BBC NEWS | Programmes | Hardtalk | Sackur's world
Let the exploitation begin!
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Hardtalk | Sackur's world said:But in recent years the winter ice has been treacherous or non-existent. Fishing boats have been able to put to sea in the months of darkness - leaving Illulisat's huskies tied to their chains, forlorn and useless.
'I used to have 25 dogs', one fisherman told me. 'Now I have nine'. What did you do with the others, I asked. 'The dog catcher came round,' he replied with cold detachment. 'With a gun'
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Hardtalk | Sackur's world said:Oil, gas, a host of industrial and precious metals, even diamonds are believed to be present in commercially significant deposits. And the recent warming has made long-term exploration and mining a less daunting proposition.
Let the exploitation begin!