Assistant Secretary of Health Says No Evidence Hydroxychloroquine Is Effective Treatment For Virus


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I don't know how many health experts and scientists need to tell the nation that hydroxychloroquine isn't the cure for the virus.

I really wish we had competent adults in our White House.

I don't know how many health experts and scientists need to tell the nation that hydroxychloroquine isn't the cure for the virus.

I really wish we had competent adults in our White House.

Have a heapin' helpin' of "Shut the fuck up, ya dumb fuck"....don't be shy about asking for seconds.
I don't know how many health experts and scientists need to tell the nation that hydroxychloroquine isn't the cure for the virus.

I really wish we had competent adults in our White House.

Numerous doctors have said otherwis
Let them take it if they want to. I think I am going to buy some stock.
Did you catch the white coat summit video before it was deleted? Since when do pharmacists tell doctors what they may or may not prescribe? This is preventative at the first sign of symptoms. Hospitals are telling those with minor symptoms to self-quarantine but then when the virus is full-blown, they rush patients into the ICU and pump them full of expensive antibiotics and put a ventilator over their face whether they need one of not because Medi-Care and MediCaid are paying 30K plus if one is used. Seems to be a financial incentive going on here, no? If the patient dies, all the better because it jacks up the numbers and sells fear to the public.

I don't give a shit about Trump....this is about watching this country getting taken down from the inside. Do you REALLY believe that the elites are going to subsidize four plus billion unemployable people so they can sit on their asses and surf the internet and play video games and squirt out another generation of what they call "worthless eaters"? I wouldn't bet so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's ill-fitting toupee on that one. This is step one in "culling the herd". The robotic and A.I age is here and human beings are a resource with an ever declining value with an upkeep that is getting more expensive. I suggest that you wake up and smell the coffee.
I don't know how many health experts and scientists need to tell the nation that hydroxychloroquine isn't the cure for the virus.

I really wish we had competent adults in our White House.

Oh shit. A bureaucrat said there's no evidence, so there must be no evidence.

Don't let the doctors all over the world swearing to be experiencing success fool you. Only trust the doctors that disagree with Trump. Obviously they're right, because muh politics.
Let them take it if they want to. I think I am going to buy some stock.

They run a very high risk of dying from that drug.

One idiot in Arizona died and his wife ended up in the hospital near death from it.

I don't wish death on anyone. Even stupid people.
Now I know you're an ignoramus.

That couple in AZ drank a fishtank cleaner because one of its chemical ingredients is chloroquine phosphate. That's not the same thing as hydroxychloroquine treatment. Rather than running a search and only reading the articles with headlines that are convenient to your political narrative, maybe do some actual research before saying silly shit.
Let them take it if they want to. I think I am going to buy some stock.

They run a very high risk of dying from that drug.

One idiot in Arizona died and his wife ended up in the hospital near death from it.

I don't wish death on anyone. Even stupid people.
That is absolute bullshit and you know it. The incident you are citing was a MURDER where a woman gave her husband a drink with aquarium cleaner in it. It is lies and disinformation like this that CAUSE needless deaths all in the name of partisan smearing.
I don't know how many health experts and scientists need to tell the nation that hydroxychloroquine isn't the cure for the virus.

I really wish we had competent adults in our White House.

I took that drug for a year in Vietnam along with hundreds of thousands of Americans. It never harmed me and I never heard of anyone that did. It was a daily pill and there was another weekly quinine pill. One setback of hydroxychloroquine was the fact that you could only take it for 30 days and then go back to base camp for at least two weeks and you would only take the weekly pill and then go back to the field. The reason was that after a month of the daily pill you would be susceptible to infections from cuts and scrapes.

We knew that then and doctors know it now. The only reason that Giroir, Fauci and Birx is against the drug is they are all invested in the drug they are pushing. It's all about money and I'm sure all the asshole liberals who are against it are all tied in with the others to make a killing on their virus drug. None of those doctors have worked in their fields for years. They are all career bureaucrats. When is the last time Giroir (a pediatrician) has delivered a baby? Seems like cons are the only ones to read between the lines.
We knew that then and doctors know it now. The only reason that Giroir, Fauci and Birx is against the drug is they are all invested in the drug they are pushing. It's all about money and I'm sure all the asshole liberals who are against it are all tied in with the others to make a killing on their virus drug. None of those doctors have worked in their fields for years. They are all career bureaucrats. When is the last time Giroir (a pediatrician) has delivered a baby? Seems like cons are the only ones to read between the lines.

THANK YOU! Just to add to that, it's surreal that we have so-called "liberals" actually cheerleading for Big Pharma and billionaires who are going to make a massive fortune from the vaccine they're planning on making the whole world take. Whatever happened to liberals caring about the little guy? It seems to be the opposite these days. They're siding with criminal oligarchs who couldn't care less about us "peasants." I don't know if they're just really, really naive and stupid... or if they have some ulterior reasons for going along with the BS?
Their greed knows no bounds.

Ask yourself why are they’re fighting against the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) so fiercely... if there’s an approved treatment, they can’t issue an Emergency Use Authorization for a rushed vaccine
Dear friends for pointed this out

vax cash.PNG
I don't know how many health experts and scientists need to tell the nation that hydroxychloroquine isn't the cure for the virus.

I really wish we had competent adults in our White House.

Numerous doctors have said otherwis
Let them take it if they want to. I think I am going to buy some stock.
Did you catch the white coat summit video before it was deleted? Since when do pharmacists tell doctors what they may or may not prescribe? This is preventative at the first sign of symptoms. Hospitals are telling those with minor symptoms to self-quarantine but then when the virus is full-blown, they rush patients into the ICU and pump them full of expensive antibiotics and put a ventilator over their face whether they need one of not because Medi-Care and MediCaid are paying 30K plus if one is used. Seems to be a financial incentive going on here, no? If the patient dies, all the better because it jacks up the numbers and sells fear to the public.

I don't give a shit about Trump....this is about watching this country getting taken down from the inside. Do you REALLY believe that the elites are going to subsidize four plus billion unemployable people so they can sit on their asses and surf the internet and play video games and squirt out another generation of what they call "worthless eaters"? I wouldn't bet so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's ill-fitting toupee on that one. This is step one in "culling the herd". The robotic and A.I age is here and human beings are a resource with an ever declining value with an upkeep that is getting more expensive. I suggest that you wake up and smell the coffee.


All of you stupid people need to read the article.

The government isn't using it anymore and the officials who are in charge say it's time to move on from it.

Why do you want so many people to die?

Why do you want to keep pushing a drug that has been proven in at least 5 official studies to not work and to kill people?

Why don't you want to use what has been shown to work?

Why don't you believe trump's people when they tell you the truth you don't want to hear?
Let them take it if they want to. I think I am going to buy some stock.

They run a very high risk of dying from that drug.

One idiot in Arizona died and his wife ended up in the hospital near death from it.

I don't wish death on anyone. Even stupid people.

They took fish tank cleaner ya idiot.
And on top of that it's looking like she gave it to her husband to kill him.
Fer fucks sake get a brain and use it!!!
All of you stupid people need to read the article.

The government isn't using it anymore and the officials who are in charge say it's time to move on from it.

Why do you want so many people to die?

Why do you want to keep pushing a drug that has been proven in at least 5 official studies to not work and to kill people?

Why don't you want to use what has been shown to work?

Why don't you believe trump's people when they tell you the truth you don't want to hear?

I dont want advice from someone who thinks fish tank cleaner is the same thing as hydroxychloroquine.
And what has been shown to work exactly?
All of you stupid people need to read the article.

The government isn't using it anymore and the officials who are in charge say it's time to move on from it.

Why do you want so many people to die?

Why do you want to keep pushing a drug that has been proven in at least 5 official studies to not work and to kill people?

Why don't you want to use what has been shown to work?

Why don't you believe trump's people when they tell you the truth you don't want to hear?

I dont want advice from someone who thinks fish tank cleaner is the same thing as hydroxychloroquine.
And what has been shown to work exactly?
Yet the Orange Malignancy in the WH continues to push this snake oil.

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