BUSTED! Democratic Vigilantes Sport Party Logo on “Voter Protection” Badges, “Push” Likely Trump Voters Out of Line

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Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
There is enough evidence here to put the chairman of the PA State Committee in jail.


"Members of a Pennsylvania Democratic Party vigilante group, acting under color of law, have been unmasked as election official impersonators who allegedly pulled people out of long lines on the last day of early in-person voting in Bucks County, PA.

On Tuesday October 29, the last day of early in-person voting in PA, Elon Musk put out a tweet urging Trump supporters to take advantage of that last day of early in-person voting.

“Voter Protection” is not an official governmental unit.

In October the Harris-Walz organization called for supporters to join an online event called “Pre-Debate Voter Protection 101.” at the Democratic activist website Mobilize.us. The webpage featured a graphic for the Harris-Walz event “Pre-Debate Voter Protection 101.” In order to view the graphic the user must click “See Details.”

The graphic featured the logo for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, reading “PA Dems.”

Below: Announcement for Harris-Walz event Pre-Debate Voter Protection 101.” Click “See Details”


On October 29, 2024, the last day of early in-person voting touted by Musk, men wearing official-looking lanyard badges saying “Voter Protection” showed up at polling places with long lines in Bucks County, and pulled people out of the lines, telling them to come back the next day, according to James Blair, Political Director of the Republican National Committee. On close inspection the badges can be seen to have the PA Democratic Party logo.

Upset voters complained that this was clear election interference. Already in Bucks County, an area north of Philadelphia, polling places had been illegally shut down hours earlier than mandated by law by armed men wearing vests stenciled with “Emergency Services.”

In addition, on October 25th in Lancaster County election officials and the PA Attorney General confirmed that they had uncovered 2,500 fraudulent voter registrations, and were investigating the matter.

Below: Logo on “Voter Protection” false credential “PA DEMS”


Upon close inspection of the badges, the words “Paid for by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party” can also be made out, above the union bug which is requisite for any Democratic party-affiliated print job.

The credentials, amateurish as they are, were not likely to be challenged, as the impostors also held clipboards and sheaves of official-looking forms, and acted as if they were government officials.

If confirmed upon investigation, the actions of the “Voter Protection” gang constitute felony election interference and impersonating election officials punishable by jail time. By acting “under color of law,” acting as if they were duly appointed officials, the perpetrators also crossed over into possible federal Civil Rights violations. The PA Attorney General is Michelle Henry.

This story, sans the forensics, was first broken by Gateway Pundit. "
Fellow Non Progs do not defend a prog in any event. They act like spoiled children. Dangerous spoiled children.
If confirmed upon investigation,

Claim after claim, investigation after investigation, lawsuit after lawsuit over Republican claims produced next to nothing so it's not out of line to say "confirm your claims" before anything can be taken seriously.
Already threads on the Bucks County incident and and this thread belongs in Election 2024 as you’ve been told a bazillion times
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