Assault weapons ban? Yes

We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.

I agree. "Assault" weapons ought to be banned.

First, you must define them.

Secondly you must also ban the criminal element including those who are in governmental positions, FBI, DEA, BATF............


Bring the suggestion again in about 50 years. I will be here.

We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.

"Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians."

What??? A large magazine is the functional equivalent of a machine gun?? You really don't understand firearms, do you?
It's also not about civilians having military weapons. Assault rifles with large capacity magazines are the equivalent of machine guns.

You are aware that at the time of the founding of this country and the writing of the Constitution, every weapon was a military weapon and every weapon was used to assault the British, aren't you?

And as far as a large magazine being the same as a machine gun.... What the hell are you smoking. You need to put it down and stop using it before it warps the last two working brain cells you have.
At the time that the Supreme Court ruled that it was Constitutional to ban civilians from machine guns the yield of machine guns was about 100 rounds per minute, about the same as a modern semi-automatic weapon WITH a 100 round magazine.

BTW you are aware that at the time of the drafting of the Constitution it would take an entire battalion to equal the fire power of a modern assault weapon. Allowing these weapons in the town square doesn't seem to jibe with insuring the domestic tranquility as Madison wrote into the Constitution.

At the time of the drafting of the US Constitution, the farmers and shopkeepers had weapons with the same rate of fire as the best shock troops in the largest military. And THAT is what the founding fathers were trying to insure.

Also, to further show your ignorance of the topic, the Thompson submachine gun would fire at a rate of between 600 and 1,500 rounds per minute, depending on the model. The BAR would fire 500 to 650 rounds per minute.

Please tell us what machine gun fired only 100 rounds per minute??
It's also not about civilians having military weapons. Assault rifles with large capacity magazines are the equivalent of machine guns.

Yes, it is. A militia is a type of military unit.

And a semi automatic rifle is nothing like a machine gun.

I've qualified with both, have you shot either, because you sound like a total Dumbass when you spread that kind of manure.

An semi automatic rifle functions EXACTLY like a semi automatic pistol...there is no difference whatsoever.

I have a 9 shot .22 revolver that fires at exactly the same rate and speed as my round per trigger pull.
All right, now try to pay attention. You are right but with a 100round clip you can squeeze off 100rounds a minute. That's about the same yield as a machine gun when the Supreme Court ruled that is was Constitutional to ban machin guns from civilian ownership. A modern assault weapon with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of a machine gun.

What machinegun fired only 100 rounds per minute?? The Thompson submachine gun fired 600 rounds per minute in its slowest variation. The BAR (designed in 1918) fired 500+ rounds per minute.
That's all you got? Ah the proclamations of the weak minded.

It's very clear that you have no experience with fully automatic weapons, if you had you would be aware that no simi-auto has the same functionality. That makes you the very definition of ignorant.

Do you know what functional equivalent means? I know that a modern fully automatic weapon exceeds the yield of a modern semi auto, but the point is that a modern semi auto is the same as the machine guns that were available at the time that the Supreme Court ruled that automatics could be banned from civilian ownership.

I have listed the rate of fire of two common types of machine gun that were designed and built before 1935. Both had rates of fire FAR greater than the 100 rounds per minute you are claiming.

Hell, the Gatling gun fired 200 rounds per minute, and that was a Civil War era weapon.

Please show us you know your topic by stating what machine gun only fired 100 rounds per minute?
A machine gun with only one round in it wouldn't be much of a machine would it? A hundred round magazine in a semi auto could be emptied in a minute, it's the uninterrupted fire that makes them similar.
Like all useful idiots, your masters' agenda is more important to you than knowledge and honesty.

Why don't you address my point directly instead of hiding behind your supposed superior knowledge of firearms, nit picking the true meaning of assault weapon when I have made it abundantly clear what weapons I'm talking about. Oh, you can't, you can only call names and accuse me of being an avatar for someone else's agenda.

When you base your entire argument on the claim that a machine gun prior to the ruling in 1935 could only fire 100 rounds per minute, and then try to compare that to a modern semi-auto, the fact that machine guns fire 500+ rounds per minute destroys your argument.
From the link offered defining an "assault rifle":

"(A) A semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following:

i. a folding or telescopic stock;

ii. a pistol grip;

iii. a bayonet mount;

iv. a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor; and

v. a grenade launcher."

So a bayonet mount or a grenade launcher is part of the definition of an assault rifle? Are drive-by bayonetings a common crime? Do we see a lot of grenade launcher attacks in the US?
It's very clear that you have no experience with fully automatic weapons, if you had you would be aware that no simi-auto has the same functionality. That makes you the very definition of ignorant.

Do you know what functional equivalent means? I know that a modern fully automatic weapon exceeds the yield of a modern semi auto, but the point is that a modern semi auto is the same as the machine guns that were available at the time that the Supreme Court ruled that automatics could be banned from civilian ownership.

I have listed the rate of fire of two common types of machine gun that were designed and built before 1935. Both had rates of fire FAR greater than the 100 rounds per minute you are claiming.

Hell, the Gatling gun fired 200 rounds per minute, and that was a Civil War era weapon.

Please show us you know your topic by stating what machine gun only fired 100 rounds per minute?

Odd fact: According to F-troop, a crank-operated Gatling is, legally, not a machine gun!
We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.

The government has "banned" drugs and poured billions of $'s into enforcing that ban, without actually stopping criminals from getting their hands on drugs. Why do you believe the government would be more successful in keeping guns out of criminals hands?

They can successfully remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens, but they will never succeed in getting guns away from criminals. That would dramatically skew the balance of power in favor of the criminals.

Because they can't grow weapons in the mountains. They have to be manufactured and in most countries in the world people have to past a background check before they can buy weapons. They don't sell them willy nilly to any slack jawed yokel.

Americans killing Americans. Was it such a pressing issue 50/100/150/200 years ago?

I think not.

So, what has changed?

Morals, mores, a departure from accepted norms, a denigration of the family unit, a shift from traditional values, a more liberal society, rebellion against authority, gangs, sex, drugs, rock and roll?

... or all of the above?
There's a well reasoned argument!

Your demonstrated ignorance deserves no more.

That's all you got? Ah the proclamations of the weak minded.

I can see you have never been in the military so your weak little mind has no concept as to what a machine gun is. And so far you have yet to demonstrate an ability to draw knowledge from others, that keeps you ignorant and shows you to be truly stupid.
We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.

apparently you have no clue as to what you are saying

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