Are we watching the collapse of the blue city?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Are we watching the collapse of the blue city?

Are we watching the collapse of the blue city?
19 Jun 2020 ~~ By Silvio Canto, Jr.
As cities burn and statues come down, many want you to believe that U.S. is doomed or that the leftist mobs will tear down every sign of traditional values.
Yes, some monuments will be vandalized and buildings burned down.
But eventually, the storyline will change.
What we are really watching is the collapse of "blue districts" and cities.
For years, we've heard that "racism" or poverty excuses. Yet the story is very different. The issue is not really racism, but dysfunctional societies run by Democrats, as Angela Kelley wrote:

Liberals may have misjudged America. While a lot of households would have agreed with them and the broad brush of their efforts for the black cause, telling America it Must Kneel Or Else is a deal breaker.
Now many people, who never gave any of this any thought at all, are forced to take a side, and as the movement may learn, America hates bullies (even the one's with the best of intentions).
I have commented on this boards and others that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have destroyed the cities they control by packing people into their confines. Thet PMS/DSA Dems created high rise housing projects that stacked and packed people into horrific conditions like Cabrini Green Projects, Magnolia Projects, Marcy Projects, Fort Greene Projects, Starrett City, Murphy Homes, Lexington Terrace, O’Donnell Heights, Brewster-Douglass housing projects.
These atrocities by the Marxist Socialist left are repeated in Blue City after Blue City across the nation, yet the citizenry nods their head and allow this to be repeated and being told things will change and become better and never do.
These are the breeding grounds that have created #BLM and in some cases #Antifa.
The masks are off, Blue Governors and Mayors have forgotten the silent majority that pay the taxes, do the work and keep to themselves. In the process they have become fearful of drawing the ire of #BLM or the #Antifa. . . They now kow tow to those groups. Consider what just happened with Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler.
People are now aware that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat leadership pays only lip service and will not defend the actual people. . . there will be backlash. .
We can beat the Wuhan Covid-19 virus, however, PMS/DSA Democrats are more like metastasizing cancer, mutations that continue to produce, and destroy every good thing around them.
Blue cities seeing a lot of people trying to sell. Can't be a good sign for them. I wouldn't sell insurance to anyone in blue areas.

I can remember that during the late 60's, 70's and 80's Brooklyn was burning. Blocks upon blocks looked like they were part of fired bombed Dresden. Now these same areas are being "Gentrified", while the projects continue to create more criminals.
This is related to what is happening in those cities. Would any vigilantism be something approved of or condemned in this situation if it were to occur? I never even thought of it but one of the Death Wish movies is on TV. A Vigilante individual, group or groups if they existed could make quick and remote strikes. Since the police are not doing their jobs and the politicians not doing theirs, would they be given free reign to bring a little payback? And that of course if they existed. It seems that unless there is pushback, this is not going to end. And more then that, people are being destroyed.
I'd say that what you're watching is the rise of islamic fascism. Areas of Seattle under the control of an apparent black "warlord." It's black nationalism... while the seeming impotence of the Trump administration on the matter... such as not deploying the National Guard to stop the takeover and occupation in Seattle, which is a microcosm of the black islamic nationalist insurrection, is telling of his role as a vassal of the Order of Abdulaziz.

Meanwhile on the supposed "left" there's a rise of a Vatican monarchist; and if you want to see exactly how people are fooled by "left" and "right" labels; why were Peron and Franco's regimes labelled as being far-right and fascist; but Castro... who was assisted by a Peronist, and joined Cuba to the Spanish Bourbon monarchist Organization of Ibero-American states; is considered a communist and "far-left", it's these labels that cloud people's mind and are making them not see things as they really are.
Got a home in a blue city?

Sucks, huh!

Worse if you own it outright. But if you have a huge mortgage and enough cash left for postage you can mail the keys to the bank.
Yeah, but then where you going to live? Camper prices shot up, and they suck to live in. Any idiot selling their Big City Home today will get 15% of it's value from an investor like me, then 2 years I will sell or rent it back at 5 times the price.

Best to get rid of the mayors & corrupt police & kill looters.
The same voices defending the looting and torching of “urban areas” will be screaming, crying how whites abandoned the city and how whites are “racist” for not wanting to go into the city. Who knows when the next social uprising will erupt?
The same voices defending the looting and torching of “urban areas” will be screaming, crying how whites abandoned the city and how whites are “racist” for not wanting to go into the city. Who knows when the next social uprising will erupt?

What will they be doing then, burning their tents and porta-potties?
I'd say that what you're watching is the rise of islamic fascism. Areas of Seattle under the control of an apparent black "warlord." It's black nationalism... while the seeming impotence of the Trump administration on the matter... such as not deploying the National Guard to stop the takeover and occupation in Seattle, which is a microcosm of the black islamic nationalist insurrection, is telling of his role as a vassal of the Order of Abdulaziz.

Meanwhile on the supposed "left" there's a rise of a Vatican monarchist; and if you want to see exactly how people are fooled by "left" and "right" labels; why were Peron and Franco's regimes labelled as being far-right and fascist; but Castro... who was assisted by a Peronist, and joined Cuba to the Spanish Bourbon monarchist Organization of Ibero-American states; is considered a communist and "far-left", it's these labels that cloud people's mind and are making them not see things as they really are.

Well they've already sanctified a career felon named George Floyd, guess the next one is Rayshard Brooks the convict abuser of children and women.

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I'd say that what you're watching is the rise of islamic fascism. Areas of Seattle under the control of an apparent black "warlord." It's black nationalism... while the seeming impotence of the Trump administration on the matter... such as not deploying the National Guard to stop the takeover and occupation in Seattle, which is a microcosm of the black islamic nationalist insurrection, is telling of his role as a vassal of the Order of Abdulaziz.

Meanwhile on the supposed "left" there's a rise of a Vatican monarchist; and if you want to see exactly how people are fooled by "left" and "right" labels; why were Peron and Franco's regimes labelled as being far-right and fascist; but Castro... who was assisted by a Peronist, and joined Cuba to the Spanish Bourbon monarchist Organization of Ibero-American states; is considered a communist and "far-left", it's these labels that cloud people's mind and are making them not see things as they really are.

Well they've already sanctified a career felon named George Floyd, guess the next one is Rayshard Brooks the convict abuser of children and women.

Terrifying. There really does need to be a military response. Some have said that a Military Police State sounds scary, but to Me; enforcing an Allied rule of Law and Justice; that kind of Police State, where you can walk down the street with a joint in hand or an open container of beer on the way to the park or the beach with some friends to set up a volley game, where the Military police are out to protect you, sounds pretty good to Me.

Yeah, this is what that sounds like, or Misty Mountain Hop:
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This is related to what is happening in those cities. Would any vigilantism be something approved of or condemned in this situation if it were to occur? I never even thought of it but one of the Death Wish movies is on TV. A Vigilante individual, group or groups if they existed could make quick and remote strikes. Since the police are not doing their jobs and the politicians not doing theirs, would they be given free reign to bring a little payback? And that of course if they existed. It seems that unless there is pushback, this is not going to end. And more then that, people are being destroyed.

Except for the fact that NYC citizens don't have guns, but the criminals do. You can thank people like Dinkins and every Democrat mayor.
The same voices defending the looting and torching of “urban areas” will be screaming, crying how whites abandoned the city and how whites are “racist” for not wanting to go into the city. Who knows when the next social uprising will erupt?

If you want to make tax and spend Democrats squeal like a stuck pig, pack up and move out of their cities and states.
Got a home in a blue city?

Sucks, huh!

Worse if you own it outright. But if you have a huge mortgage and enough cash left for postage you can mail the keys to the bank.
I for one moved from NY State nearly a year ago....
Strangely this is another comparison to the "Turner Diaries" by Andrew MacDonald. Yes, I know it was written by a "white Supremacist" but whatever fiction he wrote appears to be happening before our eyes today. When will they begin rounding up people that own guns? Soon, very soon.
If local municipalities decide to defund and either reduce or dissolve local police forces what will result? Will there be vigilante groups soon facing the mobs as destruction of towns by riot, looting and arson spread?
Problem is libturds are moving to red areas for escape. Then they'll know everything about everything and the cycle of decay again as producers flee.

I don't understand why liberals who flee blue areas and relocate to red areas, continue to vote for the same kinds of failed blue policies that caused their previous homes to be so horrible in the first place. If these red areas turn blue, then the liberals will just flee to some other red area. They are like locusts, going all over the country, destroying everything that they touch.

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