Are the numerous dog breeds proof of evolution?

I don't have any stories like that. All of my experience with high level martial arts was in a gym or organized setting. The few times i have been unfortunate enough to be in fights outside the gym, there wasn't much of a story to tell afterward. The difference between trained fighters and street warriors is a vast chasm.
Competition is enlightening. Fighting in the street is a stupid thing that stupid young people do. I was a stupid young person for some years.
I don't have any stories like that. All of my experience with high level martial arts was in a gym or organized setting. The few times i have been unfortunate enough to be in fights outside the gym, there wasn't much of a story to tell afterward. The difference between trained fighters and street warriors is a vast chasm.
You know why I was able to beat up bigger guys? They didn’t know how to wrestle and weren’t expecting that kind of fight. Same reason a wrestler loses to a jujitsu or moi tai guy. The jujitsu guy is anticipating a good wrestler. What do you do against a good wrestler? That’s what they learn
Competition is enlightening. Fighting in the street is a stupid thing that stupid young people do. I was a stupid young person for some years.
No you weren’t. If you were, add that to the list of all the things you have claimed to be before settling on being a loser public school teacher.
Competition is enlightening. Fighting in the street is a stupid thing that stupid young people do. I was a stupid young person for some years.
Same, but i never actually.took any pleasure in harming people, and especially not in getting harmed. And the first time i used my training on someone and starched them with a broken face, i felt absolutely horrible. All i could think about was how i could have avoided or changed the situation. How i severely injured a person who might have gone home that night intact, had i conducted myself differently. And i never looked back. In the 25 years since, i have been in maybe 3 fights (i might argue 2 don't count, as they basically involved me submitting a person screaming in pain after 0 strikes thrown), and i hope i am in 0 more.
... I wasn’t going on the 3-10 mile runs at 6am. Fuck that. I had classes 3 times a day. Practice 3 times a day. ....., I needed money so the coach got me a job, night watchman in my dorm till 2am. ...... That leaves 4 hours to sleep. I quit wrestling because I wanted a life. ....
You were a lazy pussy who couldn't hack it. I worked more than that, studied more than that, and trained a hell of a lot more than that, you slacker weakling.
Elite wrestlers have many advantages in the ring. One little mistake, and they pull your card. But i have seen so many guys train Muay Thai for a year and pummel high level wrestlers. Usually the wrestlers gave up after too much abuse and asked for Muay Thai training, haha.
No. People will never involve their way out of death, no matter how long they exist on this planet. The sun will eventually swallow it up. Jesus will come before that happens.
Seemed to be the usual, with one dimensional wrestlers. Either they were elite (college stars, at least) or they got taken to school and back by trained muay thai fighters, who are good at managing the distance. The elite ones often ran into this, the first few times they hopped in the ring. Nothing like getting repeatedly elbowed and kneed in the head while trying to shoot. Been on both sides of that one. Dont get me wrong, the elite fighters generally can grapple well. The elite wrestlers who picked up well on muay thai or plain kickboxing ended up being among the best fighters.

One dimensional wrestler = cannon fodder in the MMA gym, but had the potential to be the best fighters. In a nutshell.
If you really want to know, just shoot me a PM. Bobobrainless couldn't handle it. Not sure why it would be all that interesting to you, but I at least don't think you are a bullshitter like Bobobrainless.
Might have to do that sometime. But i am a softy and will probably just get sad. :(

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