As Somali jihadis threaten Mall of America, U.S. importing 800 Somalis a month


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
And of course no attempt is made to determine if they are members of jihad groups or hold jihadi beliefs. That would be “Islamophobic.” Hey, what could possibly go wrong?

“Somali Islamic terrorists threaten attack on Mall of America; we are bringing in over 800 Somali refugees a month right now!,” by Ann Corcoran,Refugee Resettlement Watch, February 22, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The news comes from the Somali capital of America—Minneapolis! And, LOL! one of three cities that the Obama Administration touts as an example of how Muslims are happily settled in!


Mall of America officials increased security on Saturday after a terror group linked to al-Qaida released an online video that appears to call for an attack on the popular shopping destination.

Islamic terrorist group al-Shabaab specifically named the Mall of America, the West Edmonton Mall in Alberta and London’s Oxford Street in the more than hourlong video that was being circulated on Twitter.

Federal law enforcement officials told CBS News that they are investigating the video.

Mall of America officials released a statement Saturday saying that they were aware of the video that mentions the megamall and shows an image of it and its GPS coordinates.

“We will continue to monitor events with the help of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies,” according to the statement.


The video posted Saturday shows six minutes of graphic images celebrating the Westgate Mall attack. Near the end of the video, a masked man wearing a camouflage jacket appears on screen.

“If just a handful of mujahedeen fighters could bring Kenya to a complete standstill for nearly a week then imagine what a dedicated mujahedeen in the West could do to the American or Jewish-owned shopping centers across the world?” he asks.

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Was surprised they even knew a Mall of America existed. :) Can't imagine Somali terrorists talk a lot about Minnosota. :)
Well....lets do the right thing here:

Be sure Minneapolis Police do NOT have big scary "militarized" guns to protect the mall with (although the 5.56 militarized rifle is FAR FAR more accurate in large crowds and long distances that one may face in a mall).
Perhaps we can use the newest and greatest earth friendly weapon.

The sophisticated spitball gun. (although I think liberals would protest, cause it pumps a stream of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.)

Is there another way for obama to build a strong al Shabaab cell?

You guys realize that you all sound like incredible conspiracy theory tin foil hat folk right? Are you really insinuating that the POTUS is trying to facilitate the construction of a foreign terrorist cell inside the United States?
Saw story today that there was no threat made, it was a political ploy by libs in DHS Funding brouhaha

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