Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

Bullying is a worldwide issue, a result of the downfall of the Christian faith in various parts of the world. And bad parenting.
There’s not a lot of bullying in the Christian areas of Africa and South America. Because of the love of traditional family values which beautiful people have there.
Of course they are. Absolutely. No question, whatsoever.

This I know, because I know that literally everyone has been, is, and will be bullied sometimes. Being bullied is in no way unique to transfolk, nor is there the slightest evidence that they experience it any more than non trans people.

Unless you are a hermit, life is a continuous process of having other people try to impose their will on you in large ways and small, in ways subtle to outrageous and everything in between. Motivation for this bullying can include disliking an individual, disliking a type of individual, dislike for self that is acted out as dislike for everyone, desire to get one's own way, and even simple boredom. As adults, we have to deal with bullying, just as we did as children.

Because childhood bullying is much less subtle than adult bullying, most kids quickly learn to deal with it, which makes them more successful adults, provided they learn to recognize the more subtle bullying that takes place among adults and deal with it as well. Some people are slow learners and they have worse outcomes than people with more snap. Another part of life that cannot be changed.

If there were no transgenders in the world, the bullies would still gonna bully, and the non-transgenders (which would be everyone) would still gonna be bullied. Since there are transgenders in the world, a better use of the time and energy of progressives would be to help transgender youth and adults learn to avoid/deal with bullying, instead of trying to somehow legislate or medicate it away.

Hint: dressing like a crazy person is not a good bullying avoidance strategy.

If we could wave a magic wand and no transgender person would ever be bullied, would that reduce the suicide rate? Nope. That would do nothing to reduce the co-morbidities like depression and autism that are associated with both transgenderism and high suicide rates. Transfolk commit suicide at higher rates because they have a mental disorder associated with high suicide rate. All the hormones and scalpels in the world do not change that.

Like anyone else with a mental disorder, people with gender dysphoria have a burden to bear. Trying to force it on other people will not make their load any easier. We non-trans have our own burden's to bear, and it would be impossible for us to take on yours, even if we wanted to. In fact, trying to force your burden on others is a form of what?



So, as far as you’re concerned, it’s OK to bully the weak and the vulnerable because it’s always happened. Are you OK with mentally challenged people being bullied and abused as well?

You also say that people are bullied because they dress it act “weird”. Victim shaming at its finest.

Whatever happened to respecting personal freedom and individuality?
Nice try to excuse bullying

Most kids “fit in” and avoid excessive bullying
Those who don’t are bullied nonstop
Government itself is a bullying mechanism, bud. I saw in another thread that you used to work for the federal were the biggest bully's henchman.
does "fitting in" mean supporting the bully? i never went that far, that i remember anyway.
No, how would it?
i, like most kids, wanted not to "stand out." there must be a very compelling reason for so many (and i don't believe there are many of these) to invite this.
Yes, and not many do make this choice. Those that do, often have a history of attention seeking, and they land on "I'm trans," because that's the latest thing.
note to self: maybe masochism as motive? anything for attention and a chance to be an "influencer?"
Possibly. Also the "suffering hero" fantasy. Wear a dress, get picked on, be told how "brave" you are for doing something that the media, your peers, your teachers and professors, and all your groomers praise you for.
No it is not

Most people do not have to contend with bullies

We need to stand up for those who do
I was wondering if anyone would argue that point.

You led a sheltered life indeed if you were never bullied. It's pretty far-fetched, guy.
So, as far as you’re concerned, it’s OK to bully the weak and the vulnerable because it’s always happened. Are you OK with mentally challenged people being bullied and abused as well?

You also say that people are bullied because they dress it act “weird”. Victim shaming at its finest.

Whatever happened to respecting personal freedom and individuality?
Yeah, why do you bully Christians?
The best way to keep these poor, confused kids from being bullied is to get them to accept who & what they were born as...not playing into & encouraging their delusions. Since I believe that as far as the children are concerned, most of it is Munchausen-by- proxy, the parents are the main problem...I don't want to see the kids "bullied". The parents, usually single mothers looking to be seen as cool & hip, are destroying these kids lives.

They deserve life in prison.
So, as far as you’re concerned, it’s OK to bully the weak and the vulnerable because it’s always happened. Are you OK with mentally challenged people being bullied and abused as well?

You also say that people are bullied because they dress it act “weird”. Victim shaming at its finest.

Whatever happened to respecting personal freedom and individuality?
So there's no such thing as bisexuality. When are you removing the B from LGBTQ?

that is not Dragonlady 's job.

plenty of people (might be at least 1/4 of women), are "situationally opportunistic. "

do think the proud boys in dc jail are not behaving as you might like other prisoners to act?
The more primitive people relied on bullying to keep tribal members in line. Outliers were a danger to themselves and their tribe mates. A member of a hunting party who preferred to sing and dance instead of stealthily searching for prey with the other put all at risk for starvation. A gatherer who picked vegetable that she was curious about regardless of being told by her elders that they were poison risked the tribe's lives.

In more modern times, the oddballs among us have the opportunity to live as they please without endangering others. but the primitive instinct to bully is still with them, and with the people they interact with. It is still useful

I suppose a pedophile considers him or herself very much bullied by age-of-consent laws, but they exist so people can be forced to be normal, just as you said.

Whether they get the irony or not, those who have claimed the status of "victim" due to their abnormalities are just bullies themselves, looking for ways to impose their will on people.

Sorry, not playing by their rules. I don't have to pretend to affirm their gender because they "feel bullied" if I don't. I don't have to pretend that it is a good idea to mutilate children because some adults claim not mutilating them is "bullying" them.

You keep making up shit about gays and trans people which is so blatantly false that even a monkey could debunk everything you post.

Primitive tribes didn’t bully gays. They embraced cultural diversity.


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