Ask a Conservative


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?

3. What continent is Africa on?

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?

Here I thought we might be able to start a good thread with some good questions and it is nothing more than a spoof!

There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?

3. What continent is Africa on?

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?

1. Depends on the questions your asking. I honestly don't know what those two are saying, unless a liberal brings it up.

2. Cause the ones that tried to run as nonfiscal conservatives lost the primary.

3. Africa, better question is why is north always up?

4. I guess if I knew I was going to die getting out of the shower, I'd have a good answer.

5. The Book of Revelations is deliberately vague, so as to obsure when the day and time of the end will actually take place. The Anti-Christ will come as one who will save the world, but actually come to destroy it. Obama has a good start, but I sort of doubt he's the one.
There are some things I would love conservatives to explain.

For one, they have this bizarre idea that rich people should be given a bye on taxes.

People come to this country and make a fortune in ways they could never do in any other country on earth. Why do they just want to "squeeze" every cent they can get out of the country? Why not support the US, invest and nurture it so people can continue to "create wealth" over generations?

Instead, they move jobs to China or Mexico in search of "cheap labor" and hope to bring those products back here. Only people here don't have jobs to buy those products.

It's their "greed" that's killing the Golden Goose.

And the other?

Why this fetish for the gays? I suspect many Conservatives don't even know where gay people come from.
1) They are entertainers. Makes as much sense as asking if Mortimer Snerd or Charlie McCarthy have all the answers. (I would trust Rush more than Charlie, and I would trust Mortimer more than I would, say Rhandi Rhodes)

2)They all have. More fool us

3) lost

4) It is an interesting question. Sexuality is so much of what makes life in the here and now either heavenly or hellish.... Probably wearing really good looking clothes. And skinny. And Buff.

5) 0bama is a monster beyond the credibility of the prophet. When they arranged the bible, they probably took that part out as too weird to be real.

As For Rdean....

Conservitve tax polity is, in theory, to get the most productive use of national resources. Taxes extracted and spent are not productive use.
Second policy is to get the largest number of feathers off the goose without causing harm to the goose. So the question is, is it better to take assests away from Steve Jobs, who creates Jobs, and give the money to the Vallery Jarret types, who just party hearty with it. what do you get for your tax dollar, that might be better used as investment. Second question is, we need an aircraft carrier. It it better to have an aircraft carrier now, or let the economy expand a bit and we would expend less national resources later in building it, as the economy will be x% bigger,and the cost of the spending will be less a proportion of the resources.
There are some things I would love conservatives to explain.

For one, they have this bizarre idea that rich people should be given a bye on taxes.

People come to this country and make a fortune in ways they could never do in any other country on earth. Why do they just want to "squeeze" every cent they can get out of the country? Why not support the US, invest and nurture it so people can continue to "create wealth" over generations?

Instead, they move jobs to China or Mexico in search of "cheap labor" and hope to bring those products back here. Only people here don't have jobs to buy those products.

It's their "greed" that's killing the Golden Goose.

And the other?

Why this fetish for the gays? I suspect many Conservatives don't even know where gay people come from.

Although extremely biased, (not unexpected coming from you) I find these to be good questions to hit on.

As for me, I don't think the rich should be given a bye on taxes. I'm not even against the tax laws being progressive and the rich paying more in taxes then the poor. What I do object is to the left's demonization of the Rich. In my opinion, the rich are not evil. In most cases they are lucky. If I were lucky, I too could be rich.

I believe that the rich help this country tremendously by providing employment opportunities. As for outsourcing jobs, I would have to throw a question back at you and ask you to think about it.

The question is: do you think it is possible that the "rich" are outsourcing jobs today because of the policies of the American government?

Any good business man is going to seek the best deal for his dollar and if the American government makes it more expensive to hire American employees than it is to hire Chinese employees and do business abroad, I think many are going to choose to go abroad... many not all. Therefore, I think we as the American People should look at our policies and determine just what our priorities are. Should we eliminate all corporate costs of doing business in the U.S.? Hell no! But, are we charging too much? Some where there is middle ground that will keep businesses here and yet provide the revenue necessary to run this country.

As for the question on gays, even as a Christian, I do not find myself vilifying homosexual people, so I do not think I can answer the question. Homosexuals are people just like me. In my belief system they are sinners and participating in something that I believe to be a sin. Unfortunately, I too am a sinner and maybe if I could figure out how to escape my own sins, I would have room to speak in regards to homosexuals. To date, I have not discovered that escape. I rely on my faith and expect that homosexuals can do the same. I put nothing out of the reach of my God including salvation of homosexuals.

Good questions on your part, despite the slant.

If a "rich" person is not paying taxes there are two likely reasons. They are cheating, which is wrong. The other is they are using tax deductions and credits created by the government to their advantage. I think the "rich" should pay taxes. I think every earned dollar should be taxed. I'm not sure taxing some more than others is fair.
There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?

No, there's also Hannity.

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?

'Cuz those godless commie heathens want to take yer JERBS!!

3. What continent is Africa on?

The black one. Duh.

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?

I'm going to be nude. Banging Miss Alabama or something hopefully at the time.

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?

I don't need none of yer fancy-like BOOK larnin'
There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?

3. What continent is Africa on?

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?

1. I think it's Glenn, not Glen

2. Republicans are Statists, hence the rise of the Tea Party. Bush41 was one of the most evil men on the planet.

3. What is your conceptual continuity?

4. Just read the part of "The Agony and Ecstasy" where a possible ancestor of mine had artists paint fig leafs over Michelangelo's "Last Judgment". Not good. Not good at all

5. Why does Obama's likeness appear on the Shroud of Turin?

There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?

3. What continent is Africa on?

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?

1. I think it's Glenn, not Glen

2. Republicans are Statists, hence the rise of the Tea Party. Bush41 was one of the most evil men on the planet.

3. What is your conceptual continuity?

4. Just read the part of "The Agony and Ecstasy" where a possible ancestor of mine had artists paint fig leafs over Michelangelo's "Last Judgment". Not good. Not good at all

5. Why does Obama's likeness appear on the Shroud of Turin?


Obama? Is that you?:clap2:
There are some things I would love conservatives to explain.

For one, they have this bizarre idea that rich people should be given a bye on taxes.

People come to this country and make a fortune in ways they could never do in any other country on earth. Why do they just want to "squeeze" every cent they can get out of the country? Why not support the US, invest and nurture it so people can continue to "create wealth" over generations?

Instead, they move jobs to China or Mexico in search of "cheap labor" and hope to bring those products back here. Only people here don't have jobs to buy those products.

It's their "greed" that's killing the Golden Goose.

And the other?

Why this fetish for the gays? I suspect many Conservatives don't even know where gay people come from.

You have a bizarre notion that the rich don't pay taxes. :cuckoo:

The rest of your post is just left wing nut drivel.
There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?

3. What continent is Africa on?

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?

There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?
No, and apparently Owe Bama isn't either.

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?
Like all professional politicians, most are also liars, thieves, and con artists that will say and do anything to get elected and once elected, say and do anything to stay in office.

3. What continent is Africa on?
Isn't Africa a suburb of Detroit?

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?
I doubt if this will be any kind of a problem for you to worry about.

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?
Here again, you would probably be better off not giving religion too much thought. In your particular case, I'd be on the lookout for fast moving lightening strikes or think seriously about sincerely asking for forgiveness.
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There are some things I would love conservatives to explain.

For one, they have this bizarre idea that rich people should be given a bye on taxes.

People come to this country and make a fortune in ways they could never do in any other country on earth. Why do they just want to "squeeze" every cent they can get out of the country? Why not support the US, invest and nurture it so people can continue to "create wealth" over generations?

Instead, they move jobs to China or Mexico in search of "cheap labor" and hope to bring those products back here. Only people here don't have jobs to buy those products.

It's their "greed" that's killing the Golden Goose.

And the other?

Why this fetish for the gays? I suspect many Conservatives don't even know where gay people come from.

I'd love actual liberals to explain not kicking you out of the club and burning your voter registration card with the threat of castration being the consequence of you trying to attain another.
There are questions I'd like to ask conservatives who wish to make the world a better place in His name.

1. Is Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh the answer to every problem?
No, and apparently Owe Bama isn't either.

2. Why has any Republican Presidential candidate run as a fiscal conservative over the past 40 years?
Like all professional politicians, most are also liars, thieves, and con artists that will say and do anything to get elected and once elected, say and do anything to stay in office.

3. What continent is Africa on?
Isn't Africa a suburb of Detroit?

4. When you get swept up to heaven during The Rapture, will you be nude or will you be wearing clothes?
I doubt if this will be any kind of a problem for you to worry about.

5. We know that the Book of Revelations makes references to Obama. Is he identified allegorically or directly named?
Here again, you would probably be better off not giving religion too much thought. In your particular case, I'd be on the lookout for fast moving lightening strikes or think seriously about sincerely asking for forgiveness.

And hope to GOD he stays away from Florida...the Lightning Capitol Of the U.S.
There are some things I would love conservatives to explain.

For one, they have this bizarre idea that rich people should be given a bye on taxes.

People come to this country and make a fortune in ways they could never do in any other country on earth. Why do they just want to "squeeze" every cent they can get out of the country? Why not support the US, invest and nurture it so people can continue to "create wealth" over generations?

Instead, they move jobs to China or Mexico in search of "cheap labor" and hope to bring those products back here. Only people here don't have jobs to buy those products.

It's their "greed" that's killing the Golden Goose.

And the other?

Why this fetish for the gays? I suspect many Conservatives don't even know where gay people come from.

You have a bizarre notion that the rich don't pay taxes. :cuckoo:

The rest of your post is just left wing nut drivel.

Warren Buffett, the third-richest man in the world, has criticised the US tax system for allowing him to pay a lower rate than his secretary and his cleaner.

Speaking at a $4,600-a-seat fundraiser in New York for Senator Hillary Clinton, Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52 billion (£26 billion), said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”

Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation.

Lloyd Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, acknowledged in an interview yesterday that there were justified concerns about the huge profits generated by private equity firms and that he worried that income inequality was “poisoning democracy”. He also said that he would be voting for the Democrat candidate at the next election. Mr Blankfein is the highest-paid executive on Wall Street, earning $54 million last year.


Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary - Times Online

Now, Republicans will look at this and say, "No one pays 30%". Only, if you add state taxes and everything else, 30% of probably an understatement.

Then Republicans will say, "If those guys don't like making all that money, give it back", without bothering to really look at the currently broken system.

Most employment comes from small business NOT the super rich as Republicans, for some strange reason, would have you believe. Why Republicans work so hard against their own self interest is beyond me. I really don't get it.

As far as "gay rights" being "drivel" to Republicans, it's expected.
Most of Buffets income comes from dividends. Don't worry, Obama is going to "Fix it" but good!
Most of Buffets income comes from dividends. Don't worry, Obama is going to "Fix it" but good!

*Buffet* and others like hm should be afraid...very afraid if Obama has his way with the PAY CZAR...and 401K's and other retirement plans under attack...not to mention the stock market, and the sunset of the Bush Tax Cuts....

Can you say anarchy? Someone has to pay for it...and interesting those that ARE rich...that foist this shit will come uner increased scrutiny *IF* Obama has his way?

Arthur Laffer: Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse -
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