Assault weapons ban? Yes


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
We always hear that assault weapons are no different functionally from semi-automatic hunting rifles. But there is a difference and that is the large capacity magazine. These magazines are not made to fit hunting rifles,they are for assault rifles.
Assault rifles fitted with large capacity magazines are the functional equivalent of machine guns which the Supreme Court has already ruled may be banned for ownership by civilians.
Finally, there is the mentality that is engendered by the use of such weapons. While the hunter imagines himself bringing down a nice duck or pheasant when sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle, what is it that the owner of an assault weapon sees in his minds eye?
Bring back the assault weapons ban, it's Constitutional and common sense.
The government has "banned" drugs and poured billions of $'s into enforcing that ban, without actually stopping criminals from getting their hands on drugs. Why do you believe the government would be more successful in keeping guns out of criminals hands?

They can successfully remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens, but they will never succeed in getting guns away from criminals. That would dramatically skew the balance of power in favor of the criminals.
The government has "banned" drugs and poured billions of $'s into enforcing that ban, without actually stopping criminals from getting their hands on drugs. Why do you believe the government would be more successful in keeping guns out of criminals hands?

They can successfully remove guns from the hands of law abiding citizens, but they will never succeed in getting guns away from criminals. That would dramatically skew the balance of power in favor of the criminals.

Because they can't grow weapons in the mountains. They have to be manufactured and in most countries in the world people have to past a background check before they can buy weapons. They don't sell them willy nilly to any slack jawed yokel.
The Second Amendment isn't about hunting...that is where the OP jumps the tracks.

It's also not about civilians having military weapons. Assault rifles with large capacity magazines are the equivalent of machine guns.

You are aware that at the time of the founding of this country and the writing of the Constitution, every weapon was a military weapon and every weapon was used to assault the British, aren't you?

And as far as a large magazine being the same as a machine gun.... What the hell are you smoking. You need to put it down and stop using it before it warps the last two working brain cells you have.
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