As a good statesman Trump has a good solution for any problem!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Crooked Hillary thoughts she can stop police investigations, but she has underestimated Trump - the True Patriot of this country!For defense of US - Interests Trump invites other countries to help, it is a good decision of a Great Statesman.
Clinton Incorporation is working only for own account, it is very interesting what Hillary has to hide and why she deleted 30,000 e-mails.Probably she sold state secrets to ISIS or North Korea.

Moreover Great Trump wants to create more jobs for Americans, he promised to check the Crimea question and lift Russian sanctions what will finish silly struggles with Russia.
Instead to support only Ukrainian Nazis like Obama does he want to avoid WWIII and to start business with Russia what can create a big lot of new jobs.

Trump to look at recognizing Crimea as Russian territory, lifting sanctions

Trump is Great and has for anything a good and practical solution!

Thieves, Crooks, Neocons,Demoncrats, Globalists, NWO, Wall Street,RINOs, Clinton Inc., Psychopaths, Lunatics of any kind, Political Correct Do-Goodies, Criminals, Presstitutes, Satanists hate Trump because he can end pillaging and ruining of this country!

Donald Trump Hosts Largest “Ask Me Anything (AMA) Reddit” in History
[URL=''] ^
| July 28 2016
During a flight between Pennsylvania and Ohio candidate Donald Trump hosted an AMA Reddit. A social media engagement opportunity for people to write in questions to the popular site Reddit, and have candidate Donald Trump answer them directly: ... Trump has been an Internet phenomenon since announcing his candidacy in 2015, and Reddit has served as a kind of hot spot for dialogue about his ideas for his fans. Trump, who was flying from an event in Scranton to an event in Toledo during the session, was delayed at the start of the event, and replied to questions slowly. He...[/URL]

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