Anti-Tea Party Member
I keep saying. Archaeologists find evidence almost daily which supports every word of the bible...and have never found a thing to disprove it.
Kinda disheartening for the scoffers.
When we dig through Israel, we find archaeological evidence of Judaism and Christianity. When we dig through the Arab lands, we find evidence of Islam's roots. When we dig through North American lands, we find thousands of years of evidence of Native American life, culture and religion.
Yet, according to the Book of Mormon, the battle fought between the Nephites and Lamanites took place in North America. Upstate New York to be precise. And archaeologists have done dig after dig after dig... combing the entire area that the Book of Mormon believes the battle occurred. And guess what? Zero evidence. Not one coin. Not one arrowhead. Nothing. It was as if the survivors of the war had cleaned up the entire scene... they had somehow vaporized tens of thousands of bodies and everything else to do with the war. Except there were no survivors. Mormonism ceased to exist until Joseph Smith found the Gold Plates which had the entire Book of Mormon transcribed on them.
I conclude since these golden plates were never actually found, not one shred of evidence whatsoever has ever been found relating to the events described in the Book of Mormon, that this entire religion is based upon complete fiction. Joseph Smith was known for his tall tales.
What is equally interesting about this is that there are 13 million people who believe in this false religion worldwide. People who are so gulliable to believe such a fake religion, they are willing to sell their souls to do believe in it.