Are UnVaxxed People The Most Hated Group In The History Of The US?

It all depends where you live. If you live in a leftist shithole then they will go Full Nazi on you and try to put a yellow star on you .

If you escape that hell and go to a red state. Nobody gives a shit.

You have totally politicized what should be science. Well not you of course you're propaganda heroes... The vaccine and the mask s work and are safe and effective. End of story
The mask doesn't work and the vaccine is killing people.
haha, idiots on parade... ^^

Yes yes, the science and scientists say otherwise. But the ignorant trumpletons outsmarted them by watching a Youtube video.
In all my dealings going out places, even to dentist and doctor offices, NO ONE CARES nor even asks if I'm vaccinated or not!

No, because the signs say "must wear a mask even if vaccinated."

Ok what's the point of the fucking vaccine?

First we were told by the left:

1. 2 weeks the flatten the curve
2. Once we get the vaccine we can return to normal
3. Whether or not you get vaccinated you still have to wear a mask
4. Vaccines don't stop the different variants and you must get endless boosters.
You're a delusional asshole, Tommy. Although I would expect that from someone coming from a culture that murdered more black and brown people through colonialism, than any country in history.
That’s pretty much common knowledge around here.sense Tom hanks was mentioned a side not,he is involved in child pedophile,you would be surprised that the majority of Hollywood is,most of your idols you love from the movie screen,are not whom they appear to be on the big screen ot yiur favorite actor from your favorite tv show.

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