As It Turns Out, Mrs. Clinton Underestimated The Number Of Deplorables Supporting Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Polling proves Mrs. Clinton statement, “You know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites…He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric,” underestimates the number of deplorables supporting Trump for President.

The “shocking truth” revealed by her comments has many in the press reeling. Are those so-called journalists really that clueless? It appears they are, since people of reason have been pointing out Trump and his followers’ racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamaphobia, religious intolerance, and misogyny since shortly after his campaign began.

Of course, being the die-hard conservatives they are, Trump’s fans denied these truths.

Mrs. Clinton is simply the first public figure to point out the massive hatred of Trump supporters on world wide media. Her words are not a campaign ploy, her words hit the nail squarely on the head.

Clinton is the first Presidential candidate in history to stoop so low as to try and dismiss the millions upon millions of Americans who support Trump as "a basket of deplorables". She is truly pathetic and Karma is dealing her a well deserved smack down. Color me proud to be a "deplorable" against the lying, incompetent and sickly Hildabitch.
Deplorables, fascists, Nazis, etc., it doesn't really matter what moniker is used, Trump and his followers have drastically lowered the bar for uncivilized behavior in the United States.

In the past, such disgusting and reprehensible conduct has been limited to small groups. But with Trump's constant encouragement, several million people are now wallowing in the muck and mire of unconscionable hatred for others.

GOP leaders fear it will take decades for the party to recover even a small measure of respect from rational people here at home and around the world.

This is SO cool --- I've always wanted to be a member of a group!!

The Girls Scouts wouldn't have me - but I don't care!!!


Do we get jackets?
Clinton is the first Presidential candidate in history to stoop so low as to try and dismiss the millions upon millions of Americans who support Trump as "a basket of deplorables". She is truly pathetic and Karma is dealing her a well deserved smack down. Color me proud to be a "deplorable" against the lying, incompetent and sickly Hildabitch.

You guys really kick and scream at a taste of your own medicine.
Deplorables, fascists, Nazis, etc., it doesn't really matter what moniker is used, Trump and his followers have drastically lowered the bar for uncivilized behavior in the United States.

In the past, such disgusting and reprehensible conduct has been limited to small groups. But with Trump's constant encouragement, several million people are now wallowing in the muck and mire of unconscionable hatred for others.

GOP leaders fear it will take decades for the party to recover even a small measure of respect from rational people here at home and around the world.


Now, that rite thar is some funny shit ...

You come in and make all these accusations, without a single supporting fact, and we're supposed to accept it as gospel??? Let me guess ... you're liberal and expect all the little lemmings to just fall in line, huh?

Tell us all about this "disgusting and reprehensible conduct". Or, maybe you can you tell us about "wallowing in the muck and mire of unconscionable hatred for others".

I'm really excited to see what you come up with ... but, as usual, I expect nothing but more vitriolic attacks without supporting evidence.
Clinton is the first Presidential candidate in history to stoop so low as to try and dismiss the millions upon millions of Americans who support Trump as "a basket of deplorables". She is truly pathetic and Karma is dealing her a well deserved smack down. Color me proud to be a "deplorable" against the lying, incompetent and sickly Hildabitch.

You guys really kick and scream at a taste of your own medicine.

Another know-nothing lemming ...
The deplorables party.....sounds pretty good to me.

Better than the head-up-Hillary's-ass party.
Clinton is the first Presidential candidate in history to stoop so low as to try and dismiss the millions upon millions of Americans who support Trump as "a basket of deplorables". She is truly pathetic and Karma is dealing her a well deserved smack down. Color me proud to be a "deplorable" against the lying, incompetent and sickly Hildabitch.

You guys really kick and scream at a taste of your own medicine.

Another know-nothing lemming ...

I know that 20% of Americans fall into one of the categories Hillary Clinton cited, and those people overwhelmingly support Trump.
Clinton is the first Presidential candidate in history to stoop so low as to try and dismiss the millions upon millions of Americans who support Trump as "a basket of deplorables". She is truly pathetic and Karma is dealing her a well deserved smack down. Color me proud to be a "deplorable" against the lying, incompetent and sickly Hildabitch.

You guys really kick and scream at a taste of your own medicine.

Another know-nothing lemming ...

I know that 20% of Americans fall into one of the categories Hillary Clinton cited, and those people overwhelmingly support Trump.

You KNOW this, huh? And, just HOW do you KNOW this?

Let me guess .... MSNBC, right?

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