Arctic sea ice melt greater than last year


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May 30, 2008
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During the first half of July, Arctic sea ice extent declined more quickly than in 2008, but not as fast as in 2007. As in recent years, melt onset was earlier than the 1979 to 2000 average. International sea ice researchers expect another low September minimum ice extent, but they do not yet know if it will fall below the 2007 record.

Overview of conditions

On July 21, Arctic sea ice extent was 8.28 million square kilometers (3.20 million square miles). This is 617,000 square kilometers (238,000 square miles) more ice than for the same day in 2007 and 1.36 million square kilometers (523,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average. Ice extent on July 21, 2009 remained 8.06% higher than the same day in 2007, yet was 2.44% below the same day in 2008 and 14.06% below the 1979-2000 average for that day.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
Sadly none of us reading this know enough about Artic sea ice to actually KNOW if this is significant.

During the first half of July, Arctic sea ice extent declined more quickly than in 2008, but not as fast as in 2007. As in recent years, melt onset was earlier than the 1979 to 2000 average. International sea ice researchers expect another low September minimum ice extent, but they do not yet know if it will fall below the 2007 record.

It is significant.

With the Sun at its lowest level of activity in 80 years, the ice should not be melting this fast unless the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 is worse that expected.
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Best start making room for the Polar Bears in your living room now. Sounds like these guys aren't going to have a home pretty soon. That is, if you buy into this horse shit.:lol:
Best start making room for the Polar Bears in your living room now. Sounds like these guys aren't going to have a home pretty soon. That is, if you buy into this horse shit.:lol:

So you're buying into the propaganda too? The polar bears will be the least of our problems if this trend doesn't reverse...

It's not how much melts in the summer but how much reforms in the winter.
Do you think Barry and his Congresscritters will try to get Universal Hip Wader legislation passed by end of year?
So you're buying into the propaganda too? The polar bears will be the least of our problems if this trend doesn't reverse...

It's not how much melts in the summer but how much reforms in the winter.

When the water is up to my back door and ready to flood my house because all the ice in the Artic melted, I will personally look you up and tell you that I was wrong and I should have believed you but guess what? It isn't going to happen. This whole premise is nothing but a bunch of hooey that somebody got you to buy into. You've been had my friend. Want to buy some of that swamp land in Florida too? People like you really crack me up. What a bunch of mopes...:lol:
More global warming lies, were doomed were doomed oh no wait its all natural its happened many times before, damn we won't be able to levy those taxes now and those punitive fines.
During the first half of July, Arctic sea ice extent declined more quickly than in 2008, but not as fast as in 2007. As in recent years, melt onset was earlier than the 1979 to 2000 average. International sea ice researchers expect another low September minimum ice extent, but they do not yet know if it will fall below the 2007 record.

Overview of conditions

On July 21, Arctic sea ice extent was 8.28 million square kilometers (3.20 million square miles). This is 617,000 square kilometers (238,000 square miles) more ice than for the same day in 2007 and 1.36 million square kilometers (523,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average. Ice extent on July 21, 2009 remained 8.06% higher than the same day in 2007, yet was 2.44% below the same day in 2008 and 14.06% below the 1979-2000 average for that day.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

Since the antartic Ice is much bigger than the artic maybe we should discuss that ice cap

Antarctic ice is growing, not melting away | World News |

OH thats right the Antartic ice is GROWING and doesn't fit your pre-determined global warming religion.
Since the Antarctic Ice growth is a figment of the imagination of a bunch of professional liars, we can easily discuss that Ice Cap.

Antarctica's ice melting faster
Thu, 2008-01-24 15:07 — webmaster
Source: The Australian, Leigh Dayton, Science writer, January 15, 2008

New data from the NASA GRACE mission satellite shows that ice melt at the edges of the Antarctic is accelerating, and outpacing the build-up of snow in the interior.

Antarctica's ice melting faster

Below is an excerpt from this press story:

"THE most comprehensive study to date of Antarctica's ice confirms growing concern that the ice cap is melting faster than predicted.

The implications are that the global sea level will rise faster than expected, while a huge influx of freshwater into the salty oceans could alter ocean currents.

Antarctica holds 90 per cent of Earth's ice.

According to the new findings, snowfall is topping up ice in the continent's interior and East Antarctic has held its own. But West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula lost nearly 200 billion tonnes of ice in 2006 alone.

That is 75 per cent more than losses in 1996 and the equivalent of a global sea level rise of more than half a millimetre, claim international scientists led by NASA geoscientist Eric Rignot, also with the University of California, Irvine (UCI).

"Losses are concentrated along narrow channels occupied by outlet glaciers and are caused by ongoing and past glacier acceleration," the team wrote in the online edition of Nature Geoscience.

They based their conclusions on satellite data obtained in 1996, 2000 and 2006.

According to Dr Rignot, the results showed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had underestimated the impact of polar melting in its predictions of possible sea level rises next century.

"Each time I look at some new data, I am astonished," he said.

Until now, it has been unclear whether snowfall in the interior kept pace with coastal melting, in terms of the overall mass of Antarctic ice.

But for Hobart glaciologist Ian Allison - with the Australian Antarctic Division and the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Co-operative Research Centre - the new findings settle the matter.

"This work suggests that the ice flow is accelerating," Dr Allison said.

"It's worrying because ... the changes are happening due to processes we don't understand."

Dr Allison said the findings confirmed previous work, much by Dr Rignot and another UCI scientist Isabella Velicogna.

It also fits with observations that the break-up in 1995 and 2002 of two sections of the Larsen ice shelf, in the West Antarctic ice sheet, was sped up by the melting of glaciers that were behind it."

Antarctica's ice melting faster | lightblueline
Sadly none of us reading this know enough about Artic sea ice to actually KNOW if this is significant.

During the first half of July, Arctic sea ice extent declined more quickly than in 2008, but not as fast as in 2007. As in recent years, melt onset was earlier than the 1979 to 2000 average. International sea ice researchers expect another low September minimum ice extent, but they do not yet know if it will fall below the 2007 record.


Ice reflects over 90% of the light energy, open water absorbs over 90% of the light energy. I fail to see how that ratio cannot be significant. It is a clear positive feedback loop.
So you're buying into the propaganda too? The polar bears will be the least of our problems if this trend doesn't reverse...

It's not how much melts in the summer but how much reforms in the winter.

When the water is up to my back door and ready to flood my house because all the ice in the Artic melted, I will personally look you up and tell you that I was wrong and I should have believed you but guess what? It isn't going to happen. This whole premise is nothing but a bunch of hooey that somebody got you to buy into. You've been had my friend. Want to buy some of that swamp land in Florida too? People like you really crack me up. What a bunch of mopes...:lol:

clueless fuckstick, STFU, you have no clue on my stance, moron...
Sadly none of us reading this know enough about Artic sea ice to actually KNOW if this is significant.

During the first half of July, Arctic sea ice extent declined more quickly than in 2008, but not as fast as in 2007. As in recent years, melt onset was earlier than the 1979 to 2000 average. International sea ice researchers expect another low September minimum ice extent, but they do not yet know if it will fall below the 2007 record.


I know on Deadliest Catch they said the ice pack was farther down this season and it was some of the worst weather they have seen in awhile. maybe that is why there is more melting?
Sadly none of us reading this know enough about Artic sea ice to actually KNOW if this is significant.

During the first half of July, Arctic sea ice extent declined more quickly than in 2008, but not as fast as in 2007. As in recent years, melt onset was earlier than the 1979 to 2000 average. International sea ice researchers expect another low September minimum ice extent, but they do not yet know if it will fall below the 2007 record.


I know on Deadliest Catch they said the ice pack was farther down this season and it was some of the worst weather they have seen in awhile. maybe that is why there is more melting?

its not really a surprise that the arctic ice melts in the summer
since they have several days of constant or nearly constant sunlight
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Not at all, Barney. I was addressing the intelligent on this board. No need for you to pay attention.:lol:

Your story is over a year old and mine has current data in it

Antarctic ice is growing, not melting away | World News |

I still am waiting for someone to compare the growth in antartica with the melting in the artic. You will see once you research the overall melt between antartic and artic ice caps that we are both a little wrong as the overall melt is nuetral.

Enjoy your religion and your idol Al Gore.
Not at all, Barney. I was addressing the intelligent on this board. No need for you to pay attention.:lol:

No you were pandering to a rich person that owns a company which produces a bad product and in order to get it "okayed" for the market they had to force laws into effect and con the braindead followers like you.

Either that or you own stock in GE.

Your story is over a year old and mine has current data in it

Antarctic ice is growing, not melting away | World News |

I still am waiting for someone to compare the growth in antartica with the melting in the artic. You will see once you research the overall melt between antartic and artic ice caps that we are both a little wrong as the overall melt is nuetral.

Enjoy your religion and your idol Al Gore.

Scientists have unveiled evidence to suggest global warming is affecting all of Antarctica, home to the world's mightiest store of ice.

The average temperature across the great southern continent has been rising for the last half century and the finger of blame points at the greenhouse effect, they said.

The research, published today in the British journal Nature, takes a fresh look at one of the great unknowns ¬– and dreads – in climate science.

Coastal risk

Any significant thaw of Antarctica could drown many coastal cities and delta regions. Bigger than Australia, Antarctica holds enough ice to raise global sea levels by 57 metres.

Previous monitoring has already pinpointed the Antarctic Peninsula – the tongue that juts 800 kilometres towards South America – as a "hotspot" where hundreds of glaciers have been in retreat since the start of the decade.

But until now the news has been reassuring regarding Antarctica's two massive icesheets.

Indeed, a common belief is that the icy slabs have even cooled slightly and possibly thickened, partly in response to the chilling seasonal effects of the ozone hole over the South Pole.

Mistaken belief

Not so, the new study says. It calculates that West Antarctica has been warming by 0.17 ºC per decade over the past 50 years. This is even more than the Peninsula, where the average rise is estimated as 0.11 ºC per decade.

There has indeed been some cooling in East Antarctica, but this was mainly in the autumn, and occurred as a result of the ozone hole. There was also a period of strong cooling between 1970 and 2000.

But, overall and when calculated over 50 years, East Antarctica has warmed too – by an average of 0.1 ºC per decade, a figure that the authors describe as "significant".

Global warming hitting Antarctica hard | COSMOS magazine
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