Astronomical discoveries


Aug 19, 2004
Some Qur'aanic Verses & Astronomical discoveries

Professor Yoshihide Kozai: I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in the Qur'aan.

Dr. Kozai is Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and was the Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Mikata, Tokyo Japan. We presented to him a number of Qur'aanic verses describing the beginning of creation and the heavens, and which deal with the relationship of the earth to the heavens. After studying these verses, Professor Kozai asked us about the Qur'aan and about the time when the Qur'aan was revealed. We informed him that it was revealed 1400 years ago, and then we asked him about the facts which these verses contained. After each answer we would show him the Qur'aanic text. He expressed his astonishment, saying that this Qur'aan describes the universe as seen from the highest point, everything seen is distinct and clear. He who said this sees everything in existence. Seen from such a point, there is nothing which can be unseen.

We asked him whether at some point in time the firmament was in a form of smoke. He stated that all signs and indications are converging to prove that at one point in time the whole firmament was nothing but a cloud of smoke. This has come to be established as a proven visible fact. Scientists now can observe new stars forming up out of that smoke, which is the origin of our universe, as we see in this picture (Figure 17.1).

Fig. 17.1

This picture was obtained only recently with the help of the spaceship. It shows one of the stars as it forms up out of the smoke. Look at the outer reddish parts of the smoke as it begins to heat and cluster. And look at the center of the cloud and how the smoky matter is of such high density that it becomes irradiant. The illuminating stars we see today were, just as was the whole universe, in that smoke form. We presented to him the Qur'aanic verse saying:

Then he turned to the sky, and it had been (as) smoke (dukhaan): He said to it and to the earth: come you together, willingly or unwillingly. They said: we do come (together) in willing obedience. (Qur'aan 41:11).

Some scientists describe this dukhaan or smoke “mist”. But Professor Kozai pointed out that the term “mist” does not correspond to the description of this smoke, because mist is characteristically cold, whereas this cosmic smoke is somewhat hot. Dukhaan indeed is made up of diffused gases to which solid substances are attached, and this is the exact description of the smoke from which the universe emerged even before the stars were formed. Professor Kozai said that because that smoke was hot, we cannot describe it as “mist”. Dukhaan is the best descriptive word that can ever be. In this way Professor Kozai continued to scrutinize each Qur'aanic verse we presented to him.


Finally we asked him: ‘What do you think of this phenomenon which you have seen for yourself, namely, that science is beginning to discover the secrets of the universe, whereas many of these secrets have already been revealed in the Qur'aan or in the Sunnah? Do you think that the Qur'aan was given to the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) from a human source?’

Professor Kozai replied: "I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Qur'aan, and for us modern astronomers have been studying a very small piece of the universe. We have concentrated our efforts for understanding of a very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole universe. So, by reading Qur'aan and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation of the universe."

Fig. 17.3

Professor Kozai believes it is impossible that the Qur'aan was from a human source. He further stated that we scientists in our studies concentrated only on a small area, but if we read the Qur'aan, then we will see a much larger picture of this universe. Scientists have to look at it in a panorama, not within limited and narrow perspectives. Professor Kozai acknowledges relating to the Cosmos, he is now able to define his way in the future. He states that, from now on, he will plan his research guided by the comprehensive Qur'aanic view of the universe.

Glory to You O Lord, may You be exalted! This is the ever-lasting miracle which renews itself. This is a miracle which gives life and which convinces Muslims and Non-Muslims, and which will convince all generations until the Day of Judgment. Allah said in the Qur'aan:

But Allah bears witness that what He has sent unto thee He has sent with His (own) knowledge. (Qur'aan 4:166).

And say: Praise be to Allah, Who will soon show you His signs, so that you shall know them. (Qur'aan 27:93).
Facts From Astronomy

Allah has made clear to us that His book, the Qur'aan has been revealed as a reminder to the whole world.

Allah said: This is no less than a reminder to (all) the worlds. And you shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while. (Qur'aan 38:87-88).

Thus, the Qur'aan is a reminder for all of mankind until the Last Hour. It contains information that man discovers in due time. Because this Qur'aan was revealed from Allahs knowledge and every single verse in it was revealed with Allahs knowledge, as He Himself said:

But Allah bears witness that what He has sent unto you He has sent with His (own) knowledge... (Qur'aan 4:166).

Every single verse contains divine knowledge, but mankind is constantly developing. In attaining higher levels of scientific understanding, mankind is then capable of discerning the divine knowledge contained in a given verse. Thus, coming to know that this verse has been revealed from Allah, with the ever continuing process of human progress and development, man will come to find the clue that enables him to understand another verse, and so on. In this way mankind will continue to understand more and more verses. This is the wondrous characteristics of the Qur'aan.

Professor Armstrong works at NASA, otherwise known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, where he is a well-known scientist there. We met him and asked a number of questions about Qur'aanic verses dealing with the expertise in Astronomy. We asked him about iron and how it was formed. He explained how all the elements in the earth were formed. He stated that the scientists have come only recently to discover the relevant facts about that formation process. He said that the energy of the early solar system was not sufficient enough to produce elemental iron.

Fig. 16.1 Eagle Nebula

In calculating the energy required to form one atom of iron, it was found to be about four times as much as the energy of the entire solar system. In other words, the entire energy of the earth or the moon or the planet Mars or any other planet is not sufficient to form one new atom of iron, even the energy of the entire solar system is not sufficient for that. That is why Professor Armstrong said that the scientists believe that iron is an extraterrestrial that was sent to earth and not formed therein. We read to him the Qur'aanic verse saying:

And we sent down Iron, in which is Great might, as well as many benefits for mankind. (Qur'aan 57-25).

Then we asked him about the sky and whether it had any gaps or rifts in it. He disproved this and replied that what we are talking about is a branch of astronomy called the Integrated Cosmos which we scientists have only come to know recently. For example, if you have a body in outer space which travels a certain distance in any direction and then travel the same distance in a different direction, you will find that the mass weight is the same in all directions. Because this body has its own equilibrium, the pressures from all directions are the same. Without this equilibrium, the whole universe would collapse. I recalled Allahs verse in the Qur'aan:

Do they not look at the sky above them? How we have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it? (Qur'aan 50:6).

Then we talked to Professor Armstrong about the attempts of scientists to reach the edge of the universe, and we asked him whether they were successful in this. He replied that they are fighting an uphill battle to the edge of the universe. We construct more powerful equipment to observe the universe only to discover that the new stars we see are still within our galaxy and that we have not yet reached the edge of the universe. He is aware of the Qur'aanic verse which says: And we adorned the lowest heaven with lamps and we made such (lamps) missiles to drive away satans. (Qur'aan 67:5).

Indeed, all these stars are adornments for the lowest heaven. He says that scientists have not reached the end of the universe. Professor Armstrong added that because of this, they are thinking of stationing more telescopes in outer space so that their observations will not be obstructed by dust and other atmospheric impediments. Vision telescopes using light are unable to travel long distances, so we replaced them with radio operated ones enabling us to see further, but we nevertheless are still within the boundaries. I mentioned to him this verse:

So turn thy vision again: Do you see any flaw? Again turn your vision a second time: (your) vision will come back to you dull and discomfited, in a state worn out. (Qur'aan 67:3-4).

Each time Professor Armstrong told us some scientific fact, we mentioned to him the relevant verse which he agreed with. Then we said to him: You have seen and discovered for yourself the true nature of modern astronomy by means of modern equipment, rockets, and space ships, developed by man. You have also seen how the same facts were mentioned by the Qur'aan 14 centuries ago, so what is your opinion about these?

He replied: "That is a difficult question which I have been thinking about since our discussions here. I am impressed at how remarkably some of the ancient writings seem to correspond to modern and recent astronomy. I am not a sufficient scholar of human history to project myself completely and reliably into the circumstances that 1400 years ago would have prevailed."

"Certainly, I would like to leave it at that what we have seen is remarkable, it may or may not admit of scientific explanation. There might have to be something beyond what we understand as ordinary human experience to account for the writings that we have seen. It is not my intention or my position at this point to provide an answer to that. I have said a lot of words without, I think, expressing exactly what you want me to express, but it is my job as a scientist to remain independent of certain questions and I think that is one of the reasons that I had better stop just a little bit short of giving you the complete answer that you might desire."

Yes, it is very difficult to imagine that this knowledge revealed in the Book of Allah fourteen centuries ago could have come to Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) from a human source. There must be some other source from which scientists derive their knowledge, because only Allah knows the secrets of the heavens and the earth. As we have seen and heard from the various meetings with these scientists, we are on the threshold of a new age.

This is an age where religion and science can embrace, the true religion and the true science. Therefore, there can be no contradiction whatsoever between the two, nor should there be any opposition. This is the conclusion that Muslim scholars have arrived at throughout centuries. That is, there is no possibility that a proven scientific fact could contradict a divinely revealed truth which has been clearly understood. If they say we are in the space age, it is true, it is the age where scientific knowledge and religion would agree, but this can only be between true knowledge and the religion of Islam, which Allah has preserved from all falsification and alteration.

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