Arizona senate gets the ballots, and doesn't know what to do with them.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana

The quick story:

The completely insane Arizona GOP senate issued a subpoena to get every ballot from Maricopa County, all 2.1 million of them. Now they're like the dog who has finally caught the car, and has no idea what to do with it. Exactly as their subpoena demanded, 73 pallets of ballots were unloaded at the senate building. The Republicans hadn't even set aside a place to put them.

Needless to say, the Republicans will completely botch the chain of custody, making everything they do pointless. They'll also do all of their "auditing" in total secrecy, after months of lies and whining about observers. Yeah, that inspires confidence. I don't think the county will even want the votes back. Since the chain of custody is destroyed, they're worthless paper now. And there will probably only be 1.8 million left, after the Republican get their paper shredders going.
Hiring kraken auditors from Texas is simply the state legislature's means to give them cover for coming up with legislation to suppress voting through solving a problem that doesn't exist.
In Georgia the Republicans want to make it illegal to have food or drink while waiting in line to vote...

The quick story:

The completely insane Arizona GOP senate issued a subpoena to get every ballot from Maricopa County, all 2.1 million of them. Now they're like the dog who has finally caught the car, and has no idea what to do with it. Exactly as their subpoena demanded, 73 pallets of ballots were unloaded at the senate building. The Republicans hadn't even set aside a place to put them.

Needless to say, the Republicans will completely botch the chain of custody, making everything they do pointless. They'll also do all of their "auditing" in total secrecy, after months of lies and whining about observers. Yeah, that inspires confidence. I don't think the county will even want the votes back. Since the chain of custody is destroyed, they're worthless paper now. And there will probably only be 1.8 million left, after the Republican get their paper shredders going.

Are you one of the kooks who told us how the audit woulld prove the vote fraud, this time for sure! Probably. It would explain why you're triggered now.

It is funny. Maricopa county told the judge "This is bullcrap political theater".

The judge said "yeah, but it's still a legal subpoena, so you must comply. Just make sure you obey the exact letter of the law <winkwink>"

Oh look, the exact letter of the law says _not_ to hold the ballots securely and let them be inspected. It says to deliver them to the senate. Very well, load up those 3 semis and drop 'em off.

Malicious compliance can be funny.

Are you one of the kooks who told us how the audit woulld prove the vote fraud, this time for sure! Probably.
Probably? In which post?

Unlike several LWNJ moonbats at USMB, I do not limit who can or cannot search my posting history. I encourage it. I do not block it.

Of course, as you know (unless you are even stupider than I presumed) Joe Biden himself confessed to employing the largest voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.

Voter fraud.

Is that conclusive proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Trump would have won the election without the admitted massive voter fraud by the Biden camp?

Not by my standards of what constitutes reasonable doubt. How do we know that Biden would not have won without the massive fraud anyways? I think it's highly probable that without the Biden camp's fraud scheme Trump would have won.

But "highly probable" isn't a good enough standard to inspire me to start slaughtering every suspected LWNJ moonbat that I see like I'm out skeet shooting at the gun club as if they are clay pigeons rather than people.

This isn't the first time the U.S. presidency has been usurped. Both Chester Arthur and Barack Obama usurped the presidency. And yet America weathered the storm.
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