As critics assail Trump - His supporters dig deeper


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Great column from Jeremy Peters - I suspected that this was the case just looking at the posts his supporters barf up on these chat boards. Up is down, down is up. Throw enough shade and confuse people enough, they tend to dig themselves a deeper hole. It's chronic, and it needs to end soon before we lose literally all of our morals, values, and 250 years of precedent/ norms. The Totalitarian Idiocracy came sooner than I'd ever have suspected.

LEESBURG, Va. — Gina Anders knows the feeling well by now. President Trump says or does something that triggers a spasm of outrage. She doesn’t necessarily agree with how he handled the situation. She gets why people are upset.

But Ms. Anders, 46, a Republican from suburban Loudoun County, Va., with a law degree, a business career, and not a stitch of “Make America Great Again” gear in her wardrobe, is moved to defend him anyway.

“All nuance and all complexity — and these are complex issues — are completely lost,” she said, describing “overblown” reactions from the president’s critics, some of whom equated the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children and parents to history’s greatest atrocities.

“It makes me angry at them, which causes me to want to defend him to them more,” Ms. Anders said.

In interviews across the country over the last few days, dozens of Trump voters, as well as pollsters and strategists, described something like a bonding experience with the president that happens each time Republicans have to answer a now-familiar question: “How can you possibly still support this man?” Their resilience suggests a level of unity among Republicans that could help mitigate Mr. Trump’s low overall approval ratings and aid his party’s chances of keeping control of the House of Representatives in November.​


As Critics Assail Trump, His Supporters Dig In Deeper
The problem with Trump's critics is that they aren't able (and don't want) to do better job for USA than Trump has been doing. And he's been doing it not with the help of Congress but in spite of it sometimes.

Trump's results talk for themselves, and his critics' BS keeps walking. There is a good saying: dogs are barking but caravan keeps going ahead. Go, Mr. Trump, make our enemies miserable and mad!
no one ever accused his base of overthinking

Most of his "critics" are media fed trolls so no one cares.
Same tired attacks from the same troll liars. Day in and day out. Grow up loser. Or better yet go back to shill school and take the advanced classes because your worn out BS stinks.
You'd think that after 8 years of the meat puppet faggot's malaise and stagnation the bed wetting drones would shut the fuck up and accept the fact that America is back on track.

However, since we know they're drones they're parroting what they read on media matters and daily kos websites because in reality they despise America and the concept of prosperity makes them butt hurt.

I'm loving the winning!

The problem with Trump's critics is that they aren't able (and don't want) to do better job for USA than Trump has been doing. And he's been doing it not with the help of Congress but in spite of it sometimes.

Trump's results talk for themselves, and his critics' BS keeps walking. There is a good saying: dogs are barking but caravan keeps going ahead. Go, Mr. Trump, make our enemies miserable and mad!

He's made a royal mess of everything he's touched. Why so gullible?
The problem with Trump's critics is that they aren't able (and don't want) to do better job for USA than Trump has been doing. And he's been doing it not with the help of Congress but in spite of it sometimes.

Trump's results talk for themselves, and his critics' BS keeps walking. There is a good saying: dogs are barking but caravan keeps going ahead. Go, Mr. Trump, make our enemies miserable and mad!

He's made a royal mess of everything he's touched. Why so gullible?
Must be why we have record employment and less illegals huh?
Great column from Jeremy Peters - I suspected that this was the case just looking at the posts his supporters barf up on these chat boards. Up is down, down is up. Throw enough shade and confuse people enough, they tend to dig themselves a deeper hole. It's chronic, and it needs to end soon before we lose literally all of our morals, values, and 250 years of precedent/ norms. The Totalitarian Idiocracy came sooner than I'd ever have suspected.

LEESBURG, Va. — Gina Anders knows the feeling well by now. President Trump says or does something that triggers a spasm of outrage. She doesn’t necessarily agree with how he handled the situation. She gets why people are upset.

But Ms. Anders, 46, a Republican from suburban Loudoun County, Va., with a law degree, a business career, and not a stitch of “Make America Great Again” gear in her wardrobe, is moved to defend him anyway.

“All nuance and all complexity — and these are complex issues — are completely lost,” she said, describing “overblown” reactions from the president’s critics, some of whom equated the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children and parents to history’s greatest atrocities.

“It makes me angry at them, which causes me to want to defend him to them more,” Ms. Anders said.

In interviews across the country over the last few days, dozens of Trump voters, as well as pollsters and strategists, described something like a bonding experience with the president that happens each time Republicans have to answer a now-familiar question: “How can you possibly still support this man?” Their resilience suggests a level of unity among Republicans that could help mitigate Mr. Trump’s low overall approval ratings and aid his party’s chances of keeping control of the House of Representatives in November.​


As Critics Assail Trump, His Supporters Dig In Deeper
So maybe some people should stop chasing him around like hungry jackals and let his supporters back off a little.
90% approval rating among Republicans. That is actually historic. He's moving forward conservative policy big time and his rabid base is only part of it.
Great column from Jeremy Peters - I suspected that this was the case just looking at the posts his supporters barf up on these chat boards. Up is down, down is up. Throw enough shade and confuse people enough, they tend to dig themselves a deeper hole. It's chronic, and it needs to end soon before we lose literally all of our morals, values, and 250 years of precedent/ norms. The Totalitarian Idiocracy came sooner than I'd ever have suspected.

LEESBURG, Va. — Gina Anders knows the feeling well by now. President Trump says or does something that triggers a spasm of outrage. She doesn’t necessarily agree with how he handled the situation. She gets why people are upset.

But Ms. Anders, 46, a Republican from suburban Loudoun County, Va., with a law degree, a business career, and not a stitch of “Make America Great Again” gear in her wardrobe, is moved to defend him anyway.

“All nuance and all complexity — and these are complex issues — are completely lost,” she said, describing “overblown” reactions from the president’s critics, some of whom equated the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children and parents to history’s greatest atrocities.

“It makes me angry at them, which causes me to want to defend him to them more,” Ms. Anders said.

In interviews across the country over the last few days, dozens of Trump voters, as well as pollsters and strategists, described something like a bonding experience with the president that happens each time Republicans have to answer a now-familiar question: “How can you possibly still support this man?” Their resilience suggests a level of unity among Republicans that could help mitigate Mr. Trump’s low overall approval ratings and aid his party’s chances of keeping control of the House of Representatives in November.​


As Critics Assail Trump, His Supporters Dig In Deeper
So maybe some people should stop chasing him around like hungry jackals and let his supporters back off a little.
90% approval rating among Republicans. That is actually historic. He's moving forward conservative policy big time and his rabid base is only part of it.
We are not rabid. We ain't the ones spewing bullshit on message boards 24/7.
So maybe some people should stop chasing him around like hungry jackals and let his supporters back off a little.
90% approval rating among Republicans. That is actually historic. He's moving forward conservative policy big time and his rabid base is only part of it.

Ya know, that's a tough call OL. Can't just let the guy run roughshod over our democracy. But yeah - Howard Dean made a good point this morning:

Dem candidates shouldn't go too hard on Agent Orange. Talk about preexisting conditions. It's a 2-1 issue

Poll: 66% Of Voters Oppose Trump DOJ's Move To Gut Patient Protections
So maybe some people should stop chasing him around like hungry jackals and let his supporters back off a little.
90% approval rating among Republicans. That is actually historic. He's moving forward conservative policy big time and his rabid base is only part of it.

Ya know, that's a tough call OL. Can't just let the guy run roughshod over our democracy. But yeah - Howard Dean made a good point this morning:

Dem candidates shouldn't go too hard on Agent Orange. Talk about preexisting conditions. It's a 2-1 issue

Poll: 66% Of Voters Oppose Trump DOJ's Move To Gut Patient Protections
POLL: Hillary will win by a landslide!
He's doing a great job.

If he wasn't none of the left would be crying like stuck pigs.
Great column from Jeremy Peters - I suspected that this was the case just looking at the posts his supporters barf up on these chat boards. Up is down, down is up. Throw enough shade and confuse people enough, they tend to dig themselves a deeper hole. It's chronic, and it needs to end soon before we lose literally all of our morals, values, and 250 years of precedent/ norms. The Totalitarian Idiocracy came sooner than I'd ever have suspected.

LEESBURG, Va. — Gina Anders knows the feeling well by now. President Trump says or does something that triggers a spasm of outrage. She doesn’t necessarily agree with how he handled the situation. She gets why people are upset.

But Ms. Anders, 46, a Republican from suburban Loudoun County, Va., with a law degree, a business career, and not a stitch of “Make America Great Again” gear in her wardrobe, is moved to defend him anyway.

“All nuance and all complexity — and these are complex issues — are completely lost,” she said, describing “overblown” reactions from the president’s critics, some of whom equated the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children and parents to history’s greatest atrocities.

“It makes me angry at them, which causes me to want to defend him to them more,” Ms. Anders said.

In interviews across the country over the last few days, dozens of Trump voters, as well as pollsters and strategists, described something like a bonding experience with the president that happens each time Republicans have to answer a now-familiar question: “How can you possibly still support this man?” Their resilience suggests a level of unity among Republicans that could help mitigate Mr. Trump’s low overall approval ratings and aid his party’s chances of keeping control of the House of Representatives in November.​


As Critics Assail Trump, His Supporters Dig In Deeper
So maybe some people should stop chasing him around like hungry jackals and let his supporters back off a little.
90% approval rating among Republicans. That is actually historic. He's moving forward conservative policy big time and his rabid base is only part of it.
We are not rabid. We ain't the ones spewing bullshit on message boards 24/7.
I disagree, mike, especially when it comes to you.
The way leftists are frothing at the mouth today, shoot! Trump's doing something right. :abgg2q.jpg:
No one expected Trump to win the election, and it wouldn't surprise me if this phenom continues and he holds the House and Senate. There will be a fight, but I do think people are terribly tired of all this shrilliness against the administration. They may tune out politics all together. I know some folks personally that already have.

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