Are we on the verge of an actual confirmation of extraterrestrial intelligence?

Do you believe that we have been or are being visited by life from outside our planet?

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  • There has to be a terrestrial explanation

  • Beam me up Scotty!

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

The pentagon has been slowly dribbling "leaked" footage to the press for a couple years now. The latest videos and photographs are very hard to dismiss as anything except what they are purported to be.

So that begs the question, when.... when will we actually interact with whatever these things are?
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Where would they have come from? We know from our limited exploration of our own solar system that there are no E.T. rocket ships blasting off from Mars or Jupiter. The nearest star is 4.something light years distant and with current technology it takes about 40,000 years to travel one light year. Worm holes? They are fiction. Personally I like the bigfoot stuff better.
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They look like drones to me...why would a UFO that wants to not be seen have Anti-collision lighting?....
What makes you think they don't want to be seen? And how do we know that some of the lighting isn't a by product of the operation of their craft?
And what drone can fly from the air at hundreds of miles per hour then go underwater only to come back out of the water and split into two as it Flys away?
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Where would they have come from? We know from our limited exploration of our own solar system that there are no E.T. rocket ships blasting off from Mars or Jupiter. The nearest star is 4.something light years distant and with current technology it takes about 40,000 years to travel one light year. Worm holes? They are fiction. Personally I like the bigfoot stuff better.
The key to your question is your comment about our current technology. That is OUR limitation.
Just recently we discovered 2 unknown elements that no one knew existed. Our knowledge is very limited and based on our understanding of physics. Now with two new elements discovered our physics will have to be relearned.
I have always believe "We Are Not Alone".

I have yet, though to see a UFO. But I don't dispute a lot of the claims that the Government has always been behind it. Look at Area 51 and other places around the world.

There are a lot about our Universe we really don't know. Yes, we had many years and decades of proof they do exist. But the Universe is a vast wasteland of particles and other broken stars...
They look like drones to me...why would a UFO that wants to not be seen have Anti-collision lighting?....
What makes you think they don't want to be seen? And how do we know that some of the lighting isn't a by product of the operation of their craft?
And what drone can fly from the air at hundreds of miles per hour then go underwater only to come back out of the water and split into two as it Flys away?
I don't know....I didn't see them go under water...I must have missed that...I'll check it out again....
What makes you think they don't want to be seen? And how do we know that some of the lighting isn't a by product of the operation of their craft?
Right, no one knows what they are or how they function. For all we know those lights are a message saying the main fleet is coming.
. . . er, coming back around.
What's theirs. . .

. . . and what is potentially ours? :dunno:

TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts


The pentagon has been slowly dribbling "leaked" footage to the press for a couple years now. The latest videos and photographs are very hard to dismiss as anything except what they are purported to be.

So that begs the question, when.... when will we actually interact with whatever these things are?

They look like drones to me...why would a UFO that wants to not be seen have Anti-collision lighting?....
What makes you think they don't want to be seen? And how do we know that some of the lighting isn't a by product of the operation of their craft?
And what drone can fly from the air at hundreds of miles per hour then go underwater only to come back out of the water and split into two as it Flys away?
I don't know....I didn't see them go under water...I must have missed that...I'll check it out again....
There are a few other pics and videos that are recent that show a craft somewhat similar in shape to our old space shuttles flying straight down into the water AFTER HOVERING above it.

Here's another recent pentagon release.
No, and there are several good reasons why not. Who can think of some of the reasons?

1. the false innuendoes indicate that the presenter (s) aren't being truthful.
2. The images they present are far from being convincing.
3. Exterrestrials would have no reason to allow themselves to be observed if they didn't choose to be. They would either remain hidden or fully expose their presence.
4. And advanced civilization would have no reason to play cat and mouse games with us.
5. Distance makes it most likely not possible.

Did I get most of the reasons? Are there any more?

If not then the flak from believers can begin. They want to believe and the most interesting question is in finding out the reasons why?

They are usually the same people who want to believe the building 7 conspiracy theory nonsense.
They look like drones to me...why would a UFO that wants to not be seen have Anti-collision lighting?....
What makes you think they don't want to be seen? And how do we know that some of the lighting isn't a by product of the operation of their craft?
And what drone can fly from the air at hundreds of miles per hour then go underwater only to come back out of the water and split into two as it Flys away?
I don't know....I didn't see them go under water...I must have missed that...I'll check it out again....
There are a few other pics and videos that are recent that show a craft somewhat similar in shape to our old space shuttles flying straight down into the water AFTER HOVERING above it.

Here's another recent pentagon release.
In the Air Force at Wright Patterson AFB, i got to work in one of the buildings that had Operation Blue Book. So many files that were never released to the public.....
They look like drones to me...why would a UFO that wants to not be seen have Anti-collision lighting?....
What makes you think they don't want to be seen? And how do we know that some of the lighting isn't a by product of the operation of their craft?
And what drone can fly from the air at hundreds of miles per hour then go underwater only to come back out of the water and split into two as it Flys away?
I don't know....I didn't see them go under water...I must have missed that...I'll check it out again....
There are a few other pics and videos that are recent that show a craft somewhat similar in shape to our old space shuttles flying straight down into the water AFTER HOVERING above it.

Here's another recent pentagon release.
Well that's definitely unidentifiable but celestial?...who knows...I guess I hope its from somewhere other than

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