Atheists are the dumbest people in the world

Not at all.
What would be better proof then?
Well, it's kind of hard to see something that's not physical (like love, hate, fear, etc.).

OK then, I can feel fear...I've never felt God.
Now, I know that's not proof because I'm not so wordly and important but what would be better proof?
God's not gonna come to you, you have to seek him. If you don't want to know him, why should he bother with you? It's your loss, not his.
Well, it's kind of hard to see something that's not physical (like love, hate, fear, etc.).

OK then, I can feel fear...I've never felt God.
Now, I know that's not proof because I'm not so wordly and important but what would be better proof?
God's not gonna come to you, you have to seek him. If you don't want to know him, why should he bother with you? It's your loss, not his.

So we'll leave it as a matter of Faith proof of His existence is required.

Nobody's trying to prove He doesn't exist, and you don't need to prove that He does because of your Faith.
Fair enough.

Okay, let's say you believe that flying purple lemons exist. That is your faith, you believe that down to your very bones, and you structure your life around your faith that flying purple lemons exist.


Hmm. I understand what you're saying, but I just don't see it. I suppose it's possible, but I just don't see it.

I'll believe that flying purple lemons exist if you'll just show me.

There's no way to prove that flying purple lemons don't exist, any more than there's a way I can prove that talking yellow cranberries don't exist. The burden of proof is on you. Go ahead, I'd love to see a flying purple lemon. Show me just one, and I'll be right there with ya.

So tell me, precisely, how such reasoning would make someone "dumb".

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since we do not live forever, everyone will find out factually if God exists after our last breath .... or if a State of Mind can be accomplished before the physiology dies that will enable us to live Spiritually.

and if so whether Good is stronger than Evil ... to make existence worth while and the reason for the Deity to exist.
since we do not live forever, everyone will find out factually if God exists after our last breath .... or if a State of Mind can be accomplished before the physiology dies that will enable us to live Spiritually.
Well, we won't find out if God exists after our last breath, if we're dead. However, science is now hotly debating the theory that consciousness resides outside of our body and that after death, consciousness lives on.
Every time they have their arguments about God not existing they always try to shift the burden of proof on to the theists so retarded, when will they ever support their claims that God doesn't exist?

Both theists and atheists have stupid members.

Anyone who tries to go beyond the limits of faith or empirical data demonstrate the stupidity is a choice of willingness to ignore what is so and go beyond into realms of fantasy.

An example: a Mormon historian I know (a nice guy) actually writes that Mormon history can be best written by Mormons who understand that faith supersedes empirical data. I know: stupid.

An example: the theist or the atheist who argue that creationism should be taught in the science classroom or that the Bible should not be taught in the liberal arts classroom. I know: stupid.
since we do not live forever, everyone will find out factually if God exists after our last breath .... or if a State of Mind can be accomplished before the physiology dies that will enable us to live Spiritually.
Well, we won't find out if God exists after our last breath, if we're dead. However, science is now hotly debating the theory that consciousness resides outside of our body and that after death, consciousness lives on.

Well, we won't find out if God exists after our last breath, if we're dead.

people will just not let it rest ...

* if you do not wake up after your last breath, you are Dead. Edit: meaning there is no Afterlife - God.

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Believers have a belief based on faith, atheists always claim science proves their point so where are these scientific studies that prove God doesn't exist? The burden of proof is on them, not believers.

No, atheists say that there is no proof of the existence of God - not that science proves that there is no God.
A subtle difference but important.

Even if they make that claim they have to support it and where's the proof?

So you are demanding proof that there is no proof?

God exists, and I can prove it. I prayed yesterday that a metiorite would not strike me in the head...and none did!
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