Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X

I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years - Lyndon Johnson

Do you actually have a citation for that?

What LBJ said was, ""I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come,"

For a historian:cuckoo:, you have a shameful grasp of of Johnson. A tragic and vile figure, Johnson was fundamentally incapable of such an utterance unless scripted for him.
What does that mean?

That blacks should not support the Democrat Party

UMPPHH! It appears that the Democrats changed somewhere along the way. Have you noticed they were the first to nominate and elect a Black President? What do you think Malcomn X would say about THAT? It is also clear that you GOP types are using some of the elements of the old Southern strategists such as voter suppression, gerrymandering and other underhanded schemes to keep Blacks, women and other minorities down.
Malcom would be a Democrat if he lived today!

you cannot gerrymander minority districts into non minority districts without approval from the doj., good luck on that, I think its happended once or twice maybe.......

the fact is a lot of those district are poorer than the avg. have high crime, schools that don't educate etc. so, why don't you petition the congresscritters from those districts , you know the members of the black congressional caucus and ask them why after decades little has changed?
That blacks should not support the Democrat Party

UMPPHH! It appears that the Democrats changed somewhere along the way. Have you noticed they were the first to nominate and elect a Black President? What do you think Malcomn X would say about THAT? It is also clear that you GOP types are using some of the elements of the old Southern strategists such as voter suppression, gerrymandering and other underhanded schemes to keep Blacks, women and other minorities down.
Malcom would be a Democrat if he lived today!

you cannot gerrymander minority districts into non minority districts without approval from the doj., good luck on that, I think its happended once or twice maybe.......

the fact is a lot of those district are poorer than the avg. have high crime, schools that don't educate etc. so, why don't you petition the congresscritters from those districts , you know the members of the black congressional caucus and ask them why after decades little has changed?
And the screams are louder than ever.
Personally, I do not believe that black support Democrats in the numbers purported. I remain unshakable in my conviction that whatever the true vote is, the Democrat Big City Machines manufacture the 95-5% black vote supporting Democrats. If we ever had real voter ID and honest elections black "support" of Democrats would plummet. That said, and somehow this wasn't in the "Malcolm X" movie, he believed that blacks who supported Democrats were "Political chumps" and I concur

Blacks know that they can do better that failing public schools and public housing, they need to take a look at what Democrats have done to them all these years

MALCOLM X: "You're A Political Chump!" - YouTube

"Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you’re not only a chump, but you’re a traitor to your race. – Malcolm X

They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now back during the days when you were blind, deaf, and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. – Malcolm X

They’ve been down there four years, and they’re — all other legislation they wanted to bring up they brought it up and gotten it out of the way, and now they bring up you. And now, they bring up you. You put them first, and they put you last, ’cause you’re a chump, a political chump". – Malcolm X
Blacks have been political chumps ever since Lyndon Johnson said, "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next (hunderd) years!"

You bolded the part about jobs leaving the country due to unions and taxes. So tell me, why is there no longer a textile industry in the USA? why is there no longer a commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA? Why are all TVs and computers made out of the USA?

OH, I know, corporate greed---------------:cuckoo:

Well, let's look at that.

Why aren't TV's made in the US anymore? Because back in the 1970's the Japanese engaged in a practice known as "Dumping"- selling their product here at damn well near a loss.

In fact, it got so bad that Japanese tourists would by TV's and VCR's in the US in the 1980's and take them back to Japan at a bargain.

And while he couldn't move fast enough to save Zenith and RCA and Motorola, Reagan did put the Kaybosh on Dumping cars, forcing the Japanese to open plants here, paying our taxes and matching our union wages.

Of course, that's when Republicans used to put the interest of America above that of Corporations.

No one in the GOP has ever advocated that kind of foolishness. No one has said we need to get rid of safety and pollution rules, no one has said that we should treat people with disrespect.

Oh, come on, guy, you have scientists saying THE WHOLE PLANET is going to die if we don't get a handle on carbon emmissions, and you guys fight it tooth and nail. Get Real.

And it was the deregulation of the banking industry in the 1980's and 1990's that lead to the Great Recession.

The fact is that jobs have left this country because of unions and taxes. If a company cannot survive in the US business environment then it can either close its doors or move to a country that wants it there.

Again, the ONLY reason why they are able to do that is because we sign bad trade treaties and don't protect our own industries. Hells bells, man, when the Sainted Reagan caught the Japanese "Dumping" to kill American competitors, he put the kaybosh on that.

The Bushes, not so much. They Pledge Allegeince to the Flag of Multi-National Corporations.

Yes, we are all somewhat dependent on each other, but your dependency should not allow the government to take my money without my permission (given via the passage of laws by our elected representatives, not dictated by a supreme leader).

You on the left see the govt as the big charity in the sky that has no limits on what it can take from one and give to another.

That kind of thinking has destroyed the great civilizations of the past and will destroy ours if we let it.

Guy, let's get real. The problem is that there is plenty of work to be done, but that would mean paying to get it done. So instead of fully employing everyone and protecting our own industry, we pay the poor "please don't riot" money and the Rich continue to take an inordinate share of the wealth, earned on the backs of a workforce that is increasingly stressed with longer hours and higher wages.

That's what's destroying the great civilizations.. when they stop working for everyone.

OMG, that is right out of the communist manifesto and you don't even realize it.

CO2 is destroying the planet?????????????? WTF, don't tell all the plants and trees, they seem to need it to survive.

We are having one of the coldest winters on record and you idiots are still slaves to the AGW lies and the false prophet of doom, the great Algore.

what kills civilizations is when the citizens stop working for themselves and assume that momma government is obligated to care for them. Thats where fools like you are taking this great country and people like me are going to fight you every step of the way.

We will not let you libtardian fools destroy our country. Locked and loaded :finger3:
I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years - Lyndon Johnson

Do you actually have a citation for that?

What LBJ said was, ""I think we just delivered the South to the Republican party for a long time to come,"

For a historian:cuckoo:, you have a shameful grasp of of Johnson. A tragic and vile figure, Johnson was fundamentally incapable of such an utterance unless scripted for him.

Funny you should mention that...

Historians rate Johnson in the top ten of Presidents.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, politically, Johnson hasn't faired well, because Conservatives resent him over Civil Rights and expanding the welfare state, and liberals resent him for escalating Vietnam.

But historically, he's probably one of the more signifigant presidents.

OMG, that is right out of the communist manifesto and you don't even realize it.

CO2 is destroying the planet?????????????? WTF, don't tell all the plants and trees, they seem to need it to survive.

We are having one of the coldest winters on record and you idiots are still slaves to the AGW lies and the false prophet of doom, the great Algore.

what kills civilizations is when the citizens stop working for themselves and assume that momma government is obligated to care for them. Thats where fools like you are taking this great country and people like me are going to fight you every step of the way.

We will not let you libtardian fools destroy our country. Locked and loaded :finger3:

Ahhh, the Scientific Wonderings of a Conservative Retard who believes in Talking Snakes.

YOu do get that Weather isn't global climate, right? You kind of understand this beneath your sloped brow somewhere?

No, guy, what is destroying this country is that the middle class that carried it has been gutted so a few rich assholes can have Dressage Horses.

This country was built by men in denim, not men in suits.
I always thought Bachmann, Palin, other Teaparty leaders were chumps for Republicans. The party sent them out there to create diversions whenever Rs had some kind of bad press going on. Which is a lot.

I do not think Blacks are chumps for supporting anyone in particular at all. They are a viable demographic that is quite valuable. Rs are just at a loss to get their attention in any positive way.

You bolded the part about jobs leaving the country due to unions and taxes. So tell me, why is there no longer a textile industry in the USA? why is there no longer a commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA? Why are all TVs and computers made out of the USA?

OH, I know, corporate greed---------------:cuckoo:

Well, let's look at that.

Why aren't TV's made in the US anymore? Because back in the 1970's the Japanese engaged in a practice known as "Dumping"- selling their product here at damn well near a loss.

In fact, it got so bad that Japanese tourists would by TV's and VCR's in the US in the 1980's and take them back to Japan at a bargain.

And while he couldn't move fast enough to save Zenith and RCA and Motorola, Reagan did put the Kaybosh on Dumping cars, forcing the Japanese to open plants here, paying our taxes and matching our union wages.

Of course, that's when Republicans used to put the interest of America above that of Corporations.

zenith, RCA, and Motorola could not compete with the japanese and taiwanese on an equal basis. Union wages and benefits made it impossible. Same thing with textiles and shipbuilding. Remember "look for the union label" ? well now all you see on your clothes is "made in costa rica, or mexico, or india"

On the car thing. The very successful BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, and Mazda plants in the south are NON-UNION. They pay very good wages and have a great benefit package, while the UAW has turned the once great city of Detroit into a cess pool.

You bolded the part about jobs leaving the country due to unions and taxes. So tell me, why is there no longer a textile industry in the USA? why is there no longer a commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA? Why are all TVs and computers made out of the USA?

OH, I know, corporate greed---------------:cuckoo:

Well, let's look at that.

Why aren't TV's made in the US anymore? Because back in the 1970's the Japanese engaged in a practice known as "Dumping"- selling their product here at damn well near a loss.

In fact, it got so bad that Japanese tourists would by TV's and VCR's in the US in the 1980's and take them back to Japan at a bargain.

And while he couldn't move fast enough to save Zenith and RCA and Motorola, Reagan did put the Kaybosh on Dumping cars, forcing the Japanese to open plants here, paying our taxes and matching our union wages.

Of course, that's when Republicans used to put the interest of America above that of Corporations.

zenith, RCA, and Motorola could not compete with the japanese and taiwanese on an equal basis. Union wages and benefits made it impossible. Same thing with textiles and shipbuilding. Remember "look for the union label" ? well now all you see on your clothes is "made in costa rica, or mexico, or india"

On the car thing. The very successful BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, and Mazda plants in the south are NON-UNION. They pay very good wages and have a great benefit package, while the UAW has turned the once great city of Detroit into a cess pool.
With the help of...(wait for it)...Democrat leaders.

You bolded the part about jobs leaving the country due to unions and taxes. So tell me, why is there no longer a textile industry in the USA? why is there no longer a commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA? Why are all TVs and computers made out of the USA?

OH, I know, corporate greed---------------:cuckoo:

Well, let's look at that.

Why aren't TV's made in the US anymore? Because back in the 1970's the Japanese engaged in a practice known as "Dumping"- selling their product here at damn well near a loss.

In fact, it got so bad that Japanese tourists would by TV's and VCR's in the US in the 1980's and take them back to Japan at a bargain.

And while he couldn't move fast enough to save Zenith and RCA and Motorola, Reagan did put the Kaybosh on Dumping cars, forcing the Japanese to open plants here, paying our taxes and matching our union wages.

Of course, that's when Republicans used to put the interest of America above that of Corporations.

zenith, RCA, and Motorola could not compete with the japanese and taiwanese on an equal basis. Union wages and benefits made it impossible. Same thing with textiles and shipbuilding. Remember "look for the union label" ? well now all you see on your clothes is "made in costa rica, or mexico, or india"

On the car thing. The very successful BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, and Mazda plants in the south are NON-UNION. They pay very good wages and have a great benefit package, while the UAW has turned the once great city of Detroit into a cess pool.

Uh, Dumbass, the Japanese have unions. They have stronger unions than we have. Their unions can vote out the CEO.

And the only reason why they are opening "assembly" plants in the south (the components are made in Japan and China and Europe) is because that is cheaper than importing a whole car.

What made it impossible is that we signed bad trade treaties, while these other countries looked at their manufacturing as a national resource to be protected.

OMG, that is right out of the communist manifesto and you don't even realize it.

CO2 is destroying the planet?????????????? WTF, don't tell all the plants and trees, they seem to need it to survive.

We are having one of the coldest winters on record and you idiots are still slaves to the AGW lies and the false prophet of doom, the great Algore.

what kills civilizations is when the citizens stop working for themselves and assume that momma government is obligated to care for them. Thats where fools like you are taking this great country and people like me are going to fight you every step of the way.

We will not let you libtardian fools destroy our country. Locked and loaded :finger3:

Ahhh, the Scientific Wonderings of a Conservative Retard who believes in Talking Snakes.

YOu do get that Weather isn't global climate, right? You kind of understand this beneath your sloped brow somewhere?

No, guy, what is destroying this country is that the middle class that carried it has been gutted so a few rich assholes can have Dressage Horses.

This country was built by men in denim, not men in suits.

Here we go. weather isn't climate unless its hot weather, then hot weather proves global warming caused by man------right?

The middle class in the USA is alive and well, it has not gone anywhere. Under obama and the dems the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger, there are more in poverty than ever before and more on food stamps than ever before. You don't get it, obama and his cronies WANT people dependent on govt, they WANT to demonize the successful-------------its all part of the plan. They are following the teachings of Marx and Alinsky and you are too ignorant to see it. But someday you will, and it will be too late.
Well, let's look at that.

Why aren't TV's made in the US anymore? Because back in the 1970's the Japanese engaged in a practice known as "Dumping"- selling their product here at damn well near a loss.

In fact, it got so bad that Japanese tourists would by TV's and VCR's in the US in the 1980's and take them back to Japan at a bargain.

And while he couldn't move fast enough to save Zenith and RCA and Motorola, Reagan did put the Kaybosh on Dumping cars, forcing the Japanese to open plants here, paying our taxes and matching our union wages.

Of course, that's when Republicans used to put the interest of America above that of Corporations.

zenith, RCA, and Motorola could not compete with the japanese and taiwanese on an equal basis. Union wages and benefits made it impossible. Same thing with textiles and shipbuilding. Remember "look for the union label" ? well now all you see on your clothes is "made in costa rica, or mexico, or india"

On the car thing. The very successful BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, and Mazda plants in the south are NON-UNION. They pay very good wages and have a great benefit package, while the UAW has turned the once great city of Detroit into a cess pool.
With the help of...(wait for it)...Democrat leaders.

Really? Then why did the worst of the trade deficits happen on Republican Watches?

Frankly, I'd love to have Clinton's economy back.

No one in the GOP has ever advocated that kind of foolishness. No one has said we need to get rid of safety and pollution rules, no one has said that we should treat people with disrespect.

Oh, come on, guy, you have scientists saying THE WHOLE PLANET is going to die if we don't get a handle on carbon emmissions, and you guys fight it tooth and nail. Get Real.

And it was the deregulation of the banking industry in the 1980's and 1990's that lead to the Great Recession.

The fact is that jobs have left this country because of unions and taxes. If a company cannot survive in the US business environment then it can either close its doors or move to a country that wants it there.

Again, the ONLY reason why they are able to do that is because we sign bad trade treaties and don't protect our own industries. Hells bells, man, when the Sainted Reagan caught the Japanese "Dumping" to kill American competitors, he put the kaybosh on that.

The Bushes, not so much. They Pledge Allegeince to the Flag of Multi-National Corporations.

Yes, we are all somewhat dependent on each other, but your dependency should not allow the government to take my money without my permission (given via the passage of laws by our elected representatives, not dictated by a supreme leader).

You on the left see the govt as the big charity in the sky that has no limits on what it can take from one and give to another.

That kind of thinking has destroyed the great civilizations of the past and will destroy ours if we let it.

Guy, let's get real. The problem is that there is plenty of work to be done, but that would mean paying to get it done. So instead of fully employing everyone and protecting our own industry, we pay the poor "please don't riot" money and the Rich continue to take an inordinate share of the wealth, earned on the backs of a workforce that is increasingly stressed with longer hours and higher wages.

That's what's destroying the great civilizations.. when they stop working for everyone.

JoeB is to the left of Mao. There are former Communist countries like China and Vietnam that have rejected JoeB's failed ideology
Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

About like the poverty stricken southern voters that vote for republicans. Now those are chumps.
Well, let's look at that.

Why aren't TV's made in the US anymore? Because back in the 1970's the Japanese engaged in a practice known as "Dumping"- selling their product here at damn well near a loss.

In fact, it got so bad that Japanese tourists would by TV's and VCR's in the US in the 1980's and take them back to Japan at a bargain.

And while he couldn't move fast enough to save Zenith and RCA and Motorola, Reagan did put the Kaybosh on Dumping cars, forcing the Japanese to open plants here, paying our taxes and matching our union wages.

Of course, that's when Republicans used to put the interest of America above that of Corporations.

zenith, RCA, and Motorola could not compete with the japanese and taiwanese on an equal basis. Union wages and benefits made it impossible. Same thing with textiles and shipbuilding. Remember "look for the union label" ? well now all you see on your clothes is "made in costa rica, or mexico, or india"

On the car thing. The very successful BMW, Mercedes, Kia, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, and Mazda plants in the south are NON-UNION. They pay very good wages and have a great benefit package, while the UAW has turned the once great city of Detroit into a cess pool.

Uh, Dumbass, the Japanese have unions. They have stronger unions than we have. Their unions can vote out the CEO.

And the only reason why they are opening "assembly" plants in the south (the components are made in Japan and China and Europe) is because that is cheaper than importing a whole car.

What made it impossible is that we signed bad trade treaties, while these other countries looked at their manufacturing as a national resource to be protected.

When a japanese goes to work for a company, that company becomes his/her family, they take care of each other in every way. Their "unions" are nothing like ours, and yes, they can vote out the CEO just like a family can take power away from the grandfather when he becomes senile.

I do agree with you that we have made bad trade deals, some of the worst have been done by obama and clinton.

but all is well, after all, obama did bow to the saudi king. Allah will shine on Barry.
Last edited:

No one in the GOP has ever advocated that kind of foolishness. No one has said we need to get rid of safety and pollution rules, no one has said that we should treat people with disrespect.

Oh, come on, guy, you have scientists saying THE WHOLE PLANET is going to die if we don't get a handle on carbon emmissions, and you guys fight it tooth and nail. Get Real.

And it was the deregulation of the banking industry in the 1980's and 1990's that lead to the Great Recession.

Again, the ONLY reason why they are able to do that is because we sign bad trade treaties and don't protect our own industries. Hells bells, man, when the Sainted Reagan caught the Japanese "Dumping" to kill American competitors, he put the kaybosh on that.

The Bushes, not so much. They Pledge Allegeince to the Flag of Multi-National Corporations.

Yes, we are all somewhat dependent on each other, but your dependency should not allow the government to take my money without my permission (given via the passage of laws by our elected representatives, not dictated by a supreme leader).

You on the left see the govt as the big charity in the sky that has no limits on what it can take from one and give to another.

That kind of thinking has destroyed the great civilizations of the past and will destroy ours if we let it.

Guy, let's get real. The problem is that there is plenty of work to be done, but that would mean paying to get it done. So instead of fully employing everyone and protecting our own industry, we pay the poor "please don't riot" money and the Rich continue to take an inordinate share of the wealth, earned on the backs of a workforce that is increasingly stressed with longer hours and higher wages.

That's what's destroying the great civilizations.. when they stop working for everyone.

OMG, that is right out of the communist manifesto and you don't even realize it.

CO2 is destroying the planet?????????????? WTF, don't tell all the plants and trees, they seem to need it to survive.

We are having one of the coldest winters on record and you idiots are still slaves to the AGW lies and the false prophet of doom, the great Algore.

what kills civilizations is when the citizens stop working for themselves and assume that momma government is obligated to care for them. Thats where fools like you are taking this great country and people like me are going to fight you every step of the way.

We will not let you libtardian fools destroy our country. Locked and loaded :finger3:
In a losers world, like your own, Johnson rates higher than Reagan. Those of us that lived through it know better. To Johnson ******* were *******, he didn't mince words.
Are blacks "political chumps" for supporting Democrats

About like the poverty stricken southern voters that vote for republicans. Now those are chumps.

Have figures to back that up? And tell us why Blue Staters are abandoning places like California, New York (Controlled by DEMOCRATS) for more fiscally responsible places like Florida, Texas, Georgia, North and South know the poor South? Can't be too bad eh?

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