As Trump continues to pull ahead, Mexico begins to panic on how much the wall will cost them

"If [Trump] really wants Mexico to pay for the wall, he has many ways of getting many Mexicans to pay for the wall," Castañeda said in an auditorium sitting directly across the street from Trump's newly opened Pennsylvania Avenue hotel.

He could "increase the fee for visas, which is a decision made by the State Department, not by Congress," Castañeda continued. He could "increase the toll on the bridges [between the two countries] . . . again, not done by Congress."

Castañeda also suggested that Trump could tax remittances from the U.S. to Mexico: "There are ways of doing it," he said, "transaction fees, commissions, special fees etc." He labeled a recent resolution in the Mexican Senate to bar the use of Mexican federal funds for construction of the wall as "silly."

Trump is smarter than some people think. If he says Mexico will pay for the wall, then Mexico will be paying for it.
Well liberals,now what do you have to say?
You going to call this guy an uneducated racist...or a deplorable?

I don't know enough about him to make those judgments. I do know he is wrong in this case.Any of the ways he mentioned for forcing Mexico to pay for a wall would certainly have repercussions that would cost us as much or more than would be gained.
Tycho's lie is easily refuted. Trump is beginning to panic as HRC begins to enlarge her lead.

9/24: Trump remains close to Clinton: behind in key battle ground states he needs

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 46.2 43.2 Clinton +3.0

4-Way RCP Average 42.0 39.7 Clinton +2.3

Favorability Ratings -13.5 -22.4 Clinton +8.9
Betting Odds 68.0 32.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 200 164 Clinton +36
No Toss Up States 272 266
Clinton Trump Spread
Florida 44.9 45.0 Trump +0.1
Ohio 43.2 45.0 Trump +1.8
North Carolina 41.7 43.5 Trump +1.8
Wisconsin 44.0 39.3 Clinton +4.7
Iowa 40.0 46.3 Trump +6.3
Colorado 41.0 38.5 Clinton +2.5
Nevada 40.5 42.8 Trump +2.3
Georgia 40.5 45.2 Trump +4.7

Virginia 47.0 41.0 Clinton +6.0
New Hampshire 43.7 38.7 Clinton +5.0
Pennsylvania 46.8 40.2 Clinton +6.6
Michigan 43.0 37.8 Clinton +5.2
Missouri 37.3 45.0 Trump +7.7
Arizona 38.2 40.4 Trump +2.2

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