As of today, Trump CANNOT ever fire Mueller......

The possibility? So, you asswipes are having an investigation searching for a crime? And you let the word justice roll off yer forked tongue? What an asshole!

Hey, moron......a crime is ONLY proven AFTER an investigation.......Try an episode of Law and Order if you can change channels from FOX.
No actually one investigates a crime. You do not conduct an investigation searching for a crime. You libtards are so mentally fucked up! You get your information from Law and Order? Oh shit!
Justice? For what? There has to be a crime. To date there has been no evidence of collusion and you assholes just threw attorney client privilege out the window. Oh! And btw collusion is not a crime is it?
So that’s the fallback? Even if he did so what? You ignorant mother fuckers
He can and he just might fire him.

The problem for me wasn't Mueller himself, it was the entire Pro-Hillary, Anti-Trump team he assembled. No matter what, once he had such a team stacked against Trump if he ever found Trump guilty it would be questioned. When you have 15 lawyers all leaning one political direction, I challenge anyone to suggest they can be objective.

IN 15 lawyers, if he had even 3 or 4 GOP backers, it would make a huge difference in objectivity. It doesn't need to be even down the middle, but there needs to be some dissenting political views within their echo chamber.

The consequences of a political decision to impeach and usurp Trump would have lasting consequences for America. I won't even dare suspect what I believe could happen, but it would be harmful, because once you have half the nation convinced they don't matter, you have problems for at least a generation.
Bullshit. He could get impeached just like Bill Clinton was.
Actually, Trump can’t fire Mueller, Trump would need to fire whomever refuses to fire Mueller per Trump’s order:

“The special counsel regulation under which Mueller was appointed gives the attorney general or acting attorney general sole authority to fire Mueller and only for “good cause,” such as misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity or conflict of interest.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself in March 2017 from overseeing the Russia investigation after the emergence of previously undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador, so that authority has fallen to the department’s No. 2, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein following Trump’s dismissal of Comey, whose agency had led the Russia investigation at its outset.

Most legal experts say the special counsel regulation is constitutional and Trump must follow its protocol. Ignoring it would likely trigger a legal battle and a political firestorm.

Rosenstein has told Congress he has confidence in Mueller, prompting concerns among some Trump critics that the president might fire Rosenstein and replace him with someone willing to end Mueller’s investigation.'

Factbox: How might Trump remove special counsel in Russia probe?

If Trump manages to eventually find someone in Justice to fire Mueller – Trump’s Robert Bork, if you will – then a legal battle and a political firestorm would indeed be the result ending Trump’s ‘presidency’ anyway.
The Moon Bats are confused over this issue.

It is clear that Mueller is out of control and bunch of people need to be fired starting with Sessions. The whole swamp needs to be drained.

The same yokels that said Trump could not win the Primary or bet Crooked Hillary are the same idiots that says he can't do the right thing and fire Mueller.

The American people will be on his side.
The possibility? So, you asswipes are having an investigation searching for a crime? And you let the word justice roll off yer forked tongue? What an asshole!

Hey, moron......a crime is ONLY proven AFTER an investigation.......Try an episode of Law and Order if you can change channels from FOX.

Sorry to be the one to piss in your mama's cornbread, but this isn't a television show. This is reality and Trump isn't going away.
He’ll just be caught up in this and a lame duck till his term is up
Trump will not fire Mueller. Cohen is a lawyer. He has a lawyer. They will make a motion to quash, a motion to suppress and a motion to traverse to find how they got all this important information. Mueller has long ago abandoned the collusion story, the conspiracy story and even the obstruction story. Mueller is now in desperate search of a crime, any crime and Stormy Daniels has the publicity bit in her mouth and is running all over the place. I expect her lawyer will last another week or so.
Justice? For what? There has to be a crime. To date there has been no evidence of collusion and you assholes just threw attorney client privilege out the window. Oh! And btw collusion is not a crime is it?

Idiot !!!!.....You're the one who states "no evidence of collusion ".....and then conclude "collusion is not a crime".........I did NOT mention "collusion."

Attorney-client privilege CANNOT be utilized when its is used to cover-up a crime or fraud.,,,,,,

This thread has NOTHING to do with Mueller, and all to do with the possibility of Cohen covering up for Trump on the possibility of a crime against election laws.

Go to bed.

So first it was the Russians who got Trump in office, and now Trump had to commit a crime to get elected?

You people are seriously clutching at straws now. :laughing0301:
What part is wrong? Both those things are true actually.

Certainly not a nothing burger
Justice? For what? There has to be a crime. To date there has been no evidence of collusion and you assholes just threw attorney client privilege out the window. Oh! And btw collusion is not a crime is it?
So that’s the fallback? Even if he did so what? You ignorant mother fuckers

How ignorant is idolizing some now-dead Massachusetts Senator whose negligence caused a woman's death?

You're saying Ted Kennedy could get away with murder but Trump is the devil?

Give my an effing break here.
Justice? For what? There has to be a crime. To date there has been no evidence of collusion and you assholes just threw attorney client privilege out the window. Oh! And btw collusion is not a crime is it?
So that’s the fallback? Even if he did so what? You ignorant mother fuckers

How ignorant is idolizing some now-dead Massachusetts Senator whose negligence caused a woman's death?

You're saying Ted Kennedy could get away with murder but Trump is the devil?

Give my an effing break here.
Kennedy should have been charged with something certainly. What who knows. I’m not watching chappaquitic

Is your argument always going to be give him a pass because (obama Kennedy Clinton) did something?
The possibility? So, you asswipes are having an investigation searching for a crime? And you let the word justice roll off yer forked tongue? What an asshole!

Hey, moron......a crime is ONLY proven AFTER an investigation.......Try an episode of Law and Order if you can change channels from FOX.

Sorry to be the one to piss in your mama's cornbread, but this isn't a television show. This is reality and Trump isn't going away.
He’ll just be caught up in this and a lame duck till his term is up

Even with the House and Senate dragging their heels like they have been, Trump has accomplished more in one year than Obama's 8 years.

Screw Congress if they're not on board.
So first it was the Russians who got Trump in office, and now Trump had to commit a crime to get elected?

What the fuck does the above have to do with this thread about Trump, Cohen and Stormy?

Better yet: What the fuck does anything Mueller has come up have to do with the original intent of the "investigation"?

Nothing. Nada. No collusion, no Russians, no Putin, and no "election hacking" put Donald J. Trump in the White House.

To believe otherwise is not just ignorance, it's pure insanity.

Mueller isn't with his investigations. Results for an investigation doesn't come up overnight.

It takes months and even years to come up with a conclusion.
The possibility? So, you asswipes are having an investigation searching for a crime? And you let the word justice roll off yer forked tongue? What an asshole!

Hey, moron......a crime is ONLY proven AFTER an investigation.......Try an episode of Law and Order if you can change channels from FOX.

Sorry to be the one to piss in your mama's cornbread, but this isn't a television show. This is reality and Trump isn't going away.
He’ll just be caught up in this and a lame duck till his term is up

Even with the House and Senate dragging their heels like they have been, Trump has accomplished more in one year than Obama's 8 years.

Screw Congress if they're not on board.
More for you conservatives yes. More for me?

Actually I made $2000 more last year or would have if I got it for an entire year and this year I’ll probably make $3000-$4000 more. I’d honestly give it up for a democrat in 2020
So first it was the Russians who got Trump in office, and now Trump had to commit a crime to get elected?

What the fuck does the above have to do with this thread about Trump, Cohen and Stormy?

Better yet: What the fuck does anything Mueller has come up have to do with the original intent of the "investigation"?

Nothing. Nada. No collusion, no Russians, no Putin, and no "election hacking" put Donald J. Trump in the White House.

To believe otherwise is not just ignorance, it's pure insanity.

Mueller isn't with his investigations. Results for an investigation doesn't come up overnight.

It takes months and even years to come up with a conclusion.

Months and years from now when Mueller finally says "I got nothing", you people will feel pretty damned stupid.

I will savor that moment as much as I did the election-night meltdowns. :biggrin:
So first it was the Russians who got Trump in office, and now Trump had to commit a crime to get elected?

What the fuck does the above have to do with this thread about Trump, Cohen and Stormy?

Better yet: What the fuck does anything Mueller has come up have to do with the original intent of the "investigation"?

Nothing. Nada. No collusion, no Russians, no Putin, and no "election hacking" put Donald J. Trump in the White House.

To believe otherwise is not just ignorance, it's pure insanity.

Mueller isn't with his investigations. Results for an investigation doesn't come up overnight.

It takes months and even years to come up with a conclusion.

Months and years from now when Mueller finally says "I got nothing", you people will feel pretty damned stupid.

I will savor that moment as much as I did the election-night meltdowns. :biggrin:
I hope it’s the day after the 2020 election
There is no magical "fail-secure" if Trump fires Mueller. He's free to do that any time he wants to and while there would be alot of "rabble rabble rabble", nobody's going to do anything about it.

BTW: What ever happened to that stupid black woman that kept screeching "Impeach 45"? Nobody seems to know where she disappeared to.

You silly thing. You think the country would support that obese orange pig going to that extreme to obstruct justice?

Ms. Waters is staying quiet right now. When deer hunting, you don't make any sounds when your target is just out of range to scare him off. You keep quiet until it gives you a good shot. Same thing.
By the way, the so-called "raid" on Cohen's office, hotel and home is not really a witch-hunt raid without basis, but a follow-up to a search WARRANT issued by the federal prosecutor of the southern district of NY, the crime-fraud office of the DOJ, AND (most important) signed off by a judge/magistrate who must have been offered ample proof of probable cause AND the possibility that evidence might soon be in peril of being destroyed......

The above stated, ANY attempt by Trump to:
FIRST, blame Mueller for this warrant is GROUNDLESS (and based on Trump's ample ignorance of how the system works)....and

SECOND, to fire Mueller (which would have to be done by Rod Rosenstein) would constitute yet ANOTHER instance of obstruction in the carrying out of justice.

Ironically, Trump's veiled threat to fire Mueller AFTER this morning's events, is now a moot point and assures that Mueller will be allowed to finish his investigation and submit its findings to the DOJ (and possibly congress.)

He ought to fire all the top Justice Department and associated officials three tiers deep. And yes. He can.

The system has been completely corrupted. They do Stalin proud.
Oh yes...that will convince everyone of his innocence.

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