Are Christians, Muslims and atheists idolaters?

Jan 12, 2012
Are Christians, Muslims and atheists idolaters?

Scholars think so and so do I.

Scriptures warn against idol worship yet that is exactly what Christian and Muslims do.

If you can talk about or name your God, you are an idolater. Do you realize that?

God is often thought of as an ideal.

I think that atheists would also fit into the idolater description because they idolize the notion that there is no God and have chosen that as their ideal.

Agnostics seem to be the only ones who are not idolaters because, like Gnostic Christians, they do not mind saying, I don’t know or only speaking of things they know to be facts.

If you can talk about or name your God, you are an idolater. Do you realize that?
How about if I name someone else's god, like YHWH, does that then make it an idol?

I think that atheists would also fit into the idolater description because they idolize the notion that there is no God and have chosen that as their ideal.
But you are batshit crazy and don't know the meaning of words. Here you are, just for you...

Idol: a representation or symbol of an object of worship; broadly : a false god; a likeness of something

Atheists do not worship symbols, objects, false gods or likenesses. They worship nothing, which is rather the point.
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If you can talk about or name your God, you are an idolater. Do you realize that?
How about if I name someone else's god, like YHWH, does that then make it an idol?

I think that atheists would also fit into the idolater description because they idolize the notion that there is no God and have chosen that as their ideal.
But you are batshit crazy and don't know the meaning of words. Here you are, just for you...

Idol: a representation or symbol of an object of worship; broadly : a false god; a likeness of something

Atheists do not worship symbols, objects, false gods or likenesses. They worship nothing, which is rather the point.

An atheist has a certain mental picture of reality that excludes the existence of a supernatural God. That is his ideal which he idolises by putting it foremost in his thinking and does not want to have to change it.

That ideology is what he idol worships, the same way as a theist will idol worship his mental picture of his reality and God.

a person who worships an idol or idols.

    • 1.
      the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
      "the worship of God"
      synonyms: reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification, glory, exaltation; More
    • verb
      1. show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites
you are out of your mind
there is no way atheist can be idolators
are you trolling??

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