Ask a Stupid Question...


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2004
Near Atlanta, GA
Ok, I'm new to the boards, but this has, by far, been one of the most entertaining generic threads I've ever seen, with many of them reaching thousands of posts. Format goes like this:

I start by asking a stupid question.
Next poster gives my stupid question a stupid, preferably humorous, answer and asks another stupid question.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

example: I might ask why John Kerry keeps standing on both sides of every issue, so the next person replies that it's because the Democrats are having a two for one sale and then asks how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Get it?

Ok, here goes.

Q: Where's the beef?
A: Then you act like a politician and make one up.

Q: If train A leaves Pittsburg for Chicago at 8:00 AM traveling 60 mph and train B leaves Chicago for Pittsburg at 10:00 AM traveling at 80 mph, how many liberals will be killed by standing on the track to protest the burning of fossil fuels? Assume the trains are burning deisel and are too large to stop after seeing the liberals. Also assume the liberals are too stupid to know the latter.
None, because all the liberals are currently freezing to death protesting drilling in mosquito habitats up in the ANWR.

Why do you need a driver's license to purchase alcohol if you can't drink and drive? we can keep the republican drunks off the road after they buy their alcohol.

Q. If people put GOP in front of their MB name, are they trying to tell you something? :p:
A: Elephino!

Q: Why do guys think comb-overs are ok????
Originally posted by jimnyc
A: Because they want to get laid!

Q: Why do some women wear "granny panties"?
A: Because they dont want to get laid
Q: where did they come up with colors names?
Originally posted by jimnyc
A: Because his girlfriend dumped him

Q: Why do the Yahoo message boards attract so many retards?
A: because they are inbred
Q: why are worms slimy

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