Arizona's new law


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
IMO, it will end up being used to harass innocent people and eventually force everyone to carry papers or maybe even get an identifying tattoo.

It will be funny to see what happens if Obama goes to Arizona, though, I believe there are a lot of birthers there.
tough shit. the government had it's chance.. I'm in favor of protecting the citizens of Arizona..
This isn't as much about immigration as it is the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs.

Immigrants coming to America to work --even the illegal ones-- aren't the ones committing all the violent crimes driving this dopey law. It's the drug smugglers and dealers.
One of the Arizona State Senators was just on CNN. He was aked why?? His answer was.. "because one of our ranchers and his dog were murdered in cold blood by an illegal who comes and goes freely across the border. the person of interest is a criminal illegal, and he said, an illegal hit a cop with his car and as the cop lay dying the illegal walked to the side of the road and took a leak instead of helping the cop. According to the Senator the citizens of Arizona are fed up with the Feds playing catch and release with the criminal illegals.
IMO, it will end up being used to harass innocent people and eventually force everyone to carry papers or maybe even get an identifying tattoo.

It will be funny to see what happens if Obama goes to Arizona, though, I believe there are a lot of birthers there.

I hope the italicized/emboldened reference isn't lost on anyone here?

RAVIOLI? What are you saying here?:eusa_think:

And more of import? WHOM are you indicting with that idiotic remark?
And I'll bet you a dollar to a cat turd that every one of them doing the shooting is involved in the drug trade.

This is more of republicans acting like democrats, in layering stupid policy on top of a stupider policy.
It's actually republicans acting like republicans.

And there is no proof the guy was killed by an illegal resident.

I just hope this bankrupts Arizona and the Feds laugh at them when they come crying for money for their jail system.

IMO, it will end up being used to harass innocent people and eventually force everyone to carry papers or maybe even get an identifying tattoo.

It will be funny to see what happens if Obama goes to Arizona, though, I believe there are a lot of birthers there.

I hope the italicized/emboldened reference isn't lost on anyone here?

RAVIOLI? What are you saying here?:eusa_think:

And more of import? WHOM are you indicting with that idiotic remark?
Who is most famous for demanding identity papers? If the shoe fits...and it fits very well.
IMO, it will end up being used to harass innocent people and eventually force everyone to carry papers or maybe even get an identifying tattoo.

It will be funny to see what happens if Obama goes to Arizona, though, I believe there are a lot of birthers there.

I hope the italicized/emboldened reference isn't lost on anyone here?

RAVIOLI? What are you saying here?:eusa_think:

And more of import? WHOM are you indicting with that idiotic remark?
Who is most famous for demanding identity papers? If the shoe fits...and it fits very well.

prospective bosses ?
And I'll bet you a dollar to a cat turd that every one of them doing the shooting is involved in the drug trade.

This is more of republicans acting like democrats, in layering stupid policy on top of a stupider policy.

not so,, it was a very smart move on Arizona's part. Don't you think they knew the bill would be challenged?? For sure they did. And they will take it all the way to the supreme court. Woke up the do nothing fucktards in dc.. didn't they.. they got their attention now. Texas tomorrow.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
IMO, it will end up being used to harass innocent people and eventually force everyone to carry papers or maybe even get an identifying tattoo.

It will be funny to see what happens if Obama goes to Arizona, though, I believe there are a lot of birthers there.

I hope the italicized/emboldened reference isn't lost on anyone here?

RAVIOLI? What are you saying here?:eusa_think:

And more of import? WHOM are you indicting with that idiotic remark?
Who is most famous for demanding identity papers? If the shoe fits...and it fits very well.
every fucking country in the whole wide world.. that's whoo
Even though they have got the attention of the idiots in the District of Criminals, having them direct their attention your way isn't exactly the best thing in the world right now.

None of this changes the fact that the drug trade is the real problem.
Even though they have got the attention of the idiots in the District of Criminals, having them direct their attention your way isn't exactly the best thing in the world right now.

None of this changes the fact that the drug trade is the real problem.

If the drug trade will shine a light on the illegal immigration problem then maybe it's a blessing in disguise.
Problem being is that Latinos who aren't violent thugs, legal or not, are going to have less of a reason to point out who the hoodlums are.

Legalize and regulate recreational drugs and it's a lot easier to tell the reprobate from the peaceful individual in cases like this.
tough shit. the government had it's chance.. I'm in favor of protecting the citizens of Arizona..
When the federal government will not enforce their responsibilities, it is up to the states to either force government to do their god damn job, or do it themselves. They have the broad and undefined powers, not the feddies. They are more than in their rights to defend their citizens.

I will laugh my ass off the first time La Raza organizes a rally in support of illegals and watch Sheriff Joe Arpaio arrest three quarters (correctly) of them for being illegals.

Personally, I'd like to see the mayors and city councils who support 'sanctuary cities' charged with aiding and abetting criminal racketeering an thrown into federal pens for hard time.

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