Diamond Member
'We're in trouble:' U.S. envoy urges faster action on climate goals
The world is "not on a good track" to meet a global goal to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and must intensify efforts to move away from fossil fuels this decade, John Kerry, the U.S. special envoy on climate change, said on Monday. Kerry told the event he is concerned about the...
I admit being a simple person - some would say a simpleTON - but it seems to me that if the Climate doomsayers were serious they would publish a short list of the things that mankind must do in order to avoid the catastrophe that they are warning us about.
Cynically, however, I suspect that the reason they don't publish the Short List is because once it were published (note the cool use of the subjunctive mood), the un-seriousness of it would become apparent.
No, we are not going to give up heating or air conditioning,
No, we are not going to give up agriculture,
No, we are not going to give up human mobility (cars, planes, trains, e-bikes, etc.),
No, we are not going to give up transporting goods and services around the globe,
No, we are not going to give up our IT infrastructure,
No, third world countries are not going to give up COAL - the cheapest and most plentiful road to modernity, and
We are not going to move forward with anything serious until the global Left gets on board with nuclear power.
What else do they have? The wind blows when it feels like blowing. The sun don't shine at night, and hardly at all here in Pittsburgh.
While I am a decrepit 72 years old and don't have to worry about the Long Term in any event, I'd put my faith in ENGINEERING. The kind of engineering that makes much of the Netherlands able to live below sea level, and produces drinking water from the sea, albeit at significant cost, and allows people to live in Phoenix, which is naturally uninhabitable. And so on.
The Great Climate Catastrophe will happen gradually. No one is going to drown due to rising sea levels (although the alarmists keep pointing to that mega-block of ice in Antarctica). "We" will deal with the problems as they come. Nobody is going to let Miami or Manhattan go under water - although90% of the country would give that eventuality a thumbs up.
Where is the list JK? Let us look at it, critique it, and poke holes in it.