Why Don't Anti-Gunners just Come up with a Definition of "Assault Weapons?"

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
These kinds of clips are painful to watch, and they are all too easy for the pro-second amendment forces to obtain. When someone says that they want to "ban assault weapons," you're about 99.9% to stump them by asking "what is an assault weapon?"

Why do I care? Ever play chess against someone and they're so bad that it's frustrating because they make moves no one who knows anything about chess would make? You'll see that if you play chess against a computer set at a lower skill level than you're used to. You'll want to yell at your opponenent, "why would you move your rook one space for no reason, and now you cannot castle?"

So, please, hoplophobes! Have a heart! Read a damn book or talk to someone who likes guns without devolving into name-calling. Whatever you need to do to be able to answer that simple question.
You want a definition, I will do it
No more than 15 rounds in 15 sec

Anything above that is an assault weapon
These kinds of clips are painful to watch, and they are all too easy for the pro-second amendment forces to obtain. When someone says that they want to "ban assault weapons," you're about 99.9% to stump them by asking "what is an assault weapon?"

Why do I care? Ever play chess against someone and they're so bad that it's frustrating because they make moves no one who knows anything about chess would make? You'll see that if you play chess against a computer set at a lower skill level than you're used to. You'll want to yell at your opponenent, "why would you move your rook one space for no reason, and now you cannot castle?"

So, please, hoplophobes! Have a heart! Read a damn book or talk to someone who likes guns without devolving into name-calling. Whatever you need to do to be able to answer that simple question.

Totally! They should define it!
The jerks can't even tell the difference between semi-auto and automatic. Outlaw it if it's black. It's ironic that the same lefties who want to confiscate all firearms didn't even blink when democrat icon Barry Hussein sent a couple of thousand weapons to Mexican drug cartels and one of them surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. Freaking hypocrites.
Wait wasn't that the mistake your orange god made, when he banned bump stocks?
Trump responded to the Vegas mass shooting. Barry Hussein didn't have to take responsibility for the murder of the Border Patrol officer and nobody in the ATF was even fired for the Operation Fast/Furious debacle because the left wing media quickly forgot about it.
These kinds of clips are painful to watch, and they are all too easy for the pro-second amendment forces to obtain. When someone says that they want to "ban assault weapons," you're about 99.9% to stump them by asking "what is an assault weapon?"

Why do I care? Ever play chess against someone and they're so bad that it's frustrating because they make moves no one who knows anything about chess would make? You'll see that if you play chess against a computer set at a lower skill level than you're used to. You'll want to yell at your opponenent, "why would you move your rook one space for no reason, and now you cannot castle?"

So, please, hoplophobes! Have a heart! Read a damn book or talk to someone who likes guns without devolving into name-calling. Whatever you need to do to be able to answer that simple question.

Because there's already a definition for assault weapon, and they would have to change it to do what they want to do.

"Assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire. Because they are light and portable yet still able to deliver a high volume of fire with reasonable accuracy at modern combat ranges of 1,000–1,600 feet (300–500 metres), assault rifles have replaced the high-powered bolt-action and semiautomatic rifles of the World War II era as the standard infantry weapon of modern armies."

Your OP says we can’t define an assault weapon…..

Yes you can
Actually, the OP asset you do to fine assault weapon. You did, here’s your cookie.

Now I’m expanding on that: revolvers are assault weapons? Are you out of your freaking mind?
Actually, the OP asset you do to fine assault weapon. You did, here’s your cookie.

Now I’m expanding on that: revolvers are assault weapons? Are you out of your freaking mind?
Let’s be serious here

Handguns are responsible for the overwhelming majority of homicides
That is our biggest threat
Let’s be serious here

Handguns are responsible for the overwhelming majority of homicides
That is our biggest threat

Lefties conveniently lump suicides with "homicide" statistics while the freaking hypocrites justify assisted suicides. More kids are dying from fentanyl poison than gunshot tragedies but nobody on the left wants to deal with deliberate or unintentional fentanyl suicide.
You want a definition, I will do it
No more than 15 rounds in 15 sec

Anything above that is an assault weapon
Definition of the word, assault: To attack someone. That's it. If you are trying to stab a person in the temple with a Phillips screwdriver, what you are holding.....is an assault weapon. If you are trying to bash a person's skull in with a baseball bat, you are using your assault weapon. If you are garroting someone with a cable, your cable is your assault weapon. A weapon you are attacking someone with, that's all it means. The left placed the word "assault" in front of the word rifle for one main reason, to make it sound scarier than other items you use to assault people with.
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Definition of the word, assault: To attack someone. That's it. If you are trying to stab a person in the temple with a Phillips screwdriver, what you are holding.....is an assault weapon. If you are trying to bash a person's skull in with a baseball bat, you are using your assault weapon. If you are garroting someone with a cable, your cable is your assault weapon. A weapon you are attacking someone with, that's all it means. The left placed the word "assault" in front of the word rifle for one main reason, to make it sound scarier than other items you use to assault people with.
Word Salad

The OP says an assault weapon can’t be defined
A standard of rate of fire, magazine capacity, muzzle velocity can be used as a threshold
According to the law, 'assault weapons' do not exist in 40 of the 50 states.

Not that it matters - they are, unquestionably, "bearable arms"; sometime before 2030, the USSC will strike all such bans.

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