutionary processes to account for life’s history and diversity, then assert that an “intelligent designer” provides a better explanation. Although ID is discussed in the concluding section of the paper, there is no positive account of “intelligent design” presented, just as in all previous work on “intelligent design”. Just as a detective doesn’t have a case against someone without motive, means, and opportunity, ID doesn’t stand a scientific chance without some kind of model of what happened, how, and why. Only a reasonably detailed model could provide explanatory hypotheses that can be empirically tested. “An unknown intelligent designer did something, somewhere, somehow, for no apparent reason” is not a model.”

What Meyer and all the hyper-religious charlatans fail to understand is that ID’iot creationism is not falsifiable and it creates many unresolved levels of contradiction. ID’iot creationism doesn’t resolve anything at all, i.e. it has no content. By ‘content’ I‘m speaking to a body of determinate principles. By ‘principles’ I‘m speaking to a proposition and an identifiable, logical series of events, circumstances and supportive data that are central to the theory.

There are only appeals to magic and supernaturalism central to ID’iot creationism. Two obvious questions to ask the supernaturalists are;
a) what does ID‘iot creationism offer? And,
b) what can ID‘iot creationism explain that evolution can’t?
a) not much and,
b) nothing

What the ID’iot creationers fail to understand is that biological evolution was and still is the only viable theory, consistent with the scientific method, that can explain how we get biological complexity from simplicity and biological diversity from uniformity.

The silly slogan “naturalistic thinking” comes right out of the Disco’tute. It’s typical for all of the ID’iot creationer charlatans to use such slogans. That is because the explanations offered by the fundie creation ministries are not explanations at all. They are appeals of last resorts to fear and superstition that hang on supernatural gods.

I don't know what they use to falsify their theories, so you got me there. But you sound like you are generalizing as you do not provide an example of something they said or an example from them that wasn't falsifiable.

I also don't know if they have an argument against aliens. Do you know? I'm sure they have on against abiogenesis as fine tuning, too.

I'm sure we'll talk more about ID in another thread. The Bible theorists usually do not subscribe to ID because it doesn't mention God nor the Bible as the intelligent designer. However, it seems that we are in the same camp against evolutionists and atheists and their science beliefs. I don't think I can argue for irreducible complexity and specified complexity, but have used their anthropic principle in the past. The irreducible complexity has been used in the past to explain the development of the eye. It can't just happen in a stepwise process. All the parts of the eye would have had to develop at the same time for it to work. Maybe it was ID that first proposed this line of thinking to explain the formation of the eye. Specified complexity is given by a roomful of chimps and typewriters and paper. The typewriters are set up with paper and ribbon in them so all the monkeys have to do is press the keys. Day after day, the researchers change the paper (or even the typewriter if damaged) and note the output. Maybe after a year, the monkeys have a sentence or two that makes sense. However, specified complexity states that they won't have written a book, even a children's book. It takes more of an advanced brain to do that.

BTW you sure like to denigrate IDers. What did they do to you?
It‘s not generalizing to require ID’iot creationers to support their claims to one version of the gods. I agree with the question, “how does anyone falsify supernatural gods?”

What exactly is a “Bible theorist”? I think such invented terms are rather pointless without defining some specifics.

“Specified Complexity” is a slogan right out of Dembski’ism. The definition of the concept of “specification” is so utterly subjective that specifications, like the appeal of art or music, are in the eye of the beholder. To establish that something is a “specification” all you do (and all you can do!) is claim that you have knowledge that allows you to explicitly and uneqivocally identify a superset of an event in question without recourse to the event, and hope that the rest of the world believes you.

“Irreducible complexity” is a Behe’ism right out of the ID’iot creationer ministries. Appeals to supernatural design are defined in terms of one or more supernatural gods purposely “designing” something. However, such a concept appears nowhere in the process of distinguishing design in the sense of "intelligent design." Dembski defined design in terms of what it is not (known regularity and chance), making intelligent design an argument from incredulity; he never said what design is.

Claim CB200:
Some biochemical systems are irreducibly complex, meaning that the removal of any one part of the system destroys the system's function. Irreducible complexity rules out the possibility of a system having evolved, so it must be designed.

Behe, Michael J. 1996. Darwin's Black Box, New York: The Free Press.
  1. Irreducible complexity can evolve. It is defined as a system that loses its function if any one part is removed, so it only indicates that the system did not evolve by the addition of single parts with no change in function. That still leaves several evolutionary mechanisms:
    • deletion of parts
    • addition of multiple parts; for example, duplication of much or all of the system (Pennisi 2001)
    • change of function
    • addition of a second function to a part (Aharoni et al. 2004)
    • gradual modification of parts
  2. All of these mechanisms have been observed in genetic mutations. In particular, deletions and gene duplications are fairly common (Dujon et al. 2004; Hooper and Berg 2003; Lynch and Conery 2000), and together they make irreducible complexity not only possible but expected. In fact, it was predicted by Nobel-prize-winning geneticist Hermann Muller almost a century ago (Muller 1918, 463-464). Muller referred to it as interlocking complexity (Muller 1939).

    Evolutionary origins of some irreducibly complex systems have been described in some detail. For example, the evolution of the Krebs citric acid cycle has been well studied (Meléndez-Hevia et al. 1996), and the evolution of an "irreducible" system of a hormone-receptor system has been elucidated (Bridgham et al. 2006). Irreducibility is no obstacle to their formation.

  3. Even if irreducible complexity did prohibit Darwinian evolution, the conclusion of design does not follow. Other processes might have produced it. Irreducible complexity is an example of a failed argument from incredulity.

  4. Irreducible complexity is poorly defined. It is defined in terms of parts, but it is far from obvious what a "part" is. Logically, the parts should be individual atoms, because they are the level of organization that does not get subdivided further in biochemistry, and they are the smallest level that biochemists consider in their analysis. Behe, however, considered sets of molecules to be individual parts, and he gave no indication of how he made his determinations.

  5. Systems that have been considered irreducibly complex might not be. For example:
    • The mousetrap that Behe used as an example of irreducible complexity can be simplified by bending the holding arm slightly and removing the latch.
    • The bacterial flagellum is not irreducibly complex because it can lose many parts and still function, either as a simpler flagellum or a secretion system. Many proteins of the eukaryotic flagellum (also called a cilium or undulipodium) are known to be dispensable, because functional swimming flagella that lack these proteins are known to exist.
    • In spite of the complexity of Behe's protein transport example, there are other proteins for which no transport is necessary (see Ussery 1999 for references).
    • The immune system example that Behe includes is not irreducibly complex because the antibodies that mark invading cells for destruction might themselves hinder the function of those cells, allowing the system to function (albeit not as well) without the destroyer molecules of the complement system.
  • Even if irreducible complexity did prohibit Darwinian evolution, the conclusion of design does not follow. Other processes might have produced it. Irreducible complexity is an example of a failed argument from incredulity.

  • Irreducible complexity is poorly defined. It is defined in terms of parts, but it is far from obvious what a "part" is. Logically, the parts should be individual atoms, because they are the level of organization that does not get subdivided further in biochemistry, and they are the smallest level that biochemists consider in their analysis. Behe, however, considered sets of molecules to be individual parts, and he gave no indication of how he made his determinations.
Nice. And, of course, neither does James here. Seems to me we've been here, going over these exact same, cheaply concocted objections many times now. Your patience is amazing to behold over time. You model true class. I don't know how you manage to keep it up. I can no longer convince myself that these idiots seriously believe more than the teensiest sliver of their own crap. All seems to boil down to politics for them. Be bastardized beyond recognition. Perhaps some economic fears or control issues addle one personally. No excuse. Sophistication gone. Facts and logic no longer matter. Think tank mentality prevails. Simply deny stuff. Manipulate. Succinctly repeat. Catapult the propaganda. Rinse and repeat. Education and critical thought be damned.
  • Even if irreducible complexity did prohibit Darwinian evolution, the conclusion of design does not follow. Other processes might have produced it. Irreducible complexity is an example of a failed argument from incredulity.

  • Irreducible complexity is poorly defined. It is defined in terms of parts, but it is far from obvious what a "part" is. Logically, the parts should be individual atoms, because they are the level of organization that does not get subdivided further in biochemistry, and they are the smallest level that biochemists consider in their analysis. Behe, however, considered sets of molecules to be individual parts, and he gave no indication of how he made his determinations.
Nice. And, of course, neither does James here. Seems to me we've been here, going over these exact same, cheaply concocted objections many times now. Your patience is amazing to behold over time. You model true class. I don't know how you manage to keep it up. I can no longer convince myself that these idiots seriously believe more than the teensiest sliver of their own crap. All seems to boil down to politics for them. Be bastardized beyond recognition. Perhaps some economic fears or control issues addle one personally. No excuse. Sophistication gone. Facts and logic no longer matter. Think tank mentality prevails. Simply deny stuff. Manipulate. Succinctly repeat. Catapult the propaganda. Rinse and repeat. Education and critical thought be damned.

All I did was explain ID as I understood it. I didn't mean for it to be my argument against whatever Hollie or you believe for evolution. I even have stated it more than once. Is it the wax in your ears or blinders over your eyes?

I'm not sure what you mean by "cheaply concocted objections," but your arguments to object against my science views are just plain feces. It shows what your brain is concocted of.

Moreover, you bring up politics and that has to do with liberal thinking and mindset. I may be conservative at heart in politics, but am a liberal thinker with my science. I can accept abiogenesis if there was a way to falsify it, but there isn't. You will have to admit a creator exists or intelligent design, but your own scientific atheism eliminates God's existence and so no way to falsify your theories. That's why ToE and abiogenesis are not a valid theories. Isn't that right? On the creation science's theories side, we admit falsification would be to demonstrate abiogenesis with no millions or billions of years and ToE such as producing the transitional fossils. We may not agree with your science, but don't act as if scientific atheism doesn't exist.

All I have is evidence that abiogenesis didn't happen on Earth nor our solar system. Experimenters like Urey-Miller have tried to demonstrate, but failed. You got observations and experiments, but no God to falsify it. First, you have to admit to the possibility of a supernatural creator.
Last edited:
Here's what I think.

One planet in the universe has intelligent life: Earth.

One form of intelligent life exists in the universe: humans.
You cannot be wrong here.
One universe exists, there are no others: our universe.

Prove me wrong.
You still cannot be wrong. Whatever is the "universe" by definition, there is one and only one of it, which encompasses all that exists.
But belief in these theories are more wishful thinking than reality.

The concept that there are an infinite number of parallel universes is poppycock. Even if true, there will never be a way to prove it.

If extra-terrestrial civilizations existed, we'd know it by now. We've been listening for their radio signals for decades and in all that time we've heard squat.

The reality is that atheist scientists have pushed belief in these notions because they hate Christianity and want to undermine people's faith in religion.
Well, that will just be one more thing that they are dead wrong about.

BTW, I think that there are multiple universes and space aliens that visit us all the time.

But I sure as hell am not a damned atheist.
Why are people so stupid? Atheism has nothing to do with science. Read my lips .... Science does not disprove the existence of God but Science most definitely DISPROVES THE BIBLE & the KORAN. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Science cannot disprove the Bible or Koran, dude, as Science cannot 'disprove' literary works of any kind that contain allegory, metaphor and prophetic text..
Here's what I think.

One planet in the universe has intelligent life: Earth.

One form of intelligent life exists in the universe: humans.

One universe exists, there are no others: our universe.

Prove me wrong.
I think you are probably wrong, and I suspect that our videos of extraterrestrial aircraft pretty much settles the whole thing.

There is other sentient life, and I suspect the universe is full of life.
Why are people so stupid? Atheism has nothing to do with science. Read my lips .... Science does not disprove the existence of God but Science most definitely DISPROVES THE BIBLE & the KORAN. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Science cannot disprove the Bible or Koran, dude, as Science cannot 'disprove' literary works of any kind that contain allegory, metaphor and prophetic text..
So, you are saying that nothing found in the bible has been disproved. Gee whilikers.

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