Are Ukraine war casualties unimportant to you?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The Russia-Ukraine conflict (has either side actually declared war?) has caused millions of people to suffer death, injury and other casualties becaevenuse of a territorial dispute. The people of both countries will have to decide when enough is enough, but do Americans even care about this carnage? It seems like those details don't even enter into our discussions about that conflict. Instead, we argue about lofty ideals like "saving democracy" and how much more money and weapons we should send over there. What about the human cost of extending this conflict?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict (has either side actually declared war?) has caused millions of people to suffer death, injury and other casualties becaevenuse of a territorial dispute. The people of both countries will have to decide when enough is enough, but do Americans even care about this carnage? It seems like those details don't even enter into our discussions about that conflict. Instead, we argue about lofty ideals like "saving democracy" and how much more money and weapons we should send over there. What about the human cost of extending this conflict?
How is the Western Military Industrial Complex, going to make billions without wars? They're juicing this until it's dry, even if millions of people die. They don't care.
This is how I feel about Ukraine War casualties on both sides: While Biden's government is spending billions of dollars to protect Ukraine's border, they are neglecting to protect my own borders.

Not my circus, not my monkey.

Its time for our mic to test out its new toys and the current admin to keep grifting while our govt admonishes the people who go against wrapping themselves in the flag and screaming murrica. We should be demanding answers but we can't figure out who what we are as we cut off body parts and take hormones pretending we're trapped in the opposite sex or we're off to take our toddlers to the latest drag show with transgenders grinding their junk on 3 year olds who happily clap at their parents request.
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I don't want anyone to die in a war, especially not someone who isn't fighting in it.

But on the whole? I don't care about the people in ukraine just because there are 8 billion people in the world. It would be a lie for me to say I care about them all. It's impossible.

But America has way too many problems of its own we can't even take care of for me to worry about one of the most corrupt countries in the world that has never served us any purpose at all while we shovel billions into a giant ukranian scam machine while our own economy is in the crapper.

So they are unimportant to me.
The Russia-Ukraine conflict (has either side actually declared war?) has caused millions of people to suffer death, injury and other casualties becaevenuse of a territorial dispute. The people of both countries will have to decide when enough is enough, but do Americans even care about this carnage? It seems like those details don't even enter into our discussions about that conflict. Instead, we argue about lofty ideals like "saving democracy" and how much more money and weapons we should send over there. What about the human cost of extending this conflict?
Western investors led by the US want control of Russian natural resources, and they don't care how many Ukrainians die to make their plunder possible:

Full spectrum dominance requires breaking up Russia and China, imposing pliable politicians, and privatizing as much foreign national wealth as possible.

Russia Will Collapse in 3-5 Years. The West Must Discuss the Scenarios Now

"Russia’s breakup is inevitable.

"If Europe and the West fail to prepare, the consequences will resemble those following the USSR’s collapse, such as Russia’s occupation of the former USSR territories or its bloody war in Ukraine, argues Slovak expert Juraj Mesík in his op-ed Prepare for the Inevitable: Why the West Must Discuss the Russian Federation’s Collapse Now."
How is the Western Military Industrial Complex, going to make billions without wars? They're juicing this until it's dry, even if millions of people die. They don't care.
It's clear that the main objective of this war was enormous profits for the war profiteers along with regime change in Russia, to further benefit the western oligarchy with profits from controlling Russia.
It's clear that the main objective of this war was enormous profits for the war profiteers along with regime change in Russia, to further benefit the western oligarchy with profits from controlling Russia.

And the preservation of the Biden and Clinton families' massive money laundering operations in Ukraine.
It's clear that the main objective of this war was enormous profits for the war profiteers along with regime change in Russia, to further benefit the western oligarchy with profits from controlling Russia.
Decolonization means dismemberment?

"The buzzword for the future of Russia is ‘decolonisation.’

"For many people this means a challenge to the current state’s imperialistic mindset, in respect of both its neighbours and the minority nations inside its borders. For others, the term has come to mean dismemberment...The current Federation has some 190 or so ethnic groups, and most are not settled in homogeneous communities. Only a few have titular republics and embryonic quasi-national institutions. But even these have far less capacity than the 15 old union republics, including Russia, which split apart in 1991.

"Some national republics – most obviously Tatarstan – have a history of state-building and a relatively strong economic base. Others are seen as peripheral and rely on the federal government for subsidies. The gap between the rich and poor in Russia is not just for people, but for peoples. …'"
The Russia-Ukraine conflict (has either side actually declared war?) has caused millions of people to suffer death, injury and other casualties becaevenuse of a territorial dispute. The people of both countries will have to decide when enough is enough, but do Americans even care about this carnage? It seems like those details don't even enter into our discussions about that conflict. Instead, we argue about lofty ideals like "saving democracy" and how much more money and weapons we should send over there. What about the human cost of extending this conflict?

I support the right of the people of the Ukraine to defend themselves against an invasion of their country. The fact neither side has declared war is irrelevant considering the last time the US did so was in WWII and we have been in a lot of wars since then.

Is it your position they should just give up since they are taking casualties?
I support the right of the people of the Ukraine to defend themselves against an invasion of their country. The fact neither side has declared war is irrelevant considering the last time the US did so was in WWII and we have been in a lot of wars since then.

Is it your position they should just give up since they are taking casualties?
But you know nothing about what lead to this war. Get informed before posting…PLEASE!
But you know nothing about what lead to this war. Get informed before posting…PLEASE!

Does anything that lead to this war remove the right of the people of the Ukraine to defend their homeland from an invasion?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict (has either side actually declared war?) has caused millions of people to suffer death, injury and other casualties becaevenuse of a territorial dispute. The people of both countries will have to decide when enough is enough, but do Americans even care about this carnage? It seems like those details don't even enter into our discussions about that conflict. Instead, we argue about lofty ideals like "saving democracy" and how much more money and weapons we should send over there. What about the human cost of extending this conflict?
Since we literally have been in one war or another since the US has been in existence , the American people are immune to it. Face it Americans care more about the next Tik Tok video than they do what the military is doing.

Are Ukraine war casualties unimportant to you?​

Generally, no. Civilians caught in the conflict are unfortunate, their lives in disarray. Ukronazi and Russian soldiers? It's what they signed up for. US and NATO mercs? I celebrate their passing.
Since we literally have been in one war or another since the US has been in existence , the American people are immune to it. Face it Americans care more about the next Tik Tok video than they do what the military is doing.
Because, especially after 1945, they found out that every war the US had been involved in - they had been lied to by their respective government.
So might just as well check onto Tik Tok, or the next BBQ.
Decolonization means dismemberment?

"The buzzword for the future of Russia is ‘decolonisation.’

"For many people this means a challenge to the current state’s imperialistic mindset, in respect of both its neighbours and the minority nations inside its borders. For others, the term has come to mean dismemberment...The current Federation has some 190 or so ethnic groups, and most are not settled in homogeneous communities. Only a few have titular republics and embryonic quasi-national institutions. But even these have far less capacity than the 15 old union republics, including Russia, which split apart in 1991.

"Some national republics – most obviously Tatarstan – have a history of state-building and a relatively strong economic base. Others are seen as peripheral and rely on the federal government for subsidies. The gap between the rich and poor in Russia is not just for people, but for peoples. …'"

I just don't see this scenario happening. The more plausible scenario considering our actions in ukraine and forcing a confrontation with russia will result in the US demise and being taken out of world influence.

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