Are the numerous dog breeds proof of evolution?

And the scientific proof of this is observable and repeatable?
Correct! We find the fossils in the same rock layers over and over. They are always in the right order. Every time. We test mRNA . Same results, every time, no matter which individuals of a species we test.

I know you think you are making a nifty point. But you arent. It only fooled you because you know fuck all about anything about evolution.
What a little weakling. No wonder you washed out.
I feel it would have been gay to stay wrestling. I was only getting $1500 a year when it cost $5000 a year to go to school.

My buddy who was like you he won his weight class at state and got a full scholarshipm he quit the same day I did.

It all worked out. It lead me to making cover $100k and you an inner city public school teacher and coach lik Dennis hastert and you make how much?
That depends on the definition of evolution doesn't it? Evolution, to me is, a morphing of one thing to another, incrementally, usually over time- dogs have always been dogs- (although I have a book [fiction] about how Comanche's first introduction to horses they called them big dogs) - my youngest son rented his RV trailer to a lady this past week end at a horse show, which he delivered to her, and it recalled when he was kid he used to visit a friend, a lot, who had horses and he had (and still does) think they're just big dogs because of they interact with humans
Evolution "to you" isn't evolution. You clearly don't understand it. Evolution IS natural selection.
Suuure you have. Sure.
He called me a liar because I said I wrestled one year in college when in reality it was 1 semester. Now he has to explain the many times he beat up moi tai guys. I love it! Can’t wait to hear the details. And we’re supposed to buy it?

He won’t even say what weight class he wrestled because he’s a light weight bitch
Now you’re going to tell us you bea up mom tai guys....many times?

Now is when I catch you in a fucking lie. Keep making shit up. Let’s hear about the “many times” you beat up moi tai guys.
Elite wrestlers have many advantages in the ring. One little mistake, and they pull your card. But i have seen so many guys train Muay Thai for a year and pummel high level wrestlers. Usually the wrestlers gave up after too much abuse and asked for Muay Thai training, haha.
That depends on the definition of evolution doesn't it? Evolution, to me is, a morphing of one thing to another, incrementally, usually over time- dogs have always been dogs- (although I have a book [fiction] about how Comanche's first introduction to horses they called them big dogs) - my youngest son rented his RV trailer to a lady this past week end at a horse show, which he delivered to her, and it recalled when he was kid he used to visit a friend, a lot, who had horses and he had (and still does) think they're just big dogs because of they interact with humans
Yea, you don’t know what evolution is bro
I sure have. I've got (real) stories that would turn your hair white, but I'm afraid bobo wouldn't survive reading them.
I don't have any stories like that. All of my experience with high level martial arts was in a gym or organized setting. The few times i have been unfortunate enough to be in fights outside the gym, there wasn't much of a story to tell afterward. The difference between trained fighters and street warriors is a vast chasm.

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