Are Americans Really Starving?

I think a part of the problem is that in this economy, there just aren't enough jobs for everyone. Also, most of the poor would be probably low skilled workers with little to no training and they just aren't in demand, as they don't have anything "special" to offer. So, these people, even if they get jobs, are going to have the lowest paid jobs and will more than likely still need to supplement their incomes, and employees such as these are a dime a dozen. They are not very valuable to the employers.

There you go. Can't work em, can't train em, have no jobs for them and they haven't much value to our society.
What to do what to do?

And there are about 125 million of them. That's a bunch of poor people.

Sell them as slaves?

Surely, RWs and Repubs would go for that?

'cept for the ones in wheelchairs, like our vets. Oh yeah and the elderly.

But that's okay since the RWs say these people aren't really hungry.

You and Zeke sure have the nutty market cornered on this thread. You're both a joke with the idiotic things you post.
Unless you're a helpless child, I don't care if you starve. I also don't care if you eat yourself into a "hoveround".......

Speaking of hoveround- the "scooter store" was put out of business for medicare fraud....."at absolutely no cost to me"

I happen to live close to the "Scooter man's" house.......and he's a Republican/conservative.
I think a part of the problem is that in this economy, there just aren't enough jobs for everyone. Also, most of the poor would be probably low skilled workers with little to no training and they just aren't in demand, as they don't have anything "special" to offer. So, these people, even if they get jobs, are going to have the lowest paid jobs and will more than likely still need to supplement their incomes, and employees such as these are a dime a dozen. They are not very valuable to the employers.

There you go. Can't work em, can't train em, have no jobs for them and they haven't much value to our society.
What to do what to do?

And there are about 125 million of them. That's a bunch of poor people.
There is the problem.

There is no market for unskilled labor with no work ethic.

Minimum wage is so high, most goes to middle class kids who know how to get to work on time.

Your untrained, unskilled kid today has little chance of getting that first job, or keeping it if he does.

The thing to do, and it is so classically leftist, is to open re-education camps, similar to FDR's programs, and offer remedial education and an opportunity to earn a wage.

Taking it a bit further to the left, and what I would do, if in charge, would be to guarantee a job to every able bodied American.

As long as there is trash to pick up, and streets to be fixed, the government could employ everyone.

Those who refuse to be trained, or to take an unskilled job, would be left to their own devices, and, most likely face severe punishment in the judicial system.

In this age of easily accessible information, how is it possible for this kind of ignorance to continue to fuel people's lives?

Its this kind of ignorance that is killing the middle class.

Your parents/grandparents worked their butts off for what you're so blithely willing to give away to the 1%.

Your own grand children will not thank your stupidity.
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Another part fo the problem is our desire to eat meat. If we quit eating meat, the dozen or so pounds of vegetables and grains fed to raises each pound of meat could be used for human consumption instead. We'd be healthier as a result. And not having so many animals globally would have a significant positive effect on the enviroment loosing all the methane produced by burps and farts.

No the problem is that we accept steroids in the meat, eating meat is not the problem it is what the government allows to go into that meat that is.

Although since CO2 has been classified as pollutant, just think every time you breath out you are polluting the planet.
I call it feeding the plants (the oxygen producers).
I think a part of the problem is that in this economy, there just aren't enough jobs for everyone. Also, most of the poor would be probably low skilled workers with little to no training and they just aren't in demand, as they don't have anything "special" to offer. So, these people, even if they get jobs, are going to have the lowest paid jobs and will more than likely still need to supplement their incomes, and employees such as these are a dime a dozen. They are not very valuable to the employers.

There you go. Can't work em, can't train em, have no jobs for them and they haven't much value to our society.
What to do what to do?

And there are about 125 million of them. That's a bunch of poor people.

Sell them as slaves?

Surely, RWs and Repubs would go for that?

'cept for the ones in wheelchairs, like our vets. Oh yeah and the elderly.

But that's okay since the RWs say these people aren't really hungry.

You and Zeke sure have the nutty market cornered on this thread. You're both a joke with the idiotic things you post.

Damn, and yesterday we were almost going steady. Told ya.

Btw, it's called a "reduction to the ridiculous" Sometimes humorous (if you have a sense of humor that is. You?)

Sometime it can be used to get people such as your self to see that the logical conclusion to some of your proposed solutions are so fucking ridiculous there has to be a better way.

I am starting to think this method will not work on you. You to sharp for me. No way could you think of a better way to handle poor people than to cut off their food and shelter.

And I got to say, I am familiar with "poor". Hell, I am one generation removed from living on top of a mountain of Va. (Appalachia) with an out house, no indoor water and no electricity. My mom and dad got out of the mountains after the Korean War and came north for work. Like a migrant. Briars from Virginia were sometimes treated like migrants.
Hardly write or read. My dad didn't graduate HS. I ate government cheese in the 60ties.

Yep been poor, coulda stayed poor but I didn't. Hope I don't break my arm patting myself on the back.
Unless you're a helpless child, I don't care if you starve. I also don't care if you eat yourself into a "hoveround".......

Speaking of hoveround- the "scooter store" was put out of business for medicare fraud....."at absolutely no cost to me"

I happen to live close to the "Scooter man's" house.......and he's a Republican/conservative.

Gotta link?
Damn, and yesterday we were almost going steady. Told ya.

Btw, it's called a "reduction to the ridiculous" Sometimes humorous (if you have a sense of humor that is. You?)

Sometime it can be used to get people such as your self to see that the logical conclusion to some of your proposed solutions are so fucking ridiculous there has to be a better way.

I am starting to think this method will not work on you. You to sharp for me. No way could you think of a better way to handle poor people than to cut off their food and shelter.

And I got to say, I am familiar with "poor". Hell, I am one generation removed from living on top of a mountain of Va. (Appalachia) with an out house, no indoor water and no electricity. My mom and dad got out of the mountains after the Korean War and came north for work. Like a migrant. Briars from Virginia were sometimes treated like migrants.
Hardly write or read. My dad didn't graduate HS. I ate government cheese in the 60ties.

Yep been poor, coulda stayed poor but I didn't. Hope I don't break my arm patting myself on the back.

I don't have a sense of humor when it comes to conservatives being accused of wanting people to starve and be put out in the cold. Somehow the Left keeps floating this notion that unless somebody supports government programs, they want children and old people to be thrown out into the streets to starve. Such asshatery is contemptible and I don't have much humor for it. Jesus said, "The poor you will have with you always" and that remains true today. Nobody will ever eliminate poverty, but we can for most people make poverty a choice.

In the days of Jesus, people were made and kept poor by a rigid caste system whether by the Romans or by the religious authorities. Galilee was not a land of opportunity and there was no Israelite dream. This country was built on better principles by which people are treated equally under the law and the free market gives people far more of a hand in determining their own destiny. Yet people are still in poverty, throwing themselves on the mercy of the taxpayer and programs they are dragooned into supporting. How can this be in a land of opportunity? It's because poverty is not an income level, it's a mindset, something that Democrats will never understand. Until people get poverty out of their minds, they will always be poor. They could win the lottery and still lose it all like a sand sieve and die broke and living in a trailer park. Money and help is wasted on them because they won't help themselves. Never before in human history has there ever existed a people who are the authors of their own success or of their own destitution.

The answer to poverty doesn't lie with the Democrat party, ever pushing for more programs that rarely ever help people. The answer lies in inspiring people to be more than they are, to work hard, take advantage of opportunities, and blazing a path to their own success. No welfare program is ever going to do that for them.
Nobody will ever eliminate poverty, but we can for most people make poverty a choice.

I hate to tell you this but survival is gonna overcome any reservations about using what ever means is available to survive. Humans being animals and all.

Back when I was young and just out of high school, the choice was not being poor or not being poor. The choice I had to make was what good company I chose to go to work for. Was it NCR? Or Delco? Dayton Tire and Rubber or Chrysler. Lots of choices. Those jobs are long gone.

Great Britain in their long history used to have poor houses and beggars and truly destitute people. Being the Christian nation they are they decided that was not acceptable. Why?

Why do we not allow poor houses and jails for debt and more homeless sleeping under bridges.
Why do we not allow it?

We used to. Believe it or not the mountain people that I come from know nothing but their own efforts until the past 50 years. Everybody was pretty much in the same boat (dirt poor) so no one felt particularly poor. But if you wanted to eat in the winter you better have canned from the summer.

We used to tolerate a LOT more abject poverty in this country. Can't be ALL the Democrats fault that we tried to do something good for poor people. Like you said, you get offended when it's implied you don't care.

You are always going to have poor people and you are always going to have people that, through good intentions want to help the poor.

And you now have the servicing of the poor as a business. Lots of jobs in the poor service industry. Those are the people who vote. NOT the ones RECEIVING the aid but the ones that have jobs from servicing the poor.

You should view this country as rapidly moving to the haves and have nots. The haves have a vested interest in keeping a lid on the levels of poverty that we will allow for the have nots. Why you think we let people with jobs have food stamps? To keep them satisfied with that low wage job. Someone has to do that type work. And still afford to eat.

Too many poor, hopeless, hungry people lead to social unrest. People get shot in social unrest situations. So you might have thought I was being a smartass about violence but, do you remember the violent sixties?

Are you gonna send all the poor to a Zig Zeiglar seminars? (they still have those?) Or make em all read "How to Win Friends and Influence People"? The very poor mostly can't read. That' a real problem.

What good opportunity does the 19 YO who can't read well, do math or piss clean, what opportunity do you see being presented to that kid? The kid knows what he can't do. Read or do math. So pissing clean is not an issue for him cause no one's gonna hire some tatted up kid from no account parents who can't read or write.. And there's a lot of them now. Used to be they could do the lowest of the low in manufacturing jobs. Porters. Floor sweepers. Whatever. Those low on the pole jobs are filled by the guy with two years college now.'

The answer lies in inspiring people to be more than they are, to work hard, take advantage of opportunities, and blazing a path to their own success. No welfare program is ever going to do that for them.

What you want to do to specifically help poor people?. The above is pretty generic.
And you tell the above to a real poor person, they are gonna look at you like you are crazy. For real.
Damn, and yesterday we were almost going steady. Told ya.

Btw, it's called a "reduction to the ridiculous" Sometimes humorous (if you have a sense of humor that is. You?)

Sometime it can be used to get people such as your self to see that the logical conclusion to some of your proposed solutions are so fucking ridiculous there has to be a better way.

I am starting to think this method will not work on you. You to sharp for me. No way could you think of a better way to handle poor people than to cut off their food and shelter.

And I got to say, I am familiar with "poor". Hell, I am one generation removed from living on top of a mountain of Va. (Appalachia) with an out house, no indoor water and no electricity. My mom and dad got out of the mountains after the Korean War and came north for work. Like a migrant. Briars from Virginia were sometimes treated like migrants.
Hardly write or read. My dad didn't graduate HS. I ate government cheese in the 60ties.

Yep been poor, coulda stayed poor but I didn't. Hope I don't break my arm patting myself on the back.

I don't have a sense of humor when it comes to conservatives being accused of wanting people to starve and be put out in the cold. Somehow the Left keeps floating this notion that unless somebody supports government programs, they want children and old people to be thrown out into the streets to starve. Such asshatery is contemptible and I don't have much humor for it. Jesus said, "The poor you will have with you always" and that remains true today. Nobody will ever eliminate poverty, but we can for most people make poverty a choice.

In the days of Jesus, people were made and kept poor by a rigid caste system whether by the Romans or by the religious authorities. Galilee was not a land of opportunity and there was no Israelite dream. This country was built on better principles by which people are treated equally under the law and the free market gives people far more of a hand in determining their own destiny. Yet people are still in poverty, throwing themselves on the mercy of the taxpayer and programs they are dragooned into supporting. How can this be in a land of opportunity? It's because poverty is not an income level, it's a mindset, something that Democrats will never understand. Until people get poverty out of their minds, they will always be poor. They could win the lottery and still lose it all like a sand sieve and die broke and living in a trailer park. Money and help is wasted on them because they won't help themselves. Never before in human history has there ever existed a people who are the authors of their own success or of their own destitution.

The answer to poverty doesn't lie with the Democrat party, ever pushing for more programs that rarely ever help people. The answer lies in inspiring people to be more than they are, to work hard, take advantage of opportunities, and blazing a path to their own success. No welfare program is ever going to do that for them.


If you don't want people to starve in the streets, stop saying it.

You're one of those fake christians we see on this board. You preach and screech but when it gets right down to WWJD, you're a liar.
Nobody will ever eliminate poverty, but we can for most people make poverty a choice.

I hate to tell you this but survival is gonna overcome any reservations about using what ever means is available to survive. Humans being animals and all.

Back when I was young and just out of high school, the choice was not being poor or not being poor. The choice I had to make was what good company I chose to go to work for. Was it NCR? Or Delco? Dayton Tire and Rubber or Chrysler. Lots of choices. Those jobs are long gone.

Great Britain in their long history used to have poor houses and beggars and truly destitute people. Being the Christian nation they are they decided that was not acceptable. Why?

Why do we not allow poor houses and jails for debt and more homeless sleeping under bridges.
Why do we not allow it?

We used to. Believe it or not the mountain people that I come from know nothing but their own efforts until the past 50 years. Everybody was pretty much in the same boat (dirt poor) so no one felt particularly poor. But if you wanted to eat in the winter you better have canned from the summer.

We used to tolerate a LOT more abject poverty in this country. Can't be ALL the Democrats fault that we tried to do something good for poor people. Like you said, you get offended when it's implied you don't care.

You are always going to have poor people and you are always going to have people that, through good intentions want to help the poor.

And you now have the servicing of the poor as a business. Lots of jobs in the poor service industry. Those are the people who vote. NOT the ones RECEIVING the aid but the ones that have jobs from servicing the poor.

You should view this country as rapidly moving to the haves and have nots. The haves have a vested interest in keeping a lid on the levels of poverty that we will allow for the have nots. Why you think we let people with jobs have food stamps? To keep them satisfied with that low wage job. Someone has to do that type work. And still afford to eat.

Too many poor, hopeless, hungry people lead to social unrest. People get shot in social unrest situations. So you might have thought I was being a smartass about violence but, do you remember the violent sixties?

Are you gonna send all the poor to a Zig Zeiglar seminars? (they still have those?) Or make em all read "How to Win Friends and Influence People"? The very poor mostly can't read. That' a real problem.

What good opportunity does the 19 YO who can't read well, do math or piss clean, what opportunity do you see being presented to that kid? The kid knows what he can't do. Read or do math. So pissing clean is not an issue for him cause no one's gonna hire some tatted up kid from no account parents who can't read or write.. And there's a lot of them now. Used to be they could do the lowest of the low in manufacturing jobs. Porters. Floor sweepers. Whatever. Those low on the pole jobs are filled by the guy with two years college now.'

The answer lies in inspiring people to be more than they are, to work hard, take advantage of opportunities, and blazing a path to their own success. No welfare program is ever going to do that for them.

What you want to do to specifically help poor people?. The above is pretty generic.
And you tell the above to a real poor person, they are gonna look at you like you are crazy. For real.
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

Of course, the did not have liberals telling them they couldn't do it "because the man was downpressing them".
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

For every one that you know that did what (escape from poverty) you say, there are 5 more that didn't. Not because they didn't try. What do you want them to do? Or what do you want to do to or for them? If anything.

Without a good education along with a desire to succeed and examples of others who have escaped poverty it is very hard for a poor person to imaging themselves successful. And what you can't see yourself doing will not be done.

Sometimes you Republicans have a strange idea of what human nature is like in poor people. Just telling them to go out and be successful is no more successful with them than to tell that to your kid and then not prepare them.
You have to prepare to succeed.

Hard to be successful with out preparing to succeed and have opportunities to succeed in.
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

For every one that you know that did what (escape from poverty) you say, there are 5 more that didn't. Not because they didn't try. What do you want them to do? Or what do you want to do to or for them? If anything.

Without a good education along with a desire to succeed and examples of others who have escaped poverty it is very hard for a poor person to imaging themselves successful. And what you can't see yourself doing will not be done.

Sometimes you Republicans have a strange idea of what human nature is like in poor people. Just telling them to go out and be successful is no more successful with them than to tell that to your kid and then not prepare them.
You have to prepare to succeed.

Hard to be successful with out preparing to succeed and have opportunities to succeed in.
The losers by and large did not try.

Not my fault they had no family guidance.

And, I am not a Republican.
The answer lies in inspiring people to be more than they are, to work hard, take advantage of opportunities, and blazing a path to their own success. No welfare program is ever going to do that for them.

What you want to do to specifically help poor people?. The above is pretty generic.
And you tell the above to a real poor person, they are gonna look at you like you are crazy. For real.

The ones who look at me like I'm crazy are beyond help. Never mind the countless examples of people who lifted themselves out of the gutter by NOT listening to Leftists' message of despair and hopelessness. My own father purposely took us off the reservation so we wouldn't be raised in a culture depressed by Left wing "help", who resort to drugs, alcohol, and crime because nobody offered them something better. I'm glad he did because I'm not one of the Left's "victims" to champion. I wish all American Indians understood this, because we're by far the most oppressed by Leftist "compassion".
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

For every one that you know that did what (escape from poverty) you say, there are 5 more that didn't. Not because they didn't try. What do you want them to do? Or what do you want to do to or for them? If anything.

Without a good education along with a desire to succeed and examples of others who have escaped poverty it is very hard for a poor person to imaging themselves successful. And what you can't see yourself doing will not be done.

Sometimes you Republicans have a strange idea of what human nature is like in poor people. Just telling them to go out and be successful is no more successful with them than to tell that to your kid and then not prepare them.
You have to prepare to succeed.

Hard to be successful with out preparing to succeed and have opportunities to succeed in.

They have opportunities to succeed, many paths to a good life even without a college education. They just need to hear from people other than you to tell them they are the captain of their own vessel and nobody can give them success but themselves. There are too many people who stopped listening to Leftists and applied themselves to a path to success for your bullshit to be true. They serve as examples to the rest that nobody has to be a "victim" of the Left.
Nobody will ever eliminate poverty, but we can for most people make poverty a choice.

I hate to tell you this but survival is gonna overcome any reservations about using what ever means is available to survive. Humans being animals and all.

Back when I was young and just out of high school, the choice was not being poor or not being poor. The choice I had to make was what good company I chose to go to work for. Was it NCR? Or Delco? Dayton Tire and Rubber or Chrysler. Lots of choices. Those jobs are long gone.

Great Britain in their long history used to have poor houses and beggars and truly destitute people. Being the Christian nation they are they decided that was not acceptable. Why?

Why do we not allow poor houses and jails for debt and more homeless sleeping under bridges.
Why do we not allow it?

We used to. Believe it or not the mountain people that I come from know nothing but their own efforts until the past 50 years. Everybody was pretty much in the same boat (dirt poor) so no one felt particularly poor. But if you wanted to eat in the winter you better have canned from the summer.

We used to tolerate a LOT more abject poverty in this country. Can't be ALL the Democrats fault that we tried to do something good for poor people. Like you said, you get offended when it's implied you don't care.

You are always going to have poor people and you are always going to have people that, through good intentions want to help the poor.

And you now have the servicing of the poor as a business. Lots of jobs in the poor service industry. Those are the people who vote. NOT the ones RECEIVING the aid but the ones that have jobs from servicing the poor.

You should view this country as rapidly moving to the haves and have nots. The haves have a vested interest in keeping a lid on the levels of poverty that we will allow for the have nots. Why you think we let people with jobs have food stamps? To keep them satisfied with that low wage job. Someone has to do that type work. And still afford to eat.

Too many poor, hopeless, hungry people lead to social unrest. People get shot in social unrest situations. So you might have thought I was being a smartass about violence but, do you remember the violent sixties?

Are you gonna send all the poor to a Zig Zeiglar seminars? (they still have those?) Or make em all read "How to Win Friends and Influence People"? The very poor mostly can't read. That' a real problem.

What good opportunity does the 19 YO who can't read well, do math or piss clean, what opportunity do you see being presented to that kid? The kid knows what he can't do. Read or do math. So pissing clean is not an issue for him cause no one's gonna hire some tatted up kid from no account parents who can't read or write.. And there's a lot of them now. Used to be they could do the lowest of the low in manufacturing jobs. Porters. Floor sweepers. Whatever. Those low on the pole jobs are filled by the guy with two years college now.'

The answer lies in inspiring people to be more than they are, to work hard, take advantage of opportunities, and blazing a path to their own success. No welfare program is ever going to do that for them.

What you want to do to specifically help poor people?. The above is pretty generic.
And you tell the above to a real poor person, they are gonna look at you like you are crazy. For real.

You can make education and job training mandatory while a person is collecting any kind of government services. Also, they should have to be looking for job, sort of like unemployment, they can fill out a cert every week or two online about jobs they've applied for.
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

For every one that you know that did what (escape from poverty) you say, there are 5 more that didn't. Not because they didn't try. What do you want them to do? Or what do you want to do to or for them? If anything.

Without a good education along with a desire to succeed and examples of others who have escaped poverty it is very hard for a poor person to imaging themselves successful. And what you can't see yourself doing will not be done.

Sometimes you Republicans have a strange idea of what human nature is like in poor people. Just telling them to go out and be successful is no more successful with them than to tell that to your kid and then not prepare them.
You have to prepare to succeed.

Hard to be successful with out preparing to succeed and have opportunities to succeed in.

They have opportunities to succeed, many paths to a good life even without a college education. They just need to hear from people other than you to tell them they are the captain of their own vessel and nobody can give them success but themselves. There are too many people who stopped listening to Leftists and applied themselves to a path to success for your bullshit to be true. They serve as examples to the rest that nobody has to be a "victim" of the Left.

Lets make it easy on you cause I see that the complexity of the problem is to much for you and your buddies to comprehend.

How do you propose to fix the illiterate and the math challenged? Just curious.

According to a study conducted in late April by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read. That's 14 percent of the population. 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can't read.

The current literacy rate isn't any better than it was 10 years ago. According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (completed most recently in 2003, and before that, in 1992), 14 percent of adult Americans demonstrated a "below basic" literacy level in 2003, and 29 percent exhibited a "basic" reading level.

We probably don't need to spell out the benefits of reading and writing for you. Economic security, access to health care, and the ability to actively participate in civic life all depend on a individual's ability to read.

According to the Department of Justice, "The link between academic failure and delinquency, violence, and crime is welded to reading failure." The stats back up this claim: 85 percent of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate, and over 70 percent of inmates in America's prisons cannot read above a fourth grade level, according to
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

For every one that you know that did what (escape from poverty) you say, there are 5 more that didn't. Not because they didn't try. What do you want them to do? Or what do you want to do to or for them? If anything.

Without a good education along with a desire to succeed and examples of others who have escaped poverty it is very hard for a poor person to imaging themselves successful. And what you can't see yourself doing will not be done.

Sometimes you Republicans have a strange idea of what human nature is like in poor people. Just telling them to go out and be successful is no more successful with them than to tell that to your kid and then not prepare them.
You have to prepare to succeed.

Hard to be successful with out preparing to succeed and have opportunities to succeed in.

Hate to say it, but there are plenty of people who would be perfectly happy to sit on their arses and collect benefits for doing nothing for their entire lives. Yes, when you do, do and do for a person, that person tends to become a lazy and entitled person. True story.
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

For every one that you know that did what (escape from poverty) you say, there are 5 more that didn't. Not because they didn't try. What do you want them to do? Or what do you want to do to or for them? If anything.

Without a good education along with a desire to succeed and examples of others who have escaped poverty it is very hard for a poor person to imaging themselves successful. And what you can't see yourself doing will not be done.

Sometimes you Republicans have a strange idea of what human nature is like in poor people. Just telling them to go out and be successful is no more successful with them than to tell that to your kid and then not prepare them.
You have to prepare to succeed.

Hard to be successful with out preparing to succeed and have opportunities to succeed in.

They have opportunities to succeed, many paths to a good life even without a college education. They just need to hear from people other than you to tell them they are the captain of their own vessel and nobody can give them success but themselves. There are too many people who stopped listening to Leftists and applied themselves to a path to success for your bullshit to be true. They serve as examples to the rest that nobody has to be a "victim" of the Left.

Lets make it easy on you cause I see that the complexity of the problem is to much for you and your buddies to comprehend.

How do you propose to fix the illiterate and the math challenged? Just curious.

According to a study conducted in late April by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy, 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read. That's 14 percent of the population. 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can't read.

The current literacy rate isn't any better than it was 10 years ago. According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (completed most recently in 2003, and before that, in 1992), 14 percent of adult Americans demonstrated a "below basic" literacy level in 2003, and 29 percent exhibited a "basic" reading level.

We probably don't need to spell out the benefits of reading and writing for you. Economic security, access to health care, and the ability to actively participate in civic life all depend on a individual's ability to read.

According to the Department of Justice, "The link between academic failure and delinquency, violence, and crime is welded to reading failure." The stats back up this claim: 85 percent of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate, and over 70 percent of inmates in America's prisons cannot read above a fourth grade level, according to

We need to start doling out money equally to all school systems so that we have good teachers, teaching materials, etc. in all of our schools, even the ones in the most poor communities. That gives every child an equal opportunity to succeed at life.
I know many kids that escaped poverty by that exact path, inspired to escape, they worked hard, took advantage of all the opportunity there is in this country, and blazed their own paths out of poverty.

For every one that you know that did what (escape from poverty) you say, there are 5 more that didn't. Not because they didn't try. What do you want them to do? Or what do you want to do to or for them? If anything.

Without a good education along with a desire to succeed and examples of others who have escaped poverty it is very hard for a poor person to imaging themselves successful. And what you can't see yourself doing will not be done.

Sometimes you Republicans have a strange idea of what human nature is like in poor people. Just telling them to go out and be successful is no more successful with them than to tell that to your kid and then not prepare them.
You have to prepare to succeed.

Hard to be successful with out preparing to succeed and have opportunities to succeed in.

They have opportunities to succeed, many paths to a good life even without a college education. They just need to hear from people other than you to tell them they are the captain of their own vessel and nobody can give them success but themselves. There are too many people who stopped listening to Leftists and applied themselves to a path to success for your bullshit to be true. They serve as examples to the rest that nobody has to be a "victim" of the Left.

One of my favourite little peckerwoods is now a Chief Warrant Officer in the USMC.

Not bad for what folks here would call "trailer trash".

Oh, yes, it is true, blacks live in trailers too.

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