Appeals court (surprise surprise surprise) has rejected the Trump immunity motion

Congress started to vote. It was suspended for the riot. Then Congress reconviend later in the evening. They didn't go to a new venue.

Might want to check you facts.
YES, Congress also had protests brought to bear. And this triggers what you mentioned. It would in effect suspend voting until a Senator was involved is how you put it, that I believe anyway. Pence should have suspended voting then. By new Venue I am saying they were removed from the House part of the Capitol and taken to a place beneath the Capitol. I doubt they simply sat there on their asses. i expect they discussed what happened.
That's not the White House and as he's done for 6 years, Super Joe Biden will delight in kicking Trump's ass right into the Super Max.
Biden should not run to be president given he is the actual criminal.
Unless there was an objection..... From your own words.

Were there objections filed with Pence by congress critters?

Succinctly, the Trump minority never had enough votes to sustain any challenge in either chamber. The most powerful man in the free world was demanding his VP go above and beyond his constitutional authority in the largely ceremonial process of counting the states votes, and throw out several states certified votes.
What are you talking about?

You know there is this thing called the Congressional Record maintained for all session of Congress.

It documented the entire proceeding including the adjournment, reconvening, the objections submitted in writing and how they votes turned out, and the final counting procedure.
Funny thing is, there were more combinations of Senators/Representatives that were ready to submit proper challenges to the vote count. But because of the riot most of them chose NOT to submit the objections. So FPOTUS#45 charging up the crowd and pointing them at the capital worked against him in terms of the EC counting process.

Folks, learn from that person. This is actually correct that the Congress does have accurate records of what happened. We need not rely on the media. And keep this in mind, as he says above, the Congress was in the process of challenges. And they and the President constitute the Government, not the media.

Succinctly, the Trump minority never had enough votes to sustain any challenge in either chamber. The most powerful man in the free world was demanding his VP go above and beyond his constitutional authority in the largely ceremonial process of counting the states votes, and throw out several states certified votes.
He wanted from Pence that Pence return to states for a try again. Pence may not have that authority. But he did not tell Trump that at the time.

I have not yet seen the decision. But I predicted it a while ago.

Of course this circuit court would be hell bent on denying the legal claim.

Ultimately, the SCOTUS was always the Court that was going to have to decide this one.

It is (admittedly) not a sure thing in the SCOTUS, either. Not with our hare brained Chief Justice. And the Lord alone knows how Amy will come down.
If the so called supreme court rules differently then the great American experiment is over. We will no longer have a president, we will have a king. The very thing the founders came here to leave behind.
If the so called supreme court rules differently then the great American experiment is over. We will no longer have a president, we will have a king. The very thing the founders came here to leave behind.
Rubbish. Not a speck of truth in your silly post.
If the so called supreme court rules differently then the great American experiment is over. We will no longer have a president, we will have a king. The very thing the founders came here to leave behind.
So you truly Believe Biden will serve until he dies?
John Lauro, one of former President Trump’s defense attorneys in a case involving attempts to overturn the 2020 election, said Trump “asked” former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election results in an “aspirational” way, giving a glimpse into possible defenses by his team.

In an interview that aired Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Lauro argued that Trump was exercising his First Amendment right by asking Pence to throw out Electoral College votes from certain states, seeking to draw a distinction between “asking” and “directing” Pence to take actions on that day.
Sure, let him argue he wasn’t really trying to get Pence to do something. I think there’s ample evidence to suggest otherwise, including especially his rhetoric on January 6th and sending his mob to the capitol, but he’s welcome to try it.

But what this defense also means is that this wasn’t an official act. Trump is the chief executive. If his actions were official and within the presidential authority, he wouldn’t be making aspirational requests. He would be ordering.
What are you talking about?

You know there is this thing called the Congressional Record maintained for all session of Congress.

It documented the entire proceeding including the adjournment, reconvening, the objections submitted in writing and how they votes turned out, and the final counting procedure.
Funny thing is, there were more combinations of Senators/Representatives that were ready to submit proper challenges to the vote count. But because of the riot most of them chose NOT to submit the objections. So FPOTUS#45 charging up the crowd and pointing them at the capital worked against him in terms of the EC counting process.

They weren't real objections, they were delaying tactics. When tRump and his crowds of oompa loompas killed the optics they abandoned them.

Succinctly, the Trump minority never had enough votes to sustain any challenge in either chamber. The most powerful man in the free world was demanding his VP go above and beyond his constitutional authority in the largely ceremonial process of counting the states votes, and throw out several states certified votes.
Here is the problem for all of us.

We are trying to argue using what we read said by the media.

Who here thinks the Media is on Trump's side?
Our media is very similar to Putin's media. They get to argue all day long. And they get to claim they fact check. They fact check each other and all of them with few exceptions say the same things. But they are Trumps sworn enemies.
At the moment, the evidence against Biden is very serious and a lot more powerful than what is had against Trump.

Let's open with extorting Ukraine. And Biden admits he did it.
You've been gaslighted, rube.

There is ZERO evidence of any crimes by Biden. Even the Republicans have been forced to admit it.

These losers are on an actual fishing expedition now.
That's not the White House and as he's done for 6 years, Super Joe Biden will delight in kicking Trump's ass right into the Super Max.

You must live in some weird fantasy world full of pink unicorns and rock candy mountains. :laughing0301:
He wanted from Pence that Pence return to states for a try again. Pence may not have that authority. But he did not tell Trump that at the time.
Well when it gets to court lets see what Pence has to say about what he was asked to do and what he said in response.
Who here thinks the Media is on Trump's side?
Which media?

Fox News?

National Review?

One America News?

The New York Post?

The Hill?

Breitbart News?

The Wall Street Journal?

The Blaze?

The Gateway Pundit?

The Daily Caller?



Judicial Watch?

The Heritage Foundation?

The Washington Times?

CNS News?

The Washington Examiner?

The Washington Free Beacon?

World News Daily?

American Thinker?

The American Spectator?



Sean Hannity?

Tucker Carlson?

Laura Ingraham?

Charlie Kirk?

Glenn Beck?

Ben Shapiro?

The Federalist Radio Hour?

Dan Bongino?

Mark Levin?

Candace Owens?

Matt Walsh?

Michael Savage?

Bill O'Reilly?

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