Are Proponents of $15 Min Wage Naive or Intentional Liars?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Are proponents of $15/hr minimum wage really that naive?

Whenever it comes to raising the minimum wage to $15 or $20 or more, I ask such proponents, “Would you be in favor of raising it to $100 or $1,000 per hour?” I usually get a confused look, as if I’m asking a trick question. For they are confronted with an economics question that goes beyond the parroting they’ve been programmed to carry out.

It’s not by random chance that rents in San Francisco are so high. It’s because the collective wages across the SF Bay Area are high. Landlords know this, so the invisible hand of free markets has driven rents up to these levels.

When the minimum wage is artificially raised by government policy then everything else will go up too, including other people’s wages, the cost of goods & services, rents, home prices, virtually everything. This is a fact that politicians either don’t understand or refuse to explain to citizens.

But in the end, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Just remember this: AOC is the leading cheerleader for higher and higher minimum wage.

But in the end, the rich get richer-Weatherman2020

In the month I've been on these forums and seen your bellyaching, this is the one true thing I've seen you say. Kudos.
$100? Absolutely. If we can give Wall Street billions we can give regular people $100.
Pfffttt. No less than $15,000 an hour.

It’s been done before by Leftard governments.
Here’s the weekly grocery budget.
Are proponents of $15/hr minimum wage really that naive?

Whenever it comes to raising the minimum wage to $15 or $20 or more, I ask such proponents, “Would you be in favor of raising it to $100 or $1,000 per hour?” I usually get a confused look, as if I’m asking a trick question. For they are confronted with an economics question that goes beyond the parroting they’ve been programmed to carry out.

It’s not by random chance that rents in San Francisco are so high. It’s because the collective wages across the SF Bay Area are high. Landlords know this, so the invisible hand of free markets has driven rents up to these levels.

When the minimum wage is artificially raised by government policy then everything else will go up too, including other people’s wages, the cost of goods & services, rents, home prices, virtually everything. This is a fact that politicians either don’t understand or refuse to explain to citizens.

But in the end, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Just remember this: AOC is the leading cheerleader for higher and higher minimum wage.

Increasing the min wage will just kill jobs vs. create them.
Inflation will kill the Middle Class. Democrats want the Middle Class dead and gone and will do everything to enable inflation that they can.
I think that's Wall Street in general. Dems are currently the preferred Wall Street party, but the GOP has plenty of its enablers as well.
Are proponents of $15/hr minimum wage really that naive?

Whenever it comes to raising the minimum wage to $15 or $20 or more, I ask such proponents, “Would you be in favor of raising it to $100 or $1,000 per hour?” I usually get a confused look, as if I’m asking a trick question. For they are confronted with an economics question that goes beyond the parroting they’ve been programmed to carry out.

It’s not by random chance that rents in San Francisco are so high. It’s because the collective wages across the SF Bay Area are high. Landlords know this, so the invisible hand of free markets has driven rents up to these levels.

When the minimum wage is artificially raised by government policy then everything else will go up too, including other people’s wages, the cost of goods & services, rents, home prices, virtually everything. This is a fact that politicians either don’t understand or refuse to explain to citizens.

But in the end, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Just remember this: AOC is the leading cheerleader for higher and higher minimum wage.

How long has it been since you would willingly take a job for $7.25 an hour because it was worth your time?
Inflation will kill the Middle Class. Democrats want the Middle Class dead and gone and will do everything to enable inflation that they can.
I think that's Wall Street in general. Dems are currently the preferred Wall Street party, but the GOP has plenty of its enablers as well.
No doubt about it. American citizens are the last on the list of corrupt career politicians. Just like the one illegally occupying the WH.
Are proponents of $15/hr minimum wage really that naive?

Whenever it comes to raising the minimum wage to $15 or $20 or more, I ask such proponents, “Would you be in favor of raising it to $100 or $1,000 per hour?” I usually get a confused look, as if I’m asking a trick question. For they are confronted with an economics question that goes beyond the parroting they’ve been programmed to carry out.

It’s not by random chance that rents in San Francisco are so high. It’s because the collective wages across the SF Bay Area are high. Landlords know this, so the invisible hand of free markets has driven rents up to these levels.

When the minimum wage is artificially raised by government policy then everything else will go up too, including other people’s wages, the cost of goods & services, rents, home prices, virtually everything. This is a fact that politicians either don’t understand or refuse to explain to citizens.

But in the end, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Just remember this: AOC is the leading cheerleader for higher and higher minimum wage.

How long has it been since you would willingly take a job for $7.25 an hour because it was worth your time?
12 years.

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