Arranging Music


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I'm sitting here listening to our local station that plays songs from the 50's to 90's. Something that's been niggling at me for a long time is how does a song go from the writer putting down the words and/or notes to turning it into all that stuff in the final version?

Okay, let's say Manilow sits down at a piano and comes up with notes to some lyrics going on in his head. He puts the two together - his voice and the piano.

That ain't gonna be anywhere close to the final version! There will be a musical group of some kind - often with all sorts of instruments. Then will come the backup singers.

Who determines the tempo and all the rest of that stuff.

I've seen the movies about classical composers who wrote scores for each and every instrument. Who does that stuff for modern tunes and decides what goes where?

Just curious.

That's what the Producer's for.

The artist may also be the Producer if it's self-produced, or if you really want your song ruined beyond recognition you can farm it out to Phil Spector. :D

George Martin was the ultimate Producer.

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