Army 1LT Clint Lorance: Sentenced to Prison for Protecting His Unit


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Written By : Tami Jackson, December 30, 2013


In August 2013 Army 1LT Clint Lorance, 28, of Celeste Texas, was found guilty of 2 counts of murder.

Our military and political leaders have us bogged down in yet another no-win war and are seeking scapegoats for their failures. Libtards rant at Allen West for doing exactly what this young lieutenant did – protect his troops. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

According to our ridiculous Rules of Engagement, soldiers in a combat zone are told to hold their fire unless there is evidence of hostile action or direct hostile intent.

Read the full disgusting piece @ Army 1LT Clint Lorance: Sentenced to Prison for Protecting His Unit | Right Wing News and to hades with all you who make a stupid big deal about the source.
His own unit members said he identified a target for elimination that they all knew did not meet the rules of engagement.
His own troops.

We had the law of war drummed into our heads over and over through the years. And that would have been no different for the l tee.
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Written By : Tami Jackson, December 30, 2013


In August 2013 Army 1LT Clint Lorance, 28, of Celeste Texas, was found guilty of 2 counts of murder.

Our military and political leaders have us bogged down in yet another no-win war and are seeking scapegoats for their failures. Libtards rant at Allen West for doing exactly what this young lieutenant did – protect his troops. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

According to our ridiculous Rules of Engagement, soldiers in a combat zone are told to hold their fire unless there is evidence of hostile action or direct hostile intent.

Read the full disgusting piece @ Army 1LT Clint Lorance: Sentenced to Prison for Protecting His Unit | Right Wing News and to hades with all you who make a stupid big deal about the source.

There are Rules of Engagement for a reason and this guy violated them. We cannot have our troops gunning down non-combatants.

Seriously??? Do you actually think the military frivolously and whimsically court martials troops. If anything, the opposite is true and ift they didn't have a good, airtight case, they wouldn't proceed.

Furthermore, if the command lets troops run amok, it is not only detrimental to the mission but also detrimental to the image of our country and our military.

Oh, and your source is biased.
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I keep reading "in connection with a series of shootings."

Need more info.

1st lt. found guilty in Afghan shootings; gets 20-year sentence | Army Times |

Attempting to protect American lives is a crime in todays politically correct military:mad:

No, shooting and killing civilians that posed no threat is a crime.

Civilians get killed in war .if he didn't know they were civilians ,then he did nothing wrong. Do you think bombing Germany or nuking Japan killing 10s of thousands of civilians was wrong? Should we have not done that?
The members of a U.S. military Courts-Martial are high ranking officers.

Not a bunch of mush headed civilians.

If they found the soldier 'guilty' then he most definitely had broken the UCMJ.

And deserved what ever sentence was handed out to him. .... :cool:
The members of a U.S. military Courts-Martial are high ranking officers.

Not a bunch of mush headed civilians.

If they found the soldier 'guilty' then he most definitely had broken the UCMJ.

And deserved what ever sentence was handed out to him. .... :cool:

Maybe he saw his men killed and maimed by the muslim scum and he over reacted. It happens in war.
The members of a U.S. military Courts-Martial are high ranking officers.

Not a bunch of mush headed civilians.

If they found the soldier 'guilty' then he most definitely had broken the UCMJ.

And deserved what ever sentence was handed out to him. .... :cool:

Maybe he saw his men killed and maimed by the muslim scum and he over reacted. It happens in war.

Maybe he did see his men killed and maimed (by Afghani or other insurgents, not "muslim scum"). Deliberately ordering the deaths of non-hostiles, at least to me, seems to be a little bit more than an over-reaction.

I want our troops to be the best troops in the world and, by and large, they are. I don't want them to be scared, vicious killers.

His actions reflect on the current military and all vets in a very negative way. I rememhber coming home one Christmas on leave and being called "trained killer" and worse. I don't want our kids coming home to that.
Attempting to protect American lives is a crime in todays politically correct military:mad:

No, shooting and killing civilians that posed no threat is a crime.

Civilians get killed in war .if he didn't know they were civilians ,then he did nothing wrong. Do you think bombing Germany or nuking Japan killing 10s of thousands of civilians was wrong? Should we have not done that? are of the "Kill them all, let God sort them out" school of military thought.
Maybe he saw his men killed and maimed by the muslim scum and he over reacted. It happens in war.
Sounds like something IDF juden would say.

So how many years did you serve?? ... :cool:

The guy sees similarities between shooting unarmed civilians because they are on a motorbike and the military bombing of enemy seaports, munitions, and industrial factories.
He is a brave warrior and leader of men who should not have to serve a DAY in prison, much less 20 years!

I'd give him a medal!
Maybe he saw his men killed and maimed by the muslim scum and he over reacted. It happens in war.
Sounds like something IDF juden would say.

So how many years did you serve?? ... :cool:

The guy sees similarities between shooting unarmed civilians because they are on a motorbike and the military bombing of enemy seaports, munitions, and industrial factories.

I see similarities in war. this doesn't mean he knew those were civilians ..You say that. if he intentionally, knowingly, killed civilians, that's different, but if he thought those people were enemy combatants, then he shouldn't be in Jail

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