Zone1 Are White Actors and Actresses Not Allowed to Act Anymore?

But you just used it, so what did you meant by it when you asked FJB "what's woke about it?"

Words do have meaning you know.
I don’t think “woke” has much of a meaning, which why I usually use it in quotes. It means whatever you dislike when it comes to diversity.
It all economics. Not politics. It is done because that is what they think will meet the market demand. If people like it, it will sell, if not it will flop.
Most entertainment outlets are owned by mega-corporations who love sex, drugs and rock and roll; they have more than enough money to lose because they are as psychotic as the average junkie sleeping in an alley.
People like Jim Nabors, Arthur Godfrey, Oliver Hardy, Chris Rock, Mia Farrow, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg and Jay Leno? I think you are so used to seeing it here that you just notice it more in British offerings. I don't think it is a new thing.
And that up is 8 people over the span of almost a century, several of whom are celebrities but not actors.
What exactly do you define as the “anti white” media audience?
Companies that are showing fat assed Black women on their catalogs and commercials are on the verge of bankruptcy.
The TV shows that are retreads and have a Black cast have ratings in the cellar.
All Black movies are bleeding money.
Blacks are 13% of the population and most Democrats are not Bleeding Heart Liberals.
Companies that are showing fat assed Black women on their catalogs and commercials are on the verge of bankruptcy.
The TV shows that are retreads and have a Black cast have ratings in the cellar.
All Black movies are bleeding money.
Blacks are 13% of the population and most Democrats are not Bleeding Heart Liberals.
In other words, showing blacks who don’t meet white standards of beauty. :rolleyes:
In other words, showing blacks who don’t meet white standards of beauty. :rolleyes:
Not at all.
I have seen some Japanese and Chinese films that got rave reviews.
The movies sucked but the critics were playing the game.

Now it's happening with Blacks and Hispanic actors.

Producers can do what they want.
Not at all.
I have seen some Japanese and Chinese films that got rave reviews.
The movies sucked but the critics were playing the game.

Now it's happening with Blacks and Hispanic actors.

Producers can do what they want.
Isn’t the suckyness of movies more often a personal opinion?
Top Hollywood stars over the past century.
Thank you, you should review your site. I know some of those are the so-called "beautiful people" but many of them are quite ordinary looking. Bogie, Bette Davis, Henry Fonda, Cagney, Spencer Tracy, Joan Crawford, Marx Brothers, Edward G. Robinson. Not on your list, Jimmy Durante, Kevin Hart, Karl Malden, Stan Laurel, Tommy Chong, Queen Latifa--I think if you were honest with yourself, you would agree that the term ordinary looking people is quite inclusive--even in Hollywood.
Companies that are showing fat assed Black women on their catalogs and commercials are on the verge of bankruptcy.
The TV shows that are retreads and have a Black cast have ratings in the cellar.
All Black movies are bleeding money.
Blacks are 13% of the population and most Democrats are not Bleeding Heart Liberals.
Since you're such the expert on Democrats, what are they then, if most aren't "Bleeding Heart Liberals?"
OK, and what are their voters, if not bleeding heart liberals, then?
99% of voters are totally ignorant of the platforms of the party they vote for.
Ds want welfare and Rs want no rules when it comes to commerce.
I’m not sure what you are on about. It is all a market decision. If they lose money, they will change. If the profit they will continue on that track. It’s a business like any other and it’s the bottom line that matters. That isn’t defending (or condemning) anything, itis just stating the facts.

1. You are excusing it. And questioning my complaints as though they are not valid. Don't pretend you are not taking sides here.

2. It is not a market decision. It is people like you, BETRAYING their ethical responsibilities to their investors, due to political concerns.

3. And it is racist. Don't pretend that you would be fine with racist business decisions, if the people who got fucked, were not white. If this was going the other way, your side would be rioting in the streets and you would be making excuses for the riots.

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