Assault weapons ban? Yes

Great spokes person





[ame=]Rambo 4 (End Scene) - YouTube[/ame]

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I'd bet it was close to zero, and I'd bet none of them were assault rifles legaly owned by civilians.
No, it was around 300. I think the exact number was 323. Feel free to check the FBI statistics on it.
323 murders involving rifles, 2011.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

My wagers stand.

.............I'm trying to help the pro assault rifle crowd. Out of 32,000 deaths by firearms, only 1% of those were from assault rifles.


But let's look into the numbers even more. According to, of the 32,000 gun deaths in 2011 only 8,500 were listed as homicide. Where does that leave the other 23,500? Suicide and accidents. Of all gun related deaths, only 1/3 are even homicide.

If the left wing truly cares about reducing gun violence and gun related deaths, they're not even close to addressing the real problems.
We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.

if you look at the AWB that sunsetted a while back, you will see that it wasn't the clips, necessarily, that defined assault weapon. a lot of the designations were incredibly stupid... for example, you could buy a particular gun with one grip, but not with another.

i have no issue with getting rid of clips that hold more than 10 rounds. i absolutely think they need to close the gun show loophole and have universal background checks regardless of the means of purchase.

but i don't believe in pointless legislation just so legislators can say to their constituents that they "did something".
It's also not about civilians having military weapons. Assault rifles with large capacity magazines are the equivalent of machine guns.

You are aware that at the time of the founding of this country and the writing of the Constitution, every weapon was a military weapon and every weapon was used to assault the British, aren't you?

And as far as a large magazine being the same as a machine gun.... What the hell are you smoking. You need to put it down and stop using it before it warps the last two working brain cells you have.
At the time that the Supreme Court ruled that it was Constitutional to ban civilians from machine guns the yield of machine guns was about 100 rounds per minute, about the same as a modern semi-automatic weapon WITH a 100 round magazine.

No, that's wrong! As far back as 1918, there was a full-automatic RIFLE that fired much faster than that! 100rpm for a machine gun is VERY slow...even a 1930's autocannon fired faster than that.
Yes, it is. A militia is a type of military unit.

And a semi automatic rifle is nothing like a machine gun.

I've qualified with both, have you shot either, because you sound like a total Dumbass when you spread that kind of manure.

An semi automatic rifle functions EXACTLY like a semi automatic pistol...there is no difference whatsoever.

I have a 9 shot .22 revolver that fires at exactly the same rate and speed as my round per trigger pull.
All right, now try to pay attention. You are right but with a 100round clip you can squeeze off 100rounds a minute. That's about the same yield as a machine gun when the Supreme Court ruled that is was Constitutional to ban machin guns from civilian ownership. A modern assault weapon with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of a machine gun.

Honestly, I don't think you could...I've never seen a C-mag function properly...that is why the military abandon them.

Ban them...I'm not opposed.

I'd compromise with you.

20 round magazines...that's three more than the largest standard pistol magazine.

Don't many 9mm Glocks use 18 and 20-shot mags?
Just to enlighten you..

The Original Thompson Submachine gun in 1934 could fire at the rate 1,500 bullets per minute. That was later throttled back to 879 rounds per minute to allow for some accuracy.

I do not know of a single person who can physically squeeze the trigger of any semi-automatic 879 time let alone 1,500 times in 60 seconds.

How many rounds would that machine gun fire with a ten round clip? That's the point assault weapons can be fitted with large capacity magazines making them the functional equivalent of machine guns.

The BAR was good for 300+ rounds per minute. It fired from a 20-round magazine. You fail.
What is bullshit is your refusal to admit that one of the features and really the most important feature that distinguishes a machine gun from one that is not is its large capacity magazine.
No. The distinguishing characteristic is the capcity to fire full-auto.

Like all useful idiots, your masters' agenda is more important to you than knowledge and honesty.

A machine gun with only one round in it wouldn't be much of a machine would it? A hundred round magazine in a semi auto could be emptied in a minute, it's the uninterrupted fire that makes them similar.

Stop lying.
We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.

if you look at the AWB that sunsetted a while back, you will see that it wasn't the clips, necessarily, that defined assault weapon. a lot of the designations were incredibly stupid... for example, you could buy a particular gun with one grip, but not with another.

i have no issue with getting rid of clips that hold more than 10 rounds. i absolutely think they need to close the gun show loophole and have universal background checks regardless of the means of purchase.

but i don't believe in pointless legislation just so legislators can say to their constituents that they "did something".

i have no issue with getting rid of clips that hold more than 10 rounds. i absolutely think they need to close the gun show loophole and have universal background checks regardless of the means of purchase.
1. What gun show loophole? Could you give an example how this is used and a location where it has happened?

2. Let's say you live in California and they have a major earthquake 8.0 and have no communication/ contact with with emergency personal for at least two weeks, would you want a firearm that only had a
A. Magazine capacity of 5 rounds
B. Magazine capacity of 10 rounds
C. Magazine capacity of 20 rounds
D. Magazine capacity of 30 rounds.

3. Background checks already exist
I just want to make my position clear here..

1 - If you have committed a crime serious enough to lose your 2nd Amendment rights, you lose all your rights, including the right to vote.

1a - If you get one right back, such as the right to vote, you get them all back, including the 2nd Amendment right.

2 - A Concealed Weapons Permit issued by any one State should be valid in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and territories of the United States.

3 - A person with a Conceal Weapons Permit should be able to walk into any Gun store and purchase any legal weapon without filing any paperwork or background checks

4 - The Government should not have any list or database of any kind of who has what weapon.

5 - Any background check for the purchase of a weapon should take less than 2 hours. No 3 day waiting periods.

6 - Any plans to limit the number of rounds that a person can buy should be tied to limit of gallons of gas a person can buy. 1000 rounds = 1 gallon of gas.

7 - No elected official is allowed to have any member of their protection services to be armed with any weapon not permitted to the population at large. If the population is limited to 7 round magazines, so are the body guards. If the AR Platform is illegal for the general population, it is illegal for the body guards.

8 - My children are as important to me as the President's children are to them. If the President's children have armed protection at school, my children's school will be permitted armed protection.

9 - Permits to carry weapons will be on a "Shall Issue" basis. The Government must prove that a person is incapable of carrying a weapon legally.

10 - Those with permits shall not have their names released to public or Government Agencies without out signed Warrants under any conditions. It is not subject FOIA requests.
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No, it was around 300. I think the exact number was 323. Feel free to check the FBI statistics on it.
323 murders involving rifles, 2011.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

My wagers stand.
.............I'm trying to help the pro assault rifle crowd. Out of 32,000 deaths by firearms, only 1% of those were from assault rifles.
No, less than 1%, as not all of the 323 deaths from rifles were from assault rifles.
In fact, the only deaths from assault rifles were instances where the police used an M16 to kill a criminal.

If the left wing truly cares about reducing gun violence and gun related deaths, they're not even close to addressing the real problems.
That's because gun control has nothing to do with public safety.
We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.

We still have an assault weapons ban,it has been in place and has not changed since the 1930's.
Semi-automatic weapons shoot one bullet at a time.
Assault weapons shoot multiple bullets at a time.
M-16 full Auto
[ame=]shooting the m16 at full auto - YouTube[/ame]

AR-15 semi auto
[ame=]Erika shooting the AR-15 - YouTube[/ame]

Do you know why they are painted Black?
To cut down on the glare.

The AR15 is used in hunting,sports and defense.
We should just ban bullets, nothing in the constitution guarantees the right to carry bullets.
Nothing in the constitution guarantees the right to use words, and so a ban on words will not violate the constitution.
A ban on words would make the constitution illegal
Nope. Nothing in "free speech" necessitates the use of words, and so banning words does not violate the constitution because you can use other forms of communication to express your ideas.

Next time, try to think things through.
Irony so thick you need a continental engineer to cut it.
No, it was around 300. I think the exact number was 323. Feel free to check the FBI statistics on it.
323 murders involving rifles, 2011.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

My wagers stand.

.............I'm trying to help the pro assault rifle crowd. Out of 32,000 deaths by firearms, only 1% of those were from assault rifles.


But let's look into the numbers even more. According to, of the 32,000 gun deaths in 2011 only 8,500 were listed as homicide. Where does that leave the other 23,500? Suicide and accidents. Of all gun related deaths, only 1/3 are even homicide.

If the left wing truly cares about reducing gun violence and gun related deaths, they're not even close to addressing the real problems.
Not even 1/3 are homicides of consequence, because that 1/3 includes druggie and gang gun violence. I don't cry for them a single tear.
How many rounds would that machine gun fire with a ten round clip? That's the point assault weapons can be fitted with large capacity magazines making them the functional equivalent of machine guns.
The M-1A1 carbine with full automatic selector could fire at the rate of 750 rounds per minute. Only full automatic weapons can be classified as a machine gun and not all fully automatic firearms are machine guns.
The BAR was good for 300+ rounds per minute. It fired from a 20-round magazine. You fail.

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