As I said would happen when they sprung the trap. CNN/MSNBC narrating Trump sending in the troops


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Who didn't see this coming? Really, does anyone think that this isn't all intentional? Paid protesters taking over the streets of democrat run cities and local mayors purposely do little, KNOWING eventually Trump will revert wanting to be seen as "cleaning up the streets". I think the left has found the issue in which Trumps instinct are off...

He should stick to protecting federal statues and monuments, put the onus on local leaders and state leaders to do their job, call them out, expose them and make them pay a political cost. America isn't known as a centralized system, these types of Big Government narratives will hurt his support from Independents who want middle of the road, libertarians etc.

From Tucker Carlson to former cops who are basically naive as to the political consequences as some want desperately for Trump be viewed as authoritarian. I hope he doesn't take their advice. The only one who had this right was Laura Ingraham. She seems to have a far better understanding of the political consequences for Trump when his opponents try and get him to do something so that they can form the narrative. "Look, fascism and authoritarianism on the streets of America!" That is the narrative on both MSNBC and CNN websites.

Hey, what do I know, I'm just a dumb Canadian. I called this two weeks ago while Fox guests and former cops were telling Trump to send in the feds. Why? If I am Trump, I get ahead of this and address this and make sure it is clear, "I ordered the feds to protect federal property while leaving the local police activities to be dealt with locally."

He cannot allow the MSM to paint him as a Neo-Con, or China is going to run over the next president.

US attorney requests DHS investigation after video shows masked, camouflaged federal authorities arresting protesters in Portland

US attorney requests DHS investigation after video shows masked, camouflaged federal authorities arresting protesters in Portland
Check out MSNBCs headline. Do they seem interested in objectivity?:

'Terrifying for Citizens', Oregon Governor reacts to Trumps invasion of Portland
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DHS - who are the feds - admitted that the little green men are theirs.

uninvited - & using chemical irritants that are prohibited within oregon's borders.

where's the spin?
Leftist propaganda from the democrat propaganda wing.

Right or wrong, anyone paying attention knew it would happen.

Trump should focus on the economy, China, the Wuhan Virus and key, broad issues to Americans, not some one offs that his opponents allow to happen to provoke a response. Some on Fox were doing the same, seemingly with the same objective I might argue.

An election is coming up and Trumps policies remain popular. He doesn't need to be everything for all people, locally elected and state officials have a job to do. Just as he told them to make decision on whether to open up or not, the same goes for their streets. THEY have to do what is right for their constituents.

If they fail, Trump can call it out and gain politically. In Seattle some businesses have taken local govt. to court.
Leftist propaganda from the democrat propaganda wing.

Right or wrong, anyone paying attention knew it would happen.

Trump should focus on the economy, China, the Wuhan Virus and key, broad issues to Americans, not some one offs that his opponents allow to happen to provoke a response. Some on Fox were doing the same, seemingly with the same objective I might argue.

An election is coming up and Trumps policies remain popular. He doesn't need to be everything for all people, locally elected and state officials have a job to do. Just as he told them to make decision on whether to open up or not, the same goes for their streets. THEY have to do what is right for their constituents.

If they fail, Trump can call it out and gain politically. In Seattle some businesses have taken local govt. to court.
You should be able to tell it's leftist opinion garbage.
Hardly... Traps can be turned around and be used against the trapers....Oregon is a blue state that will not vote for Trump anyways he has little to loose and it has a small population . When President Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers he was lambasted in the media but applauded by the people in the end... As a Canadian have you not forgotten when Trudeau senior invoked the war measures act and placed federal Canadian troops in Quebec to Quell the radicals there was not the result a good one in the end after Trudeau called their bluff. Seems to me the same steps are necessary in the states as well after all if you see a fire is it not best to stamp it out before it blazes out of control or spreads causing many fires to pop up all over the place...The police have been castrated and their hands have been tied behind their backs like political pawns it is time someone comes along able to fight unimpeded without their hands tied up in political nonsense by people whose only goal is to foment revolution and anarchy for their own gains...
DHS - who are the feds - admitted that the little green men are theirs.

uninvited - & using chemical irritants that are prohibited within oregon's borders.

where's the spin?

Nope, you're lying as always.

This ALL goes to ONE Brown Shirt making the claim.


“I am basically tossed into the van,” Mark Pettibone, a protester, said. “And I had my beanie pulled over my face so I couldn’t see and they held my hands over my head,” }

Every party propaganda outlet is using the OPB feed based on a SINGLE account.

AND despite your filthy lie;

The U.S. Marshals Service denied that its agency was behind Pettibone’s detainment.

“All United States Marshals Service arrestees have public records of arrest documenting their charges,” it said in a statement. “Our agency did not arrest or detain Mark James Pettibone.”


You're a filthy liar and a pile of shit, but everyone already knew that about you, Maxipad.
Trump is doing what America hired him to do. That is to protect its people from enemies, foreign and domestic. You can't listen to the MSNBCs and CNNs of the world. They're 90% communist and 100% political hacks. Listen to the terrified business owners and the American workers and homeowners who are being terrorized by antifa. Think of how they must feel when their mayor and governor sides with these punks who threaten law abiding citizens. This nuevo communism of the Democrat party will destroy this country if Biden gets elected.
Leftist propaganda from the democrat propaganda wing.

Right or wrong, anyone paying attention knew it would happen.

Trump should focus on the economy, China, the Wuhan Virus and key, broad issues to Americans, not some one offs that his opponents allow to happen to provoke a response. Some on Fox were doing the same, seemingly with the same objective I might argue.

An election is coming up and Trumps policies remain popular. He doesn't need to be everything for all people, locally elected and state officials have a job to do. Just as he told them to make decision on whether to open up or not, the same goes for their streets. THEY have to do what is right for their constituents.

If they fail, Trump can call it out and gain politically. In Seattle some businesses have taken local govt. to court.

Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
Leftist propaganda from the democrat propaganda wing.

Right or wrong, anyone paying attention knew it would happen.

Trump should focus on the economy, China, the Wuhan Virus and key, broad issues to Americans, not some one offs that his opponents allow to happen to provoke a response. Some on Fox were doing the same, seemingly with the same objective I might argue.

An election is coming up and Trumps policies remain popular. He doesn't need to be everything for all people, locally elected and state officials have a job to do. Just as he told them to make decision on whether to open up or not, the same goes for their streets. THEY have to do what is right for their constituents.

If they fail, Trump can call it out and gain politically. In Seattle some businesses have taken local govt. to court.
You should be able to tell it's leftist opinion garbage.


It's another leftist propaganda drive. Faked video and a single person making the claim.
DHS - who are the feds - admitted that the little green men are theirs.

uninvited - & using chemical irritants that are prohibited within oregon's borders.
The DHS jurisdiction is the entire USA, including the entire state of Oregon, nitwit. They don't need to be invited.

This isn't real, it's a hoax. The Communists are trying to win sympathy.
DHS - who are the feds - admitted that the little green men are theirs.

uninvited - & using chemical irritants that are prohibited within oregon's borders.
The DHS jurisdiction is the entire USA, including the entire state of Oregon, nitwit. They don't need to be invited.

The Insurrection Act says that the president may use the armed forces to subdue an insurrection or rebellion and take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress violence.

But before doing so, he must issue a proclamation ordering insurgents to disperse and return to their homes.

While state governors and legislatures also have the legal authority to ask the president to use troops in this manner, none have done that during this period of unrest. The states have preferred to rely on a combination of local law enforcement and the National Guard, which is under state command, not federal.

Not only does this strategy enable governors to maintain authority over their states’ responses to the clashes in the wake of George Floyd’s death, but it also keeps things more straightforward legally and politically.
Can the president really order the military to occupy US cities and states?
Leftist propaganda from the democrat propaganda wing.

Right or wrong, anyone paying attention knew it would happen.

Trump should focus on the economy, China, the Wuhan Virus and key, broad issues to Americans, not some one offs that his opponents allow to happen to provoke a response. Some on Fox were doing the same, seemingly with the same objective I might argue.

An election is coming up and Trumps policies remain popular. He doesn't need to be everything for all people, locally elected and state officials have a job to do. Just as he told them to make decision on whether to open up or not, the same goes for their streets. THEY have to do what is right for their constituents.

If they fail, Trump can call it out and gain politically. In Seattle some businesses have taken local govt. to court.

Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.

If it's a fake, Trump has to come out and say it is. It would then help him. "We have no record of this arrest, nor do we now who did this. So, who is behind this video? Who recorded it?"

If what you say is legitimate and this isn't authentic, he ad DHS have no alternative but to confront this publicly or else media will dictate citizens futures without pushback.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.
Leftist propaganda from the democrat propaganda wing.

Right or wrong, anyone paying attention knew it would happen.

Trump should focus on the economy, China, the Wuhan Virus and key, broad issues to Americans, not some one offs that his opponents allow to happen to provoke a response. Some on Fox were doing the same, seemingly with the same objective I might argue.

An election is coming up and Trumps policies remain popular. He doesn't need to be everything for all people, locally elected and state officials have a job to do. Just as he told them to make decision on whether to open up or not, the same goes for their streets. THEY have to do what is right for their constituents.

If they fail, Trump can call it out and gain politically. In Seattle some businesses have taken local govt. to court.

Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.

If it's a fake, Trump has to come out and say it is. It would then help him. "We have no record of this arrest, nor do we now who did this. So, who is behind this video? Who recorded it?"

If what you say is legitimate and this isn't authentic, he ad DHS have no alternative but to confront this publicly or else media will dictate citizens futures without pushback.

The Marshals already said it's fake.


The U.S. Marshals Service denied that its agency was behind Pettibone’s detainment.

“All United States Marshals Service arrestees have public records of arrest documenting their charges,” it said in a statement. “Our agency did not arrest or detain Mark James Pettibone.”


Far left Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) are the ones who pimped this porn to all the little Goebbles.

This is the leftist version of PizzaGate.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing

Like PizzaGate?

Oh, but PizzaGate had evidence, this doesn't.

This is just another hoax by you Communists to try and win sympathy.
Trump is doing what America hired him to do. That is to protect its people from enemies, foreign and domestic. You can't listen to the MSNBCs and CNNs of the world. They're 90% communist and 100% political hacks. Listen to the terrified business owners and the American workers and homeowners who are being terrorized by antifa. Think of how they must feel when their mayor and governor sides with these punks who threaten law abiding citizens. This nuevo communism of the Democrat party will destroy this country if Biden gets elected.
So now trump is doing what America hired him to do, but protecting us against a pandemic isn't part of the job. Those protesters are not enemies and we can listen to MSNBC/CNN instead what trump tells us. Nobody is being terrorized by ANTIFA they only show up when white supremacists show up. Funny how the supremacists are never rounded up.
Don't be sucked in. This is another leftist pseudo event. This is NOT happening, it's a fraud, a hoax, it's just an attempt by the democrats and their Brown Shirts to win sympathy.

One Brown Shirt, a Mark Pettibone, who has a history producing YouTube videos is behind all of this, but our garbage media, our little Goebbles, run with it because it fits the narrative.
It's very real

Very wrong

And very disturbing
I find it patriotic. Trump is doing the right thing, stopping domestic terrorism.

It's a fraud, a hoax. DHS already denied it. You Tuber Mark Pettibone is the ONLY one who claims to have been "snatched." The left are masters of false flags. The thing is, even as it is exposed, our little Goebbels of the garbage media will never publish the fact that it is a hoax.

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