Are Democrat High Crime Areas a Way of Keeping Black People Down?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have often wondered that. These riots target businesse3s in the black community and destroy ac cess to goods and services for the people that live there as well as knocking or rung or tow from the ladder u p and out of poverty.

Do Democrat politicians see these riots as a means of suppre3ssing the economic progress of blacks?

This system is put in place by design, to keep people down, to keep them from becoming a complacent member of the middle class. And if you care enough to take a good look around, to study past and present history, it is a system put in place by Democrats to keep the people who live in these predominantly black neighborhoods poor, angry, desperate, and huddled.
Minneapolis is run by Democrats and has been for almost 50 years. Democrats have been in charge of Milwaukee for decades. Same with Chicago, Baltimore… Name any city where black Americans live in poverty, suffer the worse oppression, and deal with poorly trained police officers who are immature and overly aggressive, and you will discover a city run by Democrats.
Let me ask you something…
When you realize that police shootings of unarmed people (including blacks) have dropped dramatically over the past few years, that black and white deaths at the hands of police officers are almost perfectly representative of the country’s racial make-up involving police interactions, that the black imprisonment rate has been dramatically shrinking since 2006, that blacks and whites are equally satisfied with their local police, that the black unemployment rate just hit recorded lows, that President Trump just signed long overdue criminal justice reform, that every single American — white and black — was appalled by what happened to George Floyd and wants his family to receive justice, do you still honestly believe this appalling and mindless war on the police is not by design?
Over the past five years, most especially during the Trump era, things have improved for black Americans, in some cases dramatically, and it is now that we’re declaring war on the police?
This is not a coincidence.
More breitbart lunacy. This is happening during a republican presidency. Trying to pretend this only happens in cities that are run by democratic mayors when those mayors live by state laws made by republican legislatures and governors is an example of republican irresponsibility.

The riots had stopped until police committed another murder. White people riot when they run out of pumpkins in republican towns.
I have often wondered that. These riots target businesse3s in the black community and destroy ac cess to goods and services for the people that live there as well as knocking or rung or tow from the ladder u p and out of poverty.

Do Democrat politicians see these riots as a means of suppre3ssing the economic progress of blacks?

This system is put in place by design, to keep people down, to keep them from becoming a complacent member of the middle class. And if you care enough to take a good look around, to study past and present history, it is a system put in place by Democrats to keep the people who live in these predominantly black neighborhoods poor, angry, desperate, and huddled.
Minneapolis is run by Democrats and has been for almost 50 years. Democrats have been in charge of Milwaukee for decades. Same with Chicago, Baltimore… Name any city where black Americans live in poverty, suffer the worse oppression, and deal with poorly trained police officers who are immature and overly aggressive, and you will discover a city run by Democrats.
Let me ask you something…
When you realize that police shootings of unarmed people (including blacks) have dropped dramatically over the past few years, that black and white deaths at the hands of police officers are almost perfectly representative of the country’s racial make-up involving police interactions, that the black imprisonment rate has been dramatically shrinking since 2006, that blacks and whites are equally satisfied with their local police, that the black unemployment rate just hit recorded lows, that President Trump just signed long overdue criminal justice reform, that every single American — white and black — was appalled by what happened to George Floyd and wants his family to receive justice, do you still honestly believe this appalling and mindless war on the police is not by design?
Over the past five years, most especially during the Trump era, things have improved for black Americans, in some cases dramatically, and it is now that we’re declaring war on the police?
This is not a coincidence.
That's the way I see it too. Democrats want to keep Blacks poor, pissed off and dependent on government because they can control them better that way. The last thing Dems. want to do is give Blacks a fair shot. Trump is twice as good for Blacks
I have often wondered that. These riots target businesse3s in the black community and destroy ac cess to goods and services for the people that live there as well as knocking or rung or tow from the ladder u p and out of poverty.

Do Democrat politicians see these riots as a means of suppre3ssing the economic progress of blacks?

This system is put in place by design, to keep people down, to keep them from becoming a complacent member of the middle class. And if you care enough to take a good look around, to study past and present history, it is a system put in place by Democrats to keep the people who live in these predominantly black neighborhoods poor, angry, desperate, and huddled.
Minneapolis is run by Democrats and has been for almost 50 years. Democrats have been in charge of Milwaukee for decades. Same with Chicago, Baltimore… Name any city where black Americans live in poverty, suffer the worse oppression, and deal with poorly trained police officers who are immature and overly aggressive, and you will discover a city run by Democrats.
Let me ask you something…
When you realize that police shootings of unarmed people (including blacks) have dropped dramatically over the past few years, that black and white deaths at the hands of police officers are almost perfectly representative of the country’s racial make-up involving police interactions, that the black imprisonment rate has been dramatically shrinking since 2006, that blacks and whites are equally satisfied with their local police, that the black unemployment rate just hit recorded lows, that President Trump just signed long overdue criminal justice reform, that every single American — white and black — was appalled by what happened to George Floyd and wants his family to receive justice, do you still honestly believe this appalling and mindless war on the police is not by design?
Over the past five years, most especially during the Trump era, things have improved for black Americans, in some cases dramatically, and it is now that we’re declaring war on the police?
This is not a coincidence.
Most likely it is a warning to them from the Globalist. . Most of them are becoming Pres.Trump's supporters and they have to stop them before they become so high and mighty, that they will start thinking that they are apart of society. That the Globalist will be unable to separate the masses if they becomes closer. That everybody will be sharing their own views or opinions with one another, which it will be harder for the Elites to manipulate the minds of the people if they are communicating to one another.
And so they have to divide in order for them to conquer.
More and more blacks are realizing how the Democrats are playing them to exploit them and keep them down.

I don't know that it is with malice aforethought - but it is true that most of the hot zones are led by Democrat mayors and in some states governors as well. Those cities and states feel free to defy federal immigration to blame the current president for all their troubles is a red herring, a thoroughly decayed red herring. On the federal level, in the last 70 years Democrats have been in control of the House more than two to one over Republicans, and have had the majority in the Senate greater than half the time.

Joe Biden, for example, has been in Washington DC for nearly 50 years - Nancy Pelosi for more than 30. Their fingerprints are on every policy and law to come out of Washington for decades. When they 'bemoan' the plight of inner cities and the poor they have no one but the face in the bathroom mirror to blame.

So are they deliberately holding the black man down?...their policies certainly are - good intentions aside there is an arrogance among Democrat leadership that they know what's best for the black community, who are after all only a bunch of 'innocent victims' in need of their loving 'guidance' and patronage...they're still dealing in human flesh, for votes and power this time. Racism in it's institutional form. The Dem leadership despises those who step off the plantation, or women or any other minority who shrugs off the mantle of victimhood. Dissent or free-thinking will not be tolerated.

It's criminal how adamantly Dem leadership opposes school choice and/or vouchers...for one reason only - the political support of teachers union. You'd think that the party that loudly proclaims 'if covid restrictions save just one life' the sacrifice is worth it - would apply that philosophy to inner city kids. School choice is a ticket out - and if it 'saves just one child' it's worth it.
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In my opinion, most Democrats do NOT want to "keep Black people down." (I capitalized the word "Black" because some media -- including USA Today -- have decided to start doing so.)

The Dems really want to help African Americans.

The Dems are heartbroken that there seems to be a sizeable proportion of that ethnicity's youth that continues to engage in anti-social behavior.

Some people (including me) feel that those young gentlemen will never change.

Democrats, however, are optimistic people who believe that those youth can change if given enough social programs.
The Welfare State's Legacy

That the problems of today's black Americans are a result of a legacy of slavery, racial discrimination and poverty has achieved an axiomatic status, thought to be self-evident and beyond question. This is what academics and the civil rights establishment have taught. But as with so much of what's claimed by leftists, there is little evidence to support it.

The No. 1 problem among blacks is the effects stemming from a very weak family structure...

More breitbart lunacy. This is happening during a republican presidency. Trying to pretend this only happens in cities that are run by democratic mayors when those mayors live by state laws made by republican legislatures and governors is an example of republican irresponsibility.

The riots had stopped until police committed another murder. White people riot when they run out of pumpkins in republican towns.
Yeah, I remember the swinging time we crackers had, burning and sacking Minneapolis when the white woman, Justine Damond, was wrongly killed by a black cop.

Oh wait.....
In my opinion, most Democrats do NOT want to "keep Black people down." (I capitalized the word "Black" because some media -- including USA Today -- have decided to start doing so.)

The Dems really want to help African Americans.

The Dems are heartbroken that there seems to be a sizeable proportion of that ethnicity's youth that continues to engage in anti-social behavior.

Some people (including me) feel that those young gentlemen will never change.

Democrats, however, are optimistic people who believe that those youth can change if given enough social programs.
Over fifty years of these social programs and this is the result....And now you say if only we had more social programs, things would get better.

You people are fucking batshit insane.
Black people keep black people down. Without riots, the normalcy of black neighborhoods is high crime, decay, open drug use. They kill one another at a rate comparable to the rate blacks kill one another in Africa.
Do Democrat politicians see these riots as a means of suppre3ssing the economic progress of blacks?

Yes, yes and yes.

I've always said this. The absolute worst thing that could happen to the Democratic party is racism fades and blacks start earning more money. This is the only thing that could explain Democrats ignoring blacks being murdered by the 1000' in the inner cities. Democrats play the race card every election and act they they actually care about blacks. Democrats have to keep racism real and in the spotlight.
In my opinion, most Democrats do NOT want to "keep Black people down." (I capitalized the word "Black" because some media -- including USA Today -- have decided to start doing so.)

The Dems really want to help African Americans.

The Dems are heartbroken that there seems to be a sizeable proportion of that ethnicity's youth that continues to engage in anti-social behavior.

Some people (including me) feel that those young gentlemen will never change.

Democrats, however, are optimistic people who believe that those youth can change if given enough social programs.
Over fifty years of these social programs and this is the result....And now you say if only we had more social programs, things would get better.

You people are fucking batshit insane.

Please DON'T include me in "you people."

I agree 100% that more social programs will NOT move the needle as to those young gentlemen's inexplicable misconduct.
In my opinion, most Democrats do NOT want to "keep Black people down." (I capitalized the word "Black" because some media -- including USA Today -- have decided to start doing so.)

The Dems really want to help African Americans.

The Dems are heartbroken that there seems to be a sizeable proportion of that ethnicity's youth that continues to engage in anti-social behavior.

Some people (including me) feel that those young gentlemen will never change.

Democrats, however, are optimistic people who believe that those youth can change if given enough social programs.
Over fifty years of these social programs and this is the result....And now you say if only we had more social programs, things would get better.

You people are fucking batshit insane.

Please DON'T include me in "you people."

I agree 100% that more social programs will NOT move the needle as to those young gentlemen's inexplicable misconduct.
Sorry....My error.

Maybe a "/sarc" at the end of your post would have helped me along.
You can see who is running the show.


More breitbart lunacy. This is happening during a republican presidency. Trying to pretend this only happens in cities that are run by democratic mayors when those mayors live by state laws made by republican legislatures and governors is an example of republican irresponsibility.

The riots had stopped until police committed another murder. White people riot when they run out of pumpkins in republican towns.
This is happening during a republican presidency
it happened during a democrat one too....
The democrats aren’t anymore nefarious than Republicans IMO. If blacks want to get ahead they have to change the way they live. Government can’t force them to do it.

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